Clinton mega donor George Soros leads line-up of liberal billionaires who are funding Facebook's fake news fact checker

Billionaire Clinton donor George Soros is among a line-up of wealthy liberal figures who will fund Facebook's fake news fact checker.
The 86-year-old Hungarian financier's Open Society Foundation is listed among organizations which are backing The International Fact Checking Network, the body tasked with flagging bogus news stories to social media users, on its website.
So Facebook is finally showing it true colors. I think it's time to flood Facebook with 'Fakenews' and overwhelm the system. Also, make sure you tell your friends on Facebook about Steemit. A site that do not censor you and where you can actually make some money posting content. Anyone or any Company that takes money from this monster is an enemy of the people and working to undermine the US Constitution and should be investigated by the Justice Department.
As far as I can tell this is an act of war.
agreed. i think this is also a crime against humanity. this also fits the technical definition of genocide according to the UN convention against genocide,
Article 2, section B of the Convention defines genocide as: causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group.
if the subset of humanity that agrees to a culture of truth and facts, is the considered group, then this is technically genocide, because it does mental harm to this group.
i, personally, do not lend any credence to the authority of the UN, but i will use any tool that i can to defend my natural rights, at least until it comes into conflict with those rights.
Since Facebook is a voluntary service I'm not sure it would fall under that.
that's the point. it is not fully voluntary or consensual, if it is offered under a deception. consent without knowledge is not consent.
I am sure somewhere in the TOS it removes them from liability of any information on the site posted by users.
you may well be correct. i am sure they will try to absolve themselves of any responsibility they can. i'm not sure that internationally operating corporations can grant themselves immunity from international law or convention by contract. that would be a good thing to know. i wonder who can be held responsible if the "fact checkers" are shown to be the cause of personal or financial injury, by being wrong or deceiving with intent.
Everyone reading this post convince your friends and relatives to close their Facebook accounts immediately and by doing that, you help protect our constitutional rights to free speech and expression. Do it. DO.IT.NOW.
not sure it would be good to have all the facebook idiots join here. let them believe their stories. they will find their own ways out or will destroy themselves with their own ignorance and stupidity. either way it is a better win for steemit. i'd rather increase the number of informed and intelligent people here.
It's better for them rather then being subjugated by rich pricks like Soros.
Fake news is prevalent in stories of both liberal and conservative issues. The liberal viewpoint is that of course only conservative media is party to this phenomenon, however of course they are incorrect. There is a striking decrease in factual content in the presentations from liberal skewed sites in a similar proportion to those reporting from a conservative slant.
Now, don't get me wrong I personally would rather see people confused, and the truth obfuscated. However making this into a partisan issue is also acceptable to me, its the best way to prevent any positive outcome! I love it when humans bicker among themselves, it's positively delightful.
Steemit has partial censorship but it is decentralized censorship, IE the community decides what is visible. Other content is available and recorded ad infinitum on the block chain, but if it is not visible due to the community not voting for it, is it not censored in some capacity?
it is not the community that decides what is visible, it is the people in the community, with the most steem power who decide what is visible. we don't all have the same power to unflag a post flagged by someone with a lot of money and no ability to control their self.