Fake News Talks About Fake News Game That Teaches You To Spot Fake News Better.

in #fakenews6 years ago (edited)


Hello dear friends, happy Tuesday! What if you could play a game and become better at spotting ‘fake news’ 🤥? Well shit, it’s your lucky day, because there is such a game, and boy it’s quite a hoot! I played it for a few minutes myself and took screen shots, but before we get to that. The article by the CBC (Canadian Brainwashing Corporation), who in no way ever sensationalizes, lies, misleads or uses fear and division propaganda in their news. Reports:

oh darn, I didn’t play for that long. I had to go to work, so I didn’t have much time. So I don’t have the skills to spot fake news, I guess? lol

Couple interesting symbols here. The lightning bolt, well that’s Lucifer, and we got the jackal which is Egyptian. The black and white colours of freemasonry, meaning the duality (base conscious). But I digress.

So basically you learn how to be a mainstream news reporter. OH SNAP! BURN! 🤣 Really though, I think it’s hilarious when these state and/or corporate news outlets, cover anything about fake news and propaganda. It’s a total hypocrisy, for no one spreads bullshit quite like the msm.

“Economic factors may take some spring out of the Easter bunny’s step this year”

The “Bad Guy” LoL. Well of course, you can’t the mainstream or the government. That’s bad! You shouldn’t be doing that. The media works hard to manipulate the poor schmucks. You can’t be giving them any other impression of what’s actually happening. That just evil! Don’t peddle conspiracy, even though conspiracy is a perfectly legal term and a crime that’s punishable and is exercised in the court of law all the time. But, no! It’s doesnt ever happen right? Everything is just exactly the way it is and nothing else. Never question, never research for yourself. If you ever do want to know more. The msm will provide you with the credible sources of information.

“Shut Up, Burglary Theorist” by: @Corbettreport

Yes, I have no doubt that after 15 minutes of seeing of Alex Jones (controlled opposition) type sensationalism, you’ll be better at spotting Alex Jones type media. Yes, very good! LoL

Just moderate folks, they can do better, you need to spot ALL the ‘fake news’ All of it! Trust only your msm media. Even if you know for a fact it was wrong and misleading, it’s not wrong because it is the trusted source of society.

Yes, let’s consult the former disinfo agent msm informant? LoL. How asinine!

Oh, do you mean fear like this?

How about this?

Are those designed to mislead and invoke a response and a share?

Dead the days of a free press, bought and controlled under the veil on just 5 (yes 5!) Corporations. All of your mainstream media. Imagine that? 5! You think that’s where you can trust your information from. That’s there’s no invested interest in what is being disseminated into the world every day?

Mind you though, most of the ‘alternative media’ is also controlled as well. By the very same hands that control the mainstream. They play off each other in order to control and destroy the credibility of the true independent media... US! You and I are but the very few who know and understand what is happening in our world. However, we are but squeaking mice on a sinking ship. Even that squeaking, is a threat to the powers that shouldn’t be. A small chance that must be stomped out! Censored and controlled indefinitely.

Let’s see the Game in action

Lmao well, for amusement sake, I would recommend checking out this game out. Just let me know in the comments if you become a fake news empire 😂


Ahh well...Thanks for reading and until next time

Reporting from the BRAVE NEW WORLD, I am...


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sounds like a hillarious game
i dont play video games though but this one sounds like a lot of brainwashing lol
good post man

Good for a chuckle lol


you gotta wondr who thinks of these games to make up lol
have a great evening man

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