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RE: Fake News -- Alt-Media is Working!

in #fakenews8 years ago (edited)

It is really freaky how these different news agencies say the exact same thing, and not only the subject matter but the words used too.

If this doesn't prove that the mainstream media is scripted, then I don't know what does. It is just a tool used by the establishment to brainwash the public and steer public opinion.

But all is not gloom and doom as alternative media is getting more recognition and credibility and people are 'waking up' and becoming more aware of what is really going on. I hope sites like Steemit will be able to help in that regards.


I suggest you look up gamergate, because that is actually a classic example of how this sort of thing works. They are absolutely colluding with each other, I think this is less about them genuinely 'caring' about fake news and people being mislead and more angry that they're being outwitted by a bunch of internet trolls like 4chan.

I was studying gamergate because it's part of my work as I'm close to becoming a games developer with my first game release and it was actually remarkable seeing how co-ordinated they were. Even the 'mainstream' news sites in the games industry do this.

There was an infamous article called "Gamers are dead" that was posted up awhile back, it basically used flimsy data to claim that the stereotype of your average white male playing games was over when in reality they were simply inflating their numbers by using 40 year old women who played candy crush in their statistics to try and make their claims.

Lots of people pointed this out and started fighting back and one of the primary groups who did so was gamergate, this is why when SJWs and Feminists rant on about gamergate and how horrible they are it's really all about the fact that they were exposed for the fraudsters and propagandists they really were.

This I believe is what is happening now, the same sort of people are standing up to the media and I am convinced that they will start targeting everyone on the internet and claiming generically that 'internet trolls' are responsible for making them look bad therefore all posted content and so on should be regulated or perhaps some more extreme morons might suggest people face jail time for posting fake news.

This is why by the way, I get into fights with people who try to dictate was is a 'valuable' post and what is not, that's the first step towards moronic censorship attempts like what we're seeing and it is a form censorship no matter how you look at it, especially if it's one person deciding what posts can even be seen or not.

Oh trust me I know a lot about the workings of the mainstream media. I have known this for years now. And I always manage to see through their veil of deception.
I am also aware of the people behind this. It is sad that such things are usually put under the conspiracy umbrella and its believers 'conspiracy nuts'. I am not saying all conspiracies are true but a lot of them are. They point to the reality we are actually living. It is like living in the matrix and not being aware of it.

What's funny is more recently, the SJWs and journalists tried claiming people were just being conspiracy theorists about this and then somebody actually went and found a bunch of chat logs and emails of these very people actually colluding with each other in a chat room.

That was pretty damn funny.

I just thought I'd mention things as well for those who don't know much about this. Yes, it's getting to the point now where you can't help but be suspicious of these cunts because they not only lie constantly but they act in such shady ways it's impossible not to come up with conspiracy theories about them.

The big thing is simply just making sure there's real evidence and not just somebody babbling in a corner about it and we'll be credible even with the media acting in denial.

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