two simple things for kids about cleanliness | dua hal simple yang bisa diajarkan tentang kebersihan kepada anak-anak

in #family6 years ago (edited)

One  of the themes that fathers should teach is about cleanliness to children, this is as important as teaching them about moral etiquette. Hygiene or cleanliness needs to be taught early because cleanliness has a major effect on their future behavior. Teaching  cleanliness to children can be considered difficult things to do, before  teaching them should start from us first, show your example in front of  them let them see you. 

therefore  let us start from the personal father in the family as an example and to  get used to always live cleanly by not littering loot for the example,  especially to our children. It would be easier to  teach cleanliness to our children as they were little because the  lessons would stick strong in their minds rather than be taught as they  grew up. For that, begin to teach cleanliness to them with 2 simple things as follows: 

 1. Take out the garbage in its place

Not  only at home,  while in a  public place always have to throw garbage in a place that has been  provided, if you find no available trash can keep it temporarily until  it finds a trash can. Fathers should teach children to do the same thing they educate to be responsible, explain that cleanliness is good and fun. my child is always taught to throw away the milk box after he drinks,  it starts to be given the notion of "empty box" to "trash" 

 2. Create a special box for toys

Invite  your children to always return the toys to the space provided after  they finish playing, make unused boxes or tins where toys are before and  after they are played. Teach your child tidiness because neatness is also part of cleanliness. 

 Almost  all objects will be considered toys by children, but do not be bored to  help and remind your child to always tidy up and throw the garbage in  place because that is tersimple thing, I just teach these two simple  things to my child, because their age is still under 3 years, this is the things that your child can do. But  do not forget, father should always give an example in terms of  cleanliness eg sweep, mop, wash hands before eating, and washing dishes  after eating. Although your child can not yet do it but he will be inspired and will be a good habit. 

Indonesia Section

 Salah satu tema yang harus diajarkan ayah adalah tentang kebersihan kepada putra dan putri , ini sama pentingnya dengan mengajarkan tentang tata krama kepada mereka. Kebersihan perlu diajarkan sejak dini karena kebersihan berpengaruh besar terhadap tingkah laku mereka di masa depan.  Mengajarkan kebersihan kepada anak –anak bisa dibilang susah-susah gampang, sebelum mengajarkannya kepada mereka sebaiknya dimulai dari diri kita terlebih dahulu, tunjukkan teladan Anda di hadapan mereka biarkan mereka melihat Anda. 

Oleh karena itu marilah kita memulai dari pribadi ayah di dalam keluarga sebagai contoh dan  untuk membiasakan diri selalu hidup bersih dengan tidak membuang sampah sembarangan misalnyya, khususnya kepada anak-anak kita. Akan lebih mudah mengajarkan kebersihan kepada anak-anak kita selagi mereka masih kecil karena pelajaran tersebut akan melekat kuat dalam benak mereka daripada diajarkan ketika mereka telah beranjak dewasa. Untuk itu, mulailah mengajarkan kebersihan kepada mereka dengan 2 hal simple sebagai berikut: 

1. Membuang sampah pada tempatnya

 Tidak hanya di rumah, ketika berada di tempat umum selalu harus membuang sampah di tempat yang telah disediakan, jika Anda dapati tidak ada tempat sampah yang tersedia usahakan untuk menyimpannya sementara waktu hingga menemukan tempat sampah. Ayah harus mengajarkan anak-anak untuk melakukan hal yang sama didik mereka untuk bertanggung jawab, jelaskan bahwa kebersihan itu baik dan menyenangkan. Kalau anak saya selalu diajarkan membuang kotak susu sehabis ia minum, mulai diberikan pengertian dari “kotak kosong” sampai ke “tempat sampah” 

2. Buat tempat khusus untuk mainan

Mintalah anak-anak anda untuk selalu mengembalikan mainan pada tempat yang telah disediakan setelah mereka selesai bermain, buatlah kotak atau kaleng bekas tidak terpakai tempat mainan berada sebelum dan sesudah dimainkan. Ajarkan anak anda kerapihan karena kerapihan juga bagian dari kebersihan.  

Hampir seluruh benda akan dianggap mainan oleh anak-anak, tapi janganlah bosan untuk membantu dan mengingatkan anak anda untuk selalu merapikan dan membuang sampah pada tempatnya karena itulah hal tersimple, saya baru mengajarkan 2 hal simple ini karena dengan umur masih dibawah 3 tahun, inilah hal yang bisa dilakukan anak anda. Tapi jangan lupa, ayah harus selalu memberi contoh dalam hal kebersihan misalkan menyapu, mengepel, mencuci tangan sebelum makan, dan mencuci piring sehabis makan. Walau anak anda belum bisa melakukanya tapi ia akan terinspirasi dan akan menjadi kebiasaan yang baik. 



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The main idea in this article about how to create a clean next generation is for adults of this generation to start living clean. And it is easy to understand: chlidren learn from your acts, rather than your words.

And that's the main problem I have been seeing in Aceh especially where I live, that there is sadden truth of lack of model from adults, wether at home or school. Yes, I know that living clean is now in the curriculum for primary school but I keep seeing that schools failed to bring it to practice in life.

piket kelas bersihin meja dan papan tulis udah gak ada lagi ya?

Some Idea

I dont know about that. But I personally think that to provide a clean and pleasing school environment is not students' responsibility, it's school's. Student's responsibility related to this issue is to not littering nor to perform vandalism. Schools are responsible to building a system in which students aware about the importance of clean living and respect it as part of nature friendly attitude. It's not enough to just put a big poster in Arabic that tells "cleanliness is next to godliness", because living clean should not just be an idea in a poster.

And so at home, about this, I totally agree with the article. But to note: once a kid goes to school, they are no longer the same. They start to process much more informations from experience. They start spending more of their precious time outside of parents' range. This shows the importance of a good foundation, I think.

And yes, both schools and home are important.

Note: this is just an idea and opinion, since I am not an expert in education field nor in family (raising kid) issue.

mantap artikel nya.

hehehe.. terima kasih bu

Dalam konsep pendidikan, ini disebut "pendidikan keluarga".
Coba bayangkan jika seluruh ayah di Indonesia memiliki pola seperti yang Abang tulis, pasti maju Indonesia ini Bg. Dahsyat

pernah baca tentang "Indonesia, negeri tanpa ayah?"

Maksudku,pantas kita sama2 gak paham.

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