| No More |
Finally had enough
Going on 132 days with out seeing my child even though I have court ordered visitation biweekly at the LEAST...
This man who has been able to raise my child for the last 3.5 years was accused of "Strangulation and Suffocation" & "Battery" in 2016 on his ex girlfriend while she was pregnant.
My child's mother has ignored all attempts at co-parenting and shes now expecting twins in February(kids # 5 & 6 (5bio/1step) for the husband) this should give quite the understanding of the judgment of the mother...
As a father who actually cares about his children it's kind of pathetic seeing a real deadbeat disregard his own children and brag about attempting to raise the child his wife is alienating from the biological father/other half child's family.
This gets disregarded because the mother has taken advantage of legal aid as well to lie for her. Things like this are allowed because they profit when the manipulating parents get parents like me who will forever fight to pour our nonstop time and money into an extortion ring that is The Family Court system until you fall behind and get jailed..
I'm done being quiet and doing this the "right" way.. My child deserves me and the rest of her family.
-Please share-
-thank you-
#EndParentalAlienation #ParentalAlienationIsChildAbuse #ParentalAlienation #FamilyCourtExtortion #RealDeadbeatparents