16 Years For the 9.11 Attack - New Wars

in #falseflag9117 years ago

A beautiful day in 2001. September 11. Me and my wife was just moved to a new home and I sat in my mother-laws car with my 6 year old son. My mother-in-law drive the car and was talking as usually. Suddenly they said on the radio something like, if you want to continue hearing more turn over to an other frequency. Something they only say in case of an emergency. I could not stop my mother-in-law for talking so I had to wait until we came home. Then I turn on the TV and tuned in for the public national TV, Danmarks Radio.

I believed in 9.11 as a terror attack for 10 years, winter 2010-2011. Until a colleague told me there was a conspiracy teori about the attack and I had hear this once before but did not pay attention to it because it sounded like madness. But this time I went home and did some research about the attack and it stood very clear to me that something was quit wrong about the official story.

Have our established media really been given fake news for so many years? How can so many people involved not leak some kind of informations? Why would anyone attack its own people for benefits of money and power? Who really control the world and where we are going? This was just some of the question I had.

But with JFK in mind and his death I knew something might be very wrong here.

I heard that 80% of the American population do not believe the officiel story. But here in Denmark people still believe in the official story and I am the 1 or 2 % widows who believe it was a false flag attack.

To understand why false flag attack 9.11 was set up to happen there are many things to be researched, understand and read history. Know and understand our monetary systems, political systems and our history. I am not an expert in any of this subjects .

When I was a kid and there was something I did not understand I asked my parents and grandparents. They often answer me "It's politics. We are not supposed to know why". Today I think they say this because they did not know the answer and didn't know where to find the answers or had the time or interest in finding the answers. Today we have the internet and even very complex questions can be find in matter of minutes.

I grew up in central Copenhagen in the 70's and was told that the Russians (USSR) could fire nuclear weapons on the west any moment. I often looked to the sky walking home from school to see if there was any missiles. And that USA/NATO/EU was the best people and most honest government in the world that only wanted freedom and happiness for other people in the world.

Some of the questions I had and never was answered was "Where do the money come from and who decide how many money there can be in a society?" and "Where did all the Jews come form up until the second world war and why did they look like me and are not middle eastern looking like other Arabs?"

These question nobody could answer me during the 70's and 80's. In the 90's I try to find the answers myself but it was hopeless and I give up. Then 9.11 happened and I was busy raising my family of 3 children. And now I was mostly worried about global warming and the ozon layer. Of course. I have 3 children and who would not be worried about their future here on earth.

I really woke up when Russia went into Syria and was asking "What is Putin up to now?"

As I remember one of the first videos I saw about the false flag attack 9.11 was "Loose Change" however I did see many and read many pages on the web about 9.11. But this video really moved me and change my mind.

When I did my investigation why Russia went into Syrian I always saw this silly man saying thanks for 4 million watches on YouTube. It was Mike Maloney video "The Biggest Scam In The History Of Mankind - Hidden Secrets of Money 4". This video totally blow me away and suddenly I got one of my answers from my past answered.

I wanted to know more and got very obsessed to find out more. Now there was no turning back and had to investigate even more and spend 100's of hours in front of the computer and brought several books.

The world money supplies are control by a small amount of people. Not governments og stats around the world. But private own banks and these banks control the national banks in countries all over the world with a few exceptions.

Up through the 18. century House of Rothschild took over control of many national banks in Europe and later also outside of Europe and in 1917 UK government give Rothschild a declaration for "a national home for the Jewish people" as it say in the Balfour Declaration of 1917.

So at the same time the most powerful banking family in the world can have influence on governments and can make suggest rules and laws for the people in power. Then it is also the 'owner' of the state of Israel. Through fractional reserve banking which will in debt all citizen of the country who is using this system. Simple by creating money (currency) out of nothing and with today's technology it is even more easy.

This will in debt all future generations and make governments vulnerable for not supporting Israel and its acts against its neighbors. Israel can continue make new settlement without any nations interrupt. We have seen a few nations or persons make protest against Israel. These are confronted by Zionist organisations or are called anti-Semitic.

It is Israels goal to have a Greater Israel, The Greater Israel Project, documented by Theodor Herzl (1860-1904).

Please also keep in mind that House of Windsor is the biggest landowner on the planet and Serco is the biggest company serving governments around the world.

In this video you see 4th Baron Jacob Rothschild interviewed about Israel and the Balfour Declaration 1917. The family who control the most national banks in the world and have a declaration on Israel from the UK government.

9.11 was an inside job and an outside job. Created by a foreign nation inside USA and some insiders who benefits from 9.11. Watch SGTreport and James Perloff.

I was born in Copenhagen 1967. I have no personal debt. I have public debt, all citizens have. So in a way I am in debt to the Zionist movement and the state of Israel. This is why my government support Israel and no matter what Israel do or need in the future my government is ready for support and military equipment.

I don't like this. On behalf of my children I will reject this. Always.

God bless all the people our governments have killed and their families.

I am so sorry.

Chris Borg

Copenhagen Denmark
September 11 2017


Russian in Syrian:

Loose Change video

Mike Maloney - Hidden Secrets of Money

Balfour Declaration of 1917

Greater Israel Project


I never think of the future - it comes soon enough.

- Albert Einstein

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