After I got married to you, I realized Life is, nothing short of a treat. Because I have, a husband who is so sweet. Even after all these years, he sweeps me of my feet.
To you BABES👫💑Thank you for always believing in me and always making me smile. The same joy that I felt the moment that we got married burns brightly in me to this very day,and I'm looking forward to all the years we still get to spend together.🤗
Thank you BABY NA for making our life together memorable and epic💃🏾🕺🏽,I would marry you again in a heartbeat👰💑. You have been such an excpetional lover to me.
Thank you SHAM NA for inspiring, encouraging, and comforting me,for always finding joy in making me happy😅😂🤣. I love you.
I’m so glad to have you as my husband🕺🏽. You’re an important part of my life. Let's make this year's birthday🎊🍾🎉just as monumental as the ones that came before!
You’re more than a husband to me. And I will tell the whole world what an amazing husband you are and how much you mean to me.
Whenever I'm having a bad day, I know that I can count on your love 😘😍and affection 🤗to cheer me up. You make me feel special every day😊🙃. Today, I want to take the opportunity to make you feel extra special🤡🍾🎊.
You've been working so hard to achieve your dreams👨🏼✈️🚢⚓️. I am so proud of you and so blessed to call you my husband.when we got married I realized that real men don’t wear a shining armor, they become their wives’ shining armor.
Whether it is 24 hours a day, 7days a week, 30 days a month or 12 months a year ,one lifetime will never be enough to drool over a man as kind and caring as you.steemain join me to CELEBRATE soulmate. Happy birthday to my knight.🍾🍸🍽🎂🎊🎉🕺🏽🕺🏽💃🏾💃🏾