Our Jack

My grandson Jack is now 4 months new and is the joy of our family. I have been blessed with three children and now 3 grandchildren. I have two granddaughters by my eldest daughter and they are 19 years old and 22 years old. Now along comes Jack (named with honor after my decreased Father) from my youngest daughter. So when I decided to write a poem about wee Jack I thought it only right to get a thought or a line from each member of our family (except his Mum & Dad) as it was going to be a Family Day gift. So each family member sent their thoughts and I composed this truly family effort poem about OUR BABY JACK. Hope you enjoy.
As a family we will spend time together
Laughing and learning
Our baby boy we want to guard and protect you
All through your life
Your shine is so bright like purpose and meaning
And we will always be there
You are a priceless gift of unconditional trust and belief
In everything and everyone
So pure and innocent
And as a family we bond and grow
Teaching you the joys and complexities of life
When you are held it's like you melt right into our heart
Your smile so willing given
You extend your little hand knowing that you
are adored and are our precious treasure
So new yet already so knowing
You hear a familiar voice and you smile so true
When being feed you reach out for your Mama to show
gratitude and security
Your Dad holds you strong and you feel a magical circle of
protection and strength
You can feel the radiance of love wash over you as soon
as you enter your home
We never thought such a small bundle could bring so much
happiness and fulfillment to our family
Your life will be a prism of light filled with
compassion, music, dreams and wonder and awe
A world so beautiful filled with love and acceptance because we are family
Written January 31.

Donna your words lovley, very sweet poem about your grandson Jack very touching thank you :)
Your more then welcome. Glad you liked it.
Thanks for your response @harj it means alot.