It is easy for me he says!
I have this facebook "friend"...
I know him because I bought a motorbike off him, that his dad gave him, that he could not restore himself. He pretty much resented the fact I made it look like brand new, and made that known to me.
I sort of keep him on fb just for kicks and giggles now.
He was ranting yesterday, like he does most days, this time about Muslims, after the usual pre election FF, false flag, not sure what news they are trying to bury, or if it just swings people towards voting con-servative. I do not care enough to research either.
And he was also ranting about his hatred for Jeremy Corbin, who he states is a terrorist supporter. HMMMMM, I pointed out that all politicians are equally as disgusting as they make money backed by nothing, want it all back, and are genuinely useless idiots, not capable of growing even a carrot!.
He then went on to say it is easy for me, as I left the UK, and not everyone can do that?.........
Well let me let you and him into a well known fact, I did not sign up like he did, for a 25 year noose around my neck named a mortgage. I never bought a car, or motorbike on credit! I have never used a credit card as I do not like debt! I have never borrowed money from a bank, and I have never had any overdraft!.
I left the UK in a Audi A3 packed to the roof with my "things" that were dear to me and important. Papers, documents, clothes, and I drove from Birmingham to Dover and got the ferry never to return to the UK!.
I went to Spain first, for 6 months, ending my time there in the summer of 2014 I think it was. Spain did not cut it for me, banks closing at 11am, shops at mid day, restaurants not opening till 9pm, none of it fitted well with me, you know, siesta and all!....
There was also - as I saw it, not much of a chance to make a living in Spain, it was more of a place where everyone seemed to sleep all day long, and eat in the AM, like 1 am.
Most of the properties were empty, brand new and empty, not sure who they thought was going to come over, see Jeremy Clarckson's Madrid video, to see the insanity of Spain and empty houses and airports!.
SOOOOO I drove to Poland, and settled my daughter into a first class school, where she is not indoctrinated into a system of slavery like the UK. She is home by mid day most days, and that suits me fine, as I do not want or need a 9 - 5 job to line the pockets of poli-ticians!.
I spotted a niche in the market here, like I did in Thailand when I lived there. In Thailand I made so much of the folding stuff called money, that we were hiding it all over the house. Here it is as easy as it was there, possibly easier.
I bought a Suzuki gt 250 last week and after spending 4 hours getting it running, I sold it yesterday to a guy in the UK, netting me a clear £1250 profit. Could I do the same in the UK? Of course not. I know the market, I know motorbikes, as do you Mr Cope. Nothing is left to chance, I buy what I know will put food on our table.
Due to communism, here till the mid eighties, (you see again, they even ruined a whole country, those that you vote for Mr Cope) They were not allowed imports of all the golden era 1980's bikes, they were stuck with Russian crappy bikes, cossacks, Badly designed bikes like the Polish WSK, Jawa and mountains of other fugly bikes. Which makes the middle age people, the affluent hanker for them. I have free reign to buy all the classics that sell well in the UK. I know both markets well. I get to buy Yamaha rd 250 lc's at a fraction of the UK price. Oh and Suzuki gt 250's like the one I just sold.
I bought 6 wheels today, for tzr 125's, they sell well to the tzr 250 crowd. They pay £175 for a back wheel, they pay £125 for a front wheel, I paid £8 each for them, and I bought two petrol tanks off the same seller, 10 quid each, they sell for £200 each.
Why do they sell for so much you ask? Well thank you for asking.
The tzr 250 2ma had really skinny wheels, the tzr 125 after the 2 version, were based on the tzr 250 3xv. So as they are really 3xv 250 wheels, the 2ma crowd want them you see. The Belgarda version are almost as popular too. And due to politics, you see they even ruined this for you. These bikes were full power, 28 to 32 bhp, not allowed in the UK with the 11kw rule or 16 bhp for learners. So they never made it to the land of false flags and rain!.
So yes, you are correct, it is easy for me, but who made it so, was it not "ME".............
I have never bought a car on credit and never had a credit card either. I did borrow money for my first house that I sold 13 months later for a nice gain and hence forth paid cash for my next house. So glad I have no dept. Great work on making money from motorbikes 👍
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Sensible man, like your style, and sent this article to the guy concerned, I await my fb imminent deletion lol.