She Saved His First Pair of Shoes

in #family7 years ago

I wrote this in honor of my husband’s late grandfather, who passed away four years ago. His mother (who passed away just after her 100th birthday, about six months after I wrote this) once told me that she still had his first pair of shoes. I didn’t know him well, but those who did say he was an honorable man. When cleaning out his apartment, my husband found birthday cards for two of my children. I was humbled and blessed by the fact that though he had been in and out of the hospital and nursing home for several months, he took the time to get them cards. He had signed, addressed, and stamped them, but they never made it into the mail because he quickly became ill again.

A young new mother gently tucked the baby into his bed. She stood for a moment over the dresser drawer where he slept. He was a beautiful child, she knew, and her love for him amplified it. She would cherish every moment of his life. She loved him so much…

The tiny baby quickly grew into a rambunctious little boy, full of mischief and adventure. At times his mother wasn’t sure she’d survive this little tornado! By now, she had another baby and was quite busy with the daily demands of her farm. “Will this little guy ever slow down long enough for me to enjoy him?” she wondered. She longed so desperately to be a good mother…and yet he was everywhere all the time, getting into trouble left and right. Sometimes when she tucked him into bed at night, she would kneel beside his bed and pray for guidance. And then she would remember to cherish every moment of his life.

The years passed and the little boy grew into a handsome young man, full of strength and vigor. There were seven children now, and it was his responsibility to help train the younger children how to act. He took this responsibility seriously, and became a tremendous help around the farm. He often spent long hours working in the garden, fields, and barn alongside his father and brothers. His parents knew they were blessed; and, his mother cherished every moment of his life.

The young man matured into a young adult and joined the Army. The integrity, respect, and loyalty his parents had instilled in him served the young man well, and he thrived. He met a beautiful young woman, married, and started his own family. His mother knew he was happy, and though she missed him, she cherished it all.

As the man grew older, he made good decisions and bad ones. He faced sorrows and joys. His children grew up and began their own families, who loved the man and called him, “Grandpa.” They visited him often, just to be in his presence — to hear his stories and glean from his wisdom.

Now Grandpa’s mother was very old. She had remained healthy through the years and had seen his sorrows and joys, his good and bad decisions. She had often prayed for him through the years; for, she loved him very much and cherished every moment of his life.

When Grandpa was 80 years old, he became ill. His mother was 98 years old, but still very healthy. She visited him in the hospital, held his hand, and prayed for his healing. Grandpa fought the illness for an entire year, spending much of that time in the hospital. The man had given all that he had to give, and finally succumbed to death.

Many people, both young and old, came for the man’s funeral. He had been known as a kind and generous person. His mother, frail and elderly, entered the funeral home with a box in her hands. As she slowly made her way down the aisle toward the casket where her beloved son lie, others gazed at the box, curious of its contents. She reached the casket and tenderly placed the box inside. The woman paused for a moment to recall a memory: the time she had laid him in the dresser drawer all the years ago. She remembered his tantalizing early childhood. She recalled the times the he came in from the field with blistered hands and fell asleep in the living room before dinner, labor exhausted. She remembered his wedding and the day he declared, “It’s a boy, Mamma!” It all flashed before her very eyes. It had happened so quickly. And she wept, for she had cherished every moment of his life.

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