Batman's Parenting style in raising his children (bilingual) | Gaya Batman mengasuh anak-anaknya

in #family6 years ago (edited)

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Batman's real name is Bruce Wayne, an orphan millionaire who has a serious personality in combating crime. Though  not being Batman, he runs several businesses such as construction,  shipping, food industry, and many other businesses. Although never told to get married in comics, Batman has a foundation that houses orphans in the city of gotham. 

 When Bruce Wayne was working as Batman, he often said that he likes to work alone. but in fact he assisted with "Robin", a lively and agile teenager who is a martial arts expert and tactics minded. Robin is a character who in Batman mentor directly in eradicating crime. such  as the Batman initiative to form the Justice League, Robin was formed  in order to give gifted less fortunate orphaned children into a great man in fight the crime, Batman realized his  duty must be continue. 

 Batman is not like other superheroes, he is just a human. training  and powered by his wealth made him the most powerful superhero I think,  not only as an individual, but as a father too. own there are 4 Robin who ever worked with Batman.  in the comic itself there are 4 Robin who once worked with Batman. 

1. Dick Grayson (Robin 1 / Nightwing)
Dick is an orphan who has a circus background, his father was also murdered by a criminal who made Bruce sympathize with him. This first Robin is known to be more agile and shrewd in his martial arts, even beyond his father Batman. so adolescent, Dick is not want to follow or always rely on his father. he becomes nightwing and focuses on the location of Bludhaven and leaves Gotham. his attempt to outstrip Batman is due to Batman's own discipline, because every disciple must be able to exceed his teacher.

2. Jason Todd (Robin 2 / Red Hood)
Actually Jason just briefly became robin, he was killed by the Joker but reappeared as Red Hood. Jason was initially angry at his father for being seen leaving him. his bad rage he also applied to the criminals who often disagree with ethical morals brought Batman.
Jason here looks like Batman's only failure, but I do not think so. in fact he still eradicate crime and not turn into a criminal. rebellion might be described as juvenile delinquency of the present era?

3. Tim Drake (Robin 3 / Red Robin)
The team is the most intelligent and tactical child among the others. besides the fighting expert he inherited his father's detective nature. he also looks the most mature of his way of thinking and his leadership in the Teen Titans and Young Justice groups. I see the peak of Robin's character is on the figure of Tim Drake. 

 4. Damian Wayne (Robin 4 / Next Batman ??)
Damian  is the son of Bruce's relationship with Talia, the daughter of his  teacher Ras A ghul.Damian is the most talented Robin ever but damian is  still recounted for self-identity, although he grew up in a killer  asassin environment but he chose to follow his father and become Robin and uphold morals ethics like a Batman. the problem is he still uses excessive violence in the face of criminals. he was often at odds with his father. but many say that he will be his father's successor. indeed, we must still provide the opportunity for Damian who is the youngest Robin.

from  various sources ie films and comics, I myself see there are  similarities that applied Batman to Robin in terms of "Parenting" 

 1. Give assignment and trust, but Batman is a father who apply Reward and Punishment
2. although Robin is trained to be like Batman, but Batman molds them into themselves or "be your self".
3. Batman has no superpower, so he shows his children to give their best to the highest limit.

even so batman as dad is far from good. such a life will not exist in reality. so how do you think?
1. Who is the Best Robin?
2. who is most suitable to be next Batman?
3. what is the shortage of Batman as father? 

Courtesy : DC Comics

Indonesia Section

Batman bernama asli Bruce Wayne, seorang miliarder yatim piatu yang mempunyai kepribadian serius dalam membasmi kejahatan. saat sedang tidak menjadi Batman, ia menjalankan beberapa bisnis seperti kontruksi, shipping, industri makanan dan banyak bisnis lainya. walau belum pernah diceritakan menikah dalam komik, batman punya yayasan yang menampung anak-anak yatim piatu di kota gotham.

Ketika Bruce Wayne sedang bekerja sebagai Batman, ia seringkali mengatakan bahwa suka bekerja sendirian. namun nyatanya ia dibantu Robin, sosok remaja yang lincah dan tangkas ahli beladiri dan taktik. Robin adalah tokoh yang di mentori Batman secara langsung dalam membasmi kejahatan. seperti inisiatif Batman membentuk Justice League, Robin dibentuk dalam rangka menyalurkan anak yatim yang kurang begitu beruntung dan punya masa lalu kelam namun berbakat menjadi manusia yang hebat dalam membasmi kejatahatan, Batman sadar tugasnya harus ada yang meneruskan.

Batman tidak seperti superhero lainya, ia hanya manusia biasa. latihan dan didukung kekayaanya mampu membuat ia menjadi superhero yang paling hebat menurut saya, tidak hanya sebagai individu, namun sebagai ayah dalam menididik anak-anaknya (Robin). dikomik sendiri ada 4 Robin yang pernah bekerja bersama Batman.

1. Dick Grayson (Robin 1 / Nightwing)

Dick adalah anak yatim piatu yang punya latar belakang sirkus, ayahnya juga dibunuh oleh pelaku kriminal yang membuat Bruce simpati kepadanya. Robin pertama ini dikenal lebih lincah dan lihai dalam beladiri, bahkan melebihi ayahnya Batman. begitu remaja, Dick tidak mau lagi mengikuti atau selalu bergantung pada ayahnya. ia menjadi nightwing dan fokus pada lokasi Bludhaven dan meninggalkan Gotham. usaha ia untuk melebihi Batman adalah karena didikan Batman sendiri, karena setiap murid harus bisa melebihi gurunya

2. Jason Todd ( Robin 2 / Red Hood)

Sebenarnya Jason cuma sebentar menjadi robin, ia terbunuh oleh Joker namun muncul kembali sebagai Red Hood. Jason awalnya marah kepada ayahnya karena terlihat meninggalkanya. peringainya yang buruk juga dia terapkan pada para penjahat yang sering berselisih dengan moral etik yang dibawa Batman.

Jason disini terlihat seperti satu-satunya kegagalan Batman, namun tidak menurutku. nyatanya ia tetap membasmi kejahatan dan bukan berubah menjadi penjahat. pemberontakanya mungkin bisa digambarkan  seperti kenakalan remaja era masa kini?

3. Tim Drake (Robin 3 / Red Robin)

Tim adalah anak yang paling pintar dan taktis diantara yang lainya. selain ahli bertarung ia mewarisi sifat detektif ayahnya. ia pun terlihat paling dewasa dari cara berfikirnya dan kepemimpinanya di kelompok Teen Titan dan Young Justice. saya melihat puncak karakter Robin ada pada sosok Tim Drake.

4. Damian Wayne ( Robin 4 / Next Batman ??)

Damian adalah anak kandung bruce hasil hubungan dengan Talia, anak dari Gurunya Ras A ghul.Damian adalah Robin paling berbakat yang pernah ada namun damian masih diceritakan mencari jatidiri, walaupun ia dibesarkan dalam lingkungan asasin pembunuh namun ia memilih ikut ayahnya dan menjadi Robin serta menjunjung moral etika ala batman. masalahnya ia masih menggunakan kekerasan berlebihan dalam menghadapi penjahat. ia pun sering berselisih pendapat dengan ayahnya. namun banyak yang bilang bahwa ia akan menjadi penerus ayahnya. memang, kita harus masih memberikan kesempatan untuk Damian yang paling muda dan masih kecil. 

dari berbagai sumber yaitu film dan komik, saya sendiri melihat ada kesamaan yang diterapkan Batman kepada Robin dalam hal "mengasuh" 

1. berikan tugas dan percayakan, namun Batman adalah seorang ayah yang menerapkan Reward dan Punishment

2. walau Robin dilatih menjadi seperti Batman, tapi Batman membentuk mereka menjadi diri sendiri. 

3. Batman tidak punya kekuatan super, jadi ia menunjukan kepada anak-anaknya untuk memberikan yang terbaik sampai limit tertinggi.

walaupun begitu batman sebagai ayah adalah jauh dari baik. kehidupan seperti itu tidak akan ada di kenyataan. jadi bagaimana menurut anda?

1. siapa Robin Terbaik?

2. siapa yang paling cocok menjadi next Batman?

3. apa kekurangan Batman sebagai ayah?





Coba kisah adit sopo jarwo kaya'y seru brad... Supaya sedikit mendunia hehee

aduh gw bengong nonton sopo jarwo, ketawa kaga, sedih kagak ahahaha.. tp boleh jg tuh :))

Di coba dulu, insya alloh berkah 😀😀😀

Soon to be married in July with Catwoman!

Hahaha. Catwoman is not suitable for being a wife ahahha

Oh Batman was married more then once in a lot of different comics 😂

You also forgot the two female Robin Stephanie Brown and Carrie Kelly.

Tim Drake is the Batman in the Future Beyond.
Also Dick Grayson was Batman. Nightwing becomes Batman a few Times. When Batman was gone. Also
Jean Paul Valley (Azrael) was Batman in the end of Knightfall saga. When Bane broke Bruce Wayne back.

i know that, but that's canon story.

earth one is more real and base to take the sample.. hehehe..

btw, thanks for stoping by bro

Hi @manfaluthi,
Thanks a lot for taking part in my little contest. I read and upvoted your post.

I loved the initial series of Batman of the 1960's as a child. Nice post!

Best regards,

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