The Saga of B; Part II

in #family6 years ago

Where was I...


Oh right. I was going to take my children to the pool at our homeless shelter. It's a terrible picture but honestly, framing pics is not a priority at the moment. Sue me.

Back to February/March

Ok, so I showed you how we got infested; they sprayed the units directly adjacent to us (#'s 3 and 5) without notifying us, so the bugs came to feast upon yours truly. Once we complained they sent us the ShitHole Bug Company to spray our unit. I believe the bedbugs pointed and laughed right at them because there was not one minute of respite. Once again they still only sprayed our unit... therefore, what ended up happening was this:

spread bb.jpg

That's Right, Kids!

All that happened is these asshole bugs moved! They went upstairs, and back into the two apartments that had them to begin with! My slumlords hired the 'big guns', Terminix, who continued to spray one or two units at a time. Effecitively just chasing them around. Which must be GREAT for Terminix! Lookit how much money they must've made! All the while, I'm being literally eaten alive and at some point in here, the bugs move into my kids room.

This is when shit gets REAL, y'all. They are now fucking with my BABIES. My girls are not as sensitive to things as I am and my son, lil B. When the bugs bit me, I got the typical 'rash' looking bites. They bite him and he gets HIVES.

hives arm B.jpg

hives back b.jpg

Lawyer Upped, Y'all

Since our landlord had caused our infestation by not notifying us properly and furthermore by not doing a comprehensive spray on the entire building - or at the very least spraying all the adjoining units to the infected units, followed by the hundreds and hundreds (and huuunndreeeddss) of dollars we had to spend washing, tossing and protecting our belongings, we contacted a lawyer. We notified our landlord that we were doing so and gave him the opportunity to make things right; help us with rent or offer to replace what we had to throw away, only to be met by silence.

Two weeks later, our April rent was due and we were late. See above for reasons why. We have been late on our rent in the past (judge if you will) and never had an issue. We'd let our landlord know what was up and they'd accept our rent late with the appropriate late fee. Well... not this time! Nope, we got an eviction notice almost immediately.

Cutty Ass Mofo's

Listen closely, friends, in case you are ever served with an eviction notice in the great state of Califor-ni-a! You'll have five days to respond. I do NOT suggest waiting; get your ass into the courthouse and file an 'Answer'. Go to the Legal Services department; a non profit located inside the courthouse to help plebs like us.

paperwork at the courthouse.jpg

And Then....

We didn't get evicted, in fact, we won our case. We did agree to leave by September 1st, however. That was fine, but what happened next is really what just fucking sent me off the edge.

My husband went out of town and suddenly, lil B got an even MORE awesome rash! It was different! It covered his whole entire body! It was sooo itchy and terrible I had to dose him with adult strength benedryl! (as recommended by the doctor, don't get all hyphy)

b back baaad.jpg

I called the city (who had already been to our place), I called our lawyer (who was in another trial) and I told our landlord. The landlord emailed me back and said that they had asked Terminix, who said that this rash 'didn't look like bed bug bites'.

Let that sink in for one, tiny second.

The asshole landlords. Called the bug company. I'm sorry... which of those are a doctor? Which of those were the numerous doctors we had seen because of lil B's reactions? That's right, none of them. I tried to explain to that these weren't bites, that this was lil B's reaction to either the bites or the chemicals they've been spraying. I was met by sneers and silence.

That was on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of that week. Friday I walk outside and can you even GUESS what I saw?? Terminix! Spraying the unit next door! Because this is what happens when you try to chase motherfucking BED BUGS:

fuck all bb.jpg

B's Rage Quit

I lost my motherfucking mind. I was meaner than I should have been to some and 100% justified in my flaying of others. I had been doing laundry, so I put what had just come out of the dryer (therefore bed bug free) into trash bags, packed my kids into the car and left. We spent the next five days couch hopping thanks to some very dear friends. On the fourth of July, thanks to my mom, we got a suite at this super sweet, long term hotel. It's full of business people and people like us, in between homes or having some kind of calamity. I can't count the number of people here who have water heater damage. Of course, we don't talk about why we're here, we're simply 'in between homes' right now.

the me in a bed.jpg

In All Seriousness

We're hella blessed. We are so lucky that my mom can and would choose to help us like this. I'm lucky my children are now completely healthy and happy. We've started a new business, one that will be much more lucrative than what we were doing in the past and everything is so lovely here, there is no room to complain. Being as how we are all in one room (with a kitchen!), it does mean that I'm not able to be on Steemit or Discord as much as I'd like. Writing this, today, took me all day, for instance. But I've missed y'all and I hope this helps you understand where the fuck I've been and where I'm currently at.

I'mma be me, and send the love. Oh, but also? FUCK bedbugs and asshole motherfuckers who refuse to take responsibility for their shit.

love! b.



Wow. Sorry you are having to deal with this. So lame. I hate renting. It's the worst.

the WORST. thanks dude.

Glad you are all doing better. Hotel living can get really expensive.
I sued my landlords in Tucson, Arizona. We were on the first floor corner apartment and when it rained, our ceiling leaked everywhere, water came over the threshold at the front door flooding the entry way. Water came in thru the windows. We had so much damage to electronics and furniture etc. Upstairs, they had no leaks. We lost our case, because I had not sent the letter to the landlord via certified mail. So we had a huge judgement against us, back rent, court costs so what did we do?
Got a U-Haul and moved back to Cali. F that right to work state.

ohh noooo, that is so awful! i'm sorry you had to deal with that. Thanks for sharing though, I hate feeling like I'm the only one with a bad experience.


Oh no, I've got enough bad experiences to make the world cry but one must take things as they punch you in the face. Remember that which does not kill you makes you stronger. I'd like to punch that guy in the face you said that.
I told you about my dog getting lost for 5 months, and how I knew you would find yours too!!
Anyhow, if you every get those nasty buggers again, sprinkle DE (dietenatious earth)(spelling?) along the base boards and they die.
Reminds me of when I lived next store to some dirt bags. The type who have two tv's (one for sound the other for picture) their roach problem became mine. It was so bad we kept our tooth brushes in the fridge. so I caulked every crevice which touched their apartment. It worked really well. Enjoy your adventure. See ya at the poker tables!!


can't wait to play with you ;)


(sorry for being such a dumbass)

sounds a little kinky Beth! I'm down......
No worries, every one on this platform thinks I am a dude.
Even when I tell them I'm a chick, they still think I am a dude.
You're not a dumbass - You must have thought I was a really strange dude for sure.
iabuse - abused me = or it was the fireball shot I took and wasnt paying attention to the end of the game - damn I was up a buck n half
I think im on discord because I got some veggie seeds from a chick thru there. I shouldn't be this stupid on the computer, started with dos, lol
You know, I am the artistic type, but I am good at poker - geekgirl lost almost $21 she need a little learning.
I used to play dingbat girl at Commerce many years ago, the dumb blonde who doesn't know how to play. The guys would give me a cut of their take. Used to take home an easy $600 a night. I miss those days.

Glad to read it all ended well Beth! Succes with the new business!

Posted using Partiko Android

thanks so much, Papeti!!


Woah. That's one heck of a situation for y'all to be in! I hope that everything continues to get better and that your children (and you) are feeling better soon!

thank for the sweet thoughts, I totally appreciate it. We're all healthy now, which is really the thing that matters.

Ready to get back to playing poker, that's for sure!!


There's never enough time in the day to get everything that you want/need to do done! I'm glad to hear you all are feeling better :)

I've had a couple days of being able to play poker, but I'm not sure that it will last much longer... I don't get much time to myself these days with a 2 year old and a 2nd baby on the way!

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