in #family6 years ago

saffron flower and spice.jpg.
Saffron is a spice derived from the flowers of the Crocus saturis s or "Saffron crocus".
The vivid crimson stigmas and styles called threads are collected by hand fore the sun rises early in the mroning/ It is then dried to be used as food seasoning and colouring agent in food.
It is the world,s most costly spice and sold by weight.
Saffron gatherers Crete.jpg
The cultivation started in the Late Bronze age in Crete. Above is a picture of Ancient saffron gatherers in Crete The plants were selected for unusually long stigmas, and propagated throughout Eurasia, later in North Africa, North America and Oceano.
Today Iran produces almost 90 percent of the world's saffron.
Saffron shop in Iran.jpg

Saffron crocus is an autumn flowering perennial plant, descending from the eastern autumn flowering crocus in the Mediterranean.
Crocus flower.jpg
Saffron taste and rodaform or hay -like fragrance result from the chemicals pictrocin and safranol, it contains a caratenoid pigments crocin which give a rich yellow colour to dishes and textiles.
Saffron crocus is an autumn flowering perennial plant descending from the Eastern Autumn flowering crocus in the Meditirranean
The plant does not produce seed, and reproduction hinges on human assistance. Clusters of Corms are form underground bulb like starch storing organs, that are dug up and divided then replanted, this is done yearly as the the corms only survive only season, and produces cormlets that grow into new plants the next season .
The new plant sprouts 5-11 white and non pthotosynthetic leaves, that cover and protect the crocus's 5-11 true leaves, and the bud.The true leaves are straight thin blade like green foliage (1-3 mm) in diameters either expanding when the flower open or simultaneously when the flowers bloom.
The flowers range from light pastel lilac to darker mauve.
saffron crocus.jpg.
The fragrance is sweet and honey like (as is the taste)It can survive hot and dry summers. as well as cold winters, and can tolerate frost as low as -10 degrees C, but only for short periods of time. Irrigation is required in low rainfall areas.
Plants need full sunlight , as they fair poorly in shade.Must be planted in loose density well watered and well drained clay calciferous soils with high organic content. Hydroponic cultivation has been introduced to produce larger and less labour intensive crops. There are ways that some people cultivate the flowers for personal use at home.
All plants bloom within a window of 1 to 2 weeks, the flower will wilt as they days passes and have to be harvested, the sigmas are harvested quickly upon extraction dried in specially regulated areas (30 degrees and then sealed in containers, and locked away as it is so precious .
The cost results from the fact that only 7 mg of dried saffron can be harvested from one flower (about 1500-2000 flowers will yield 1 kg of dried saffron)

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Prices on the market ranges in America from $500-$5,000 per kilo, making it the most expensive spice in the world.
Ancient Romans and Greeks use saffron as perfume, and in China saffron has been mentioned in cooking.
There is an increase in the use of saffron in dishes, and strict quality control has been introduced to insure purity, no pesticides and the substitute real saffron with cultivated cheaper sources.
It is labour intensive as all harvesting are done manually , constant care and tending is needed, and harvesting to be done in the short time before the flowers wilt...

saffron pickers.jpg


C'est vrai que c'est une épice hyper cher. Chez nous en Dordogne, ils en produisent mais c'est quand même encore très cher.
Bonne soirée

I understand very little but thank you! must polish up on my languages.

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