in #family6 years ago
Until when the injustice of the power of governments to withdraw their children from parents, without just cause, only by ideology and does not care about the future of that family will continue.

This case in Andalusia, is a recent case (January-2018), where we continue to pay the injustice of governments, this family only for the fact of raising their child with attachment, outside the laws that marks this society, " he withdrew his son only because he was not vaccinated and was fed with breast milk, what atrocities this infamous government commits, since it violates the rights of the parents.


(Najat and Javier, names different from the real ones)

Two parents from Cadiz have temporarily lost custody of their son one year after being accused by the Junta de Andalucía de Desamparo. The measure, which took place a month ago, was carried out after the child was diagnosed with anemia and malnutrition, which had never been vaccinated or controlled by any pediatrician.

The parents took their son to a regional hospital in Cádiz due to febrile symptoms. However, according to this media, the medical report stated that the child had "malnutrition", little muscle mass "and" dehydration in grade III ", while only feeding on breast milk. From the Council of Equality and Social Policies of the Board, they assure that it is "a case of very serious negligence" related to child care.

The Junta de Andalucía bases its decision on the fact that the one-year-old child was "malnourished and in a situation of helplessness". The couple, from Tarifa, says that the decision "is purely ideological" and that they raised him "by attachment" -a technique that implies permanent physical contact with the mother.

Parents can not raise their child for more than a month. The day that the baby turned his first year, on January 3, the Junta de Andalucía had already withdrawn the custody temporarily. The Ministry of Equality and Social Policy accuses them of helplessness after doctors at a public hospital in Cádiz diagnosed that the child suffered from anemia and was malnourished. His parents kept him out of all control pediatric and had never vaccinated.

The regional government assures that it is "a case of very serious negligence", linked to the child's food and health care. On the other hand, the parents of the baby assure, in conversation with EL ESPAÑOL, that the decision of the Executive of the socialist Susana Díaz is based "on pure ideology", because they have opted for "upbringing with attachment, outside the laws that marks this society ".

The couple took their son Jonah on November 15, 2017 to a county public hospital after the baby had a peak fever of 38.8 degrees.

According to the report written by the Board of Social Affairs of the Board, which has had access to this newspaper, the baby had "pale skin," was "malnourished," had "low muscle mass" and had "dehydration in grade III."

After the first medical evaluation, the doctors decided to move the baby urgently to the Puerta del Mar hospital in the capital of Cadiz. There, the child spent a week in the ICU due to malnutrition and dehydration. It was found that the delivery of the baby occurred at home, that the newborn had not received any of the mandatory vaccines and that his parents had not taken him to the "pediatrician".

In the report drawn up afterwards by the Board, it is stated that the baby was exclusively fed on breast milk and that during the hospital stay the route was dropped because the mother "has it permanently in her arms".

It is also explained that the mother, when the child was admitted, at all times wanted to have him in contact with his chest "even if he did not breastfeed", which caused the child to vomit. The son of Najat and Javier went on to the plant on November 23, 2017 with a picture of "megaloblastic anemia" and "suspicion of encephalopathy due to prenatal and postnatal vitamin B12 deprivation, and severe malnutrition."

On November 30, the Board accused them of abandonment and temporarily withdrew their custody of the child. Now the baby is with a brother of Javier and his partner. His parents can only see him for an hour twice a week.


Najat, born in Córdoba, is a professor and journalist. She asked for a leave of absence in her job to raise her baby. Javier, fisherman and waiter, is from Tarifa. The couple lives in a house owned by him in the town of Cadiz.

Najat says that the Junta de Andalucia lies when he says that his son had never been under the control of a pediatrician. He says that his father - the child's grandfather - is a doctor, who was the one who noticed that his grandson could be anemic when he saw "his yellowish ears" and that two weeks before going to the hospital he was taken to the private practice of a pediatrician.

The mother of Jonah says that, contrary to what the government of Susana Díaz maintains, the child not only fed on breast milk. "It's false," says Najat, "although it's true that milk has been the main food, my son has tried others."

The family lawyer, in the report of allegations presented, says: "The upbringing develops normally. Around 5 or 6 months of age, the following foods are gradually introduced into the child's diet: banana, pumpkin purée, potato, sweet potato, carrot, various fruits, cereals and bread. The parents decide not to vaccinate. "

But Najat points out the words of his lawyer. She says that she and her partner, after informing themselves "conscientiously," opted not to vaccinate the baby during the first two years, "until they were well trained", and that they would then evaluate whether they did it or not.

He also denies that they are strict vegetarians and that this is the reason for the baby's malnutrition. "Sometimes we eat fish and even ham. But that has nothing to do. The point is that we went to the doctor with our baby and we came back without him for a purely ideological reason, "Najat emphasizes. "We never imagined that we could reach this extreme.


Jonah's parents explain that they have opted for an "upbringing with attachment". It is based on the permanent physical contact of the baby with the parents, on the suckling of the child on demand, in opposition to the nursery school - up to three years old - or on his transfer without the use of cars, "skin on skin".

"Probably, the Junta de Andalucía does not even know what parenting is with attachment," says Najat. "My son did not get sick because of the nutrition we give him or the way we raise him. Sick and point. They have taken it away from us with arguments that do not hold up ", adds the baby's mother.

However, the Junta de Andalucía maintains that the decision to withdraw custody on a precautionary basis is based on the report presented by the health personnel of the Puerta del Mar Hospital in Cádiz. The Executive of Diaz explains that it is a case of very serious negligence that has placed the child "in a situation of extreme danger".



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