Preserving this moment just for me.
Today's post is for me. I am going to write it quickly and enjoy every second of it. Although I do hope that some people will actually read it and get something out of it, even if no one every sees this, I will be satisfied.
The title sucks.
The pictures will be less meaningful.
And I don't care.

A few months ago I wrote about the power of this platform to encourage people to journal about themselves and important events. In addition, because it is on the blockchain, these journals will be preserved forever. Which is nice because I never want to forget how I felt earlier this week.
For the past four years, my daughter MJ has been performing in our local park distrct's theater program. The group puts on very high quality "junior" versions of musicals like Beauty and the Beast, Shrek, and Grease. Because my daughter is so shy in public, we were shocked she wanted to try this. We were even more shocked when she loved it.
She has always been a kid who does not want the spotlight. She just enjoys being part of the cast. She learns every song and every character's lines (although she never gets any of her own). She is always a member of the ensemble. This means her characters never have names. She plays trees, fish and bakers. And she LOVES it! It is low pressure and high fun. Perfect!

Not my daughter's company. But it is close.
But now that she has several plays under her belt, she is ready to take the next step and actually speak in a play. Apparently, the directors of the shows recognize this growth as well.
Last week, she tried out for the play.
This week she was informed she had made the cast once again (it is actually quite popular so half the kids do not make it).
She found out while at school. When she returned home, she rushed through the door and yelled, "I got a part and my character has a name!!!!"
She was beaming.
So was I.
But that is not where this story ends. Although this news and her reaction made my week, my son's reaction made my year.
My son Timmy is 13. He is a great kid and is especially wonderful to his younger cousins. He is very kind and caring with all of them. He is the kind of kid you want at a family party. He will entertain the little ones and make sure they are safe and having fun. He has a real talent for making younger kids happy... except for his little sister.
Timmy and MJ often argue. It is what siblings do. There is rivalry for the spotlight in the home. Sometimes one wants to tear the other down in order to have that spotlight to themselves. Although it is not as bad as it was with my sister when I was younger, it still isn't great.

Actual photo of my sister and me fighting when we were kids...kidding but it was close.
I was sitting by my computer when Timmy came home that day. His sister gave him the great news. I braced myself for Timmy to say something like, "Oh you only have a couple of lines." Or "Big deal. You aren't the lead." Or even "Who cares?"
I stood up and began to make my way to the living room so I could intervene if MJ decided to kill him. I stayed out of eyeshot but not out of earshot.
Then Timmy said, "That is awesome! You got a name! That is so cool! Will you get a line? I remember in that one play you got to yell 'Kippered Smelt'. Who are you playing?"
He genuinely cared.
He built up his little sister.
It was freaking awesome!
I know we have some very "interesting" teenage years coming up. That is why it is essential that I write this down and never forget how happy I was in that moment.
It really is a wonderful post, especially because you know your children well and, that is the fruit of dedicated time! Make it a show every cast of the girl and continue to overcome shyness. Be happy!
Thank you! I really think it will be very good for her.
Its important to think about ownself beside thinking about others :) Some great proverb said "Know thyself" . So it is nice to express yourself to another :)
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That is so awesome!!! We have had some of those moments here with our 6 kids. They can be so mean and harsh with each other and then some days you witness them being the most caring, understanding and empathetic people ever. I sometimes feel like they love each other more than they can explain and way more than they are ever willing to admit. What a great memory to preserve!!!
Six man! I still can't believe it. You are so out numbered, I don't know how you survive!
brace yourself for the teenage years :P
What's their age difference?
Oh yeah I know doom is coming.
They are a little over 2 years apart.
as they grow up they gonna bond more and more. With this age difference you will see in no time one asking advises from the other and they can even hangout and go out with common friends!
So many times I challenge and demonstrate been the older of my older sister but I do love her and always want the best for her. These competitions do happen and it's never personal as it may seem.
Posted using Partiko Android
Great points!
Hi hans we have Our Son trying out for the christmas musical .... Our shy CJ 8 years old never in the limelight TRYING OUT FOR A MUSICAL. Like you with MJ its a jaw dropping moment off PROUDNESS
It is so cool to see them try to get out of their comfort zone!
YES it really is. But after asking if this is a New carrière move he told me straight faced MUM NO WAY I AM STILL GOING TO BE A PROFFESSIONAL GAMER. Ok noted dear, but gosh I am proud you are trying musical to ... love tis 8 your old age in time. Confident but still little 😉
Have a great Sunday
Love from Holland
Children have a specail way of surprizing us Adults. That is an amazing story. Thank you for sharing it.
That would make me so proud and happy too! My children are still in the tear each other down phase although they are inseperable.
Great point. Sometimes when they are arguing I am like 'Why are you in the same room? Just separate." But they are indeed inseparable...
Aaaah how cute is that - siblings are actually amazing - they may break down one another but nobody else may dare so it. O and yes, brace yourself, teenage years can be weird, wonderful and murderous all in one
I don't think I can possible brace myself enough!
My mom use to say "Just before you commit a murder, your child goes into a new phase.." Always thought thats a bit harsh - until I had my own - it is so true but one or other way you get through it and now if I look back I think "I made it" , do not always know how, but in the end they turn out stunning young human beings.
Writing down these special events is such a clever idea - otherwise they do get lost and forgotten. It was a fun post to read.