It's a girl!

in #family7 years ago

babyfeet.jpegI honestly had no pre-gender-reveal-party preference. When my wife and I cut into the cake and saw the color of the red berries instead of the blueberries (thanks to whole foods) I didn’t know what to think. My wife of course was overjoyed, she’s always wanted a little girl, but what did this make me think?
Well I’m sure you’ve heard the age old adage of a man having a daughter is God’s way of karma for all of the misdeeds he has committed against females in his life prior to him settling down. Ultimately it would be wrong to think such a thing, because that would infer that my daughter is a form of punishment, which is the farthest thing from the truth.
Yes, I have already allowed myself to think about the trouble ahead with teenage years and my fear of her having her heart broken, as well as learning that not all humans have her best interest at heart, but these are fears that any parent may have.
My wife told me that she’s happy she has a girl because that means that she’s less likely to “do harm” to others, which may be statistically true, but I can attest that females have their own ability to do their version of “harm” even if it doesn’t involve some kind of physical harm.
Ultimately whether a new child is a boy or a girl, there is no difference in the amount of care and love that must be given to them. The responsibility is still the same to parents. We are here to guide, educate, and ultimately release our children into the world to hopefully become productive adults who can contribute to society, and God willing, go on to reproduce themselves so that they may experience the same level of joy and fulfillment that we have felt.

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