Family tree the spoiled and the rotten
Chicago i was born here also i will add maybe some of my stories might be too much for some but i felt it may help if i kept a log of the things i undergo so that my kids can at least know me and not be a mystery to them like my father was to me my family they say i burnt my bridge haha what does that even mean i feel i learned the hard way and it is fact that your family truly is the first to screw you my last visits their have been so ridiculous it's odd that my grandma babies these two pions My youngest sister the uppity type thinks she's better then everyone yet has yet to prove it dropping out of college after pursuing simple subject psychology in order to understand crazy you have to be crazy my brother wannabe gang banger hoodlum they try me for no valid reason over trivial things like he fought me over a bike to cover himself knowing he stole it from my nephew a whole year ago i was framed to be the proxy knowing I'm no theif i didn't even fight him back he's tried fighting me about 4 or more times the structure of this family is very weak they cater the weak and abuse and misuse the strong referring to the label of guard dog i really want to cut tides with them and disown them they've done it to me I'm on the street i'd rather my children not know people like them