Marley & Family are Safe in Finland :) :) :)

in #family7 years ago (edited)

We made a run for the closest unmanned border which was Haparanda the Swedish/Finnish border town.

This was not our plan but after reading the story of those poor parents who had their little boy kidnapped by the evil Swedish CPS as they were trying to leave the country, we decided to make a run for it.

This has messed up all our plans as we were not ready to leave, I still had a week of work left, we did not apply for holiday pay, we will not get to see my brother and his family in Stockholm or my Daughter Elysha and we are way off our original course BUT we have Marley and that's all that matters

It's been very emotional and we are very tired, we will spend a few days in Finland to get our selves together and then start planning which route we take from here.

We would like to say a BIG BIG BIG thank you for all the support from you AMAZING steemians. We really feel the love and it's really helped us get through this, without you all we would have felt very alone.

This is the story of a boy aged 7 being snatched from his parents as they tried to escape Sweden, their only crime was that they had chosen to homeschool their child, he is 14 now and still has not been returned, I do not have facebook but I believe they have a Facebook page you can support, once we have settled down I would like to do whatever I can to help these poor people and I would like to dedicate a lot of time to exposing this horror to the world, this is just one case that is known, there a plenty more that are not and I can't sleep at night knowing that this is going on. TIME TO TAKE ACTION!!!!!!

Peace and love to the World.


I am so deeply elated that you and your whole family made it out of Sweden. I can't imagine what it would have been like if Marley was taken from you. It really saddens me when I hear that the gov't would do something so cruel to the poor child. I can't even comprehend such a mean act to separate a child from the only family he/she has ever known. They say that they do it for the welfare of the child but their act is by far a billion times worse.

I am so sincerely relieved that you all made it out safely and together. I was so worried like the rest of the Steemit group about your ordeal. Please know that you did the right things to keep your family together. I wish you nothing but the best and a safe journey wherever you go. Keep the family together and be strong for the children because they are so vulnerable. Please take care Mark! Very best wishes for peace and happiness for you and your whole family! :D

Thank you @cabbagepatch for such a heartwarming message, we are very thankful to have such support from all you lovely people.

It is outrageous that this type of injustice is happening on a daily basis and I can not imagine what the parents of Domenic must be going through.

Thanks again for your support.


Mark, I am so happy for you and your family. Be safe, be together and be happy. Again, please take care of yourself and your family! :D

Thank God you and all your family members are safely out of Sweden. Please know many people support your wish to be free of such govt tyranny. Best wishes for your future in Finland!

Hey Mark, hope my upvote helps your family.
Much love from equally oppressing Germany.

Thank you @lcshaft
Yes I have heard it's a similar story in Germany and I can't believe it.

@markwhittam Germany is the worst. Parents can go to prison if they decide to homeschool and don't send their child to a regular school. Even a teenager who doesn't attend school could be send to prison.

yes sadly this is true. I talk often about these matters as there is nothing more important than freedom.

yes, I couldn't believe when I heard all this about Germany.I have a German friend who is home schooling her son. The only way she gets away with it is because she's not registered anywhere in Germany and officially living abroad while living with her dad. They live in the country but even then has to lie to people constantly and tell them that she's only visiting. They live in constant fear to get caught so she uses the money she makes working from home to travel from and to Ireland as much as she can, so it's easier to stay under the radar. I couldn't imagine having to live like that, but somehow they seem to manage and the child is happy. Things aren't the same as they used to be here in Ireland either unfortunately. Assessment for homeschooling has gone from the department of education to the department for child protection, which gives it a completely different angle. For now things are still ok, but I feel pressure already and am looking at options out of here if we need to.

What a relief that you were able to bring your family to safety! It's evident that there's a world-wide Steemit community ready to back you as you continue your journey. 😀

Thank you @karencarrens it really does feel like we have an army of steemians cheering us on the whole way and we really do feel so blessed :)

Yes, we are cheering you on... keep us posted. Someday when Marley is old enough to understand, she will be in awe of her parents for fighting for her.

I'm so glad to see that you made it out in time. I know it sucks when plans change sometimes, especially if you miss out on seeing loved ones because of it. But as you said: you have Marley and that's what makes it all worth it. I've been thinking about you guys a lot since I read about your plans, so I was very happy to see this. It hasn't even been that long since I read the post in which you told us about your plans, but in this short time, things here have developed that made me think about our future here in Ireland and if we have one or even want one. Don't get me wrong, I love Ireland and it would break my heart to leave (forever) but I am starting to feel backed up against a wall and I am rethinking our options. I will possibly write about it soon, but right now I feel so drained, I can't even think straight. So I can understand that you are very tired right now. It's not something you just do every day. It's great to see that you have so many people behind you. This platform is a blessing. I wish you all the best on your journey, I know it will be great! Love & Peace

Thank you @misslasvegas it's so nice to have you and many other lovely steemians wishing us well and saying that they have been thinking about us.

I hope you never have to leave the land you love so dearly, it was hard for us but we are travelers anyway so moving is what we do, I can't imagine if we had a house and suddenly had to escape what it would feel like.

I think writing here on steemit about the whole fiasco has helped us a lot and we feel very lucky to have had so much support.

Thanks for the interaction

What a fantastic news. I think many of us were not sleeping well with your story. Well done! It is clear you have the whole amazing Steemit community behind you, let us know if we can help in further developments. Take care, i can go to sleep now :-)

Thank you @bubke
We definitely feel that we have the admiration, respect and support from this wonderful community called steemit :)
Thanks for your support and I am glad that none of us have to worry anymore.


Why not just send them to school? The choice is already made but really in seeing this its better to let them do their time in the child pen.

If the European Union reached it's logical conclusion of being a new United States of Europe, then people could not escape one bad system to go to another (probably bad) system. This is why Brexit was such a good thing. Anytime people have a choice to have their country escape the clutches of some super-state they should vote for that choice.

Haha child pen! That's exactly what it is which is why we want our children to be free, homeschooled/unschooled children are in most cases much more in tune with themselves and the planet.
I am a Britt so one of our options is to register us there, but the uk is the biggest floating prison on this planet which is why I left in the first place.
I do hope that now Brittain has left the EU that that things can go back to how they used to be.
Thanks for the interaction @leprechaun

REALLY GLAD TO HEAR THIS! I was getting concerned for you all.. well done for taking whatever action you felt was necessary.. it sounds like it was a really hard call.. but u made it..

I hope you find your path full of magic, miracles, wonder, and bliss!

This video absolutely melts my heart!!!!! So happy that you are all chasing freedom together!
And what an atrocity that they've done to that family! Wow!

Yayyyyyy @acrobutterfly is back, we missed you :) Thank u for the lovely compliment :)

Yes it is unbelievable what they have done to this and many other families who choose to teach their own children. :(


Awe I miss missed you too! Yes i was just so busy with the real world, but I'm excited to keep building community here :)

Wow that is amazing. The courage you have! But when it comes to our kids we can and will do anything and everything for them. Good luck with the rest of your journey and keep us updated!!

Thank you @aidanblue we feel very lucky to have all your support.


what a crazy whole world..

Yes @rebeccabe it really does seem that way, I wonder how it will be in 10yrs from now, freedom will be wiped of the face of the plane at this rate.

no it won't. I still believe in humanity. More and more are waking up. More people are affected in some way by the games the governments and people in power play. It may be hard, but that's life. These practices have to stop.

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