I Woke Up This Morning And Donald Trump Was Hanging Off A Hundred Story Building!
Notice the verb in the headline woke, no I was not dreaming, but in fake news land it really happened, believe me!
Here Is My Answer!
Oopse Donald Trump Did It Again!
Donald Trump dominated the news and media cycles and impermeated himself into all our lives weather you like it or not. The first thing I think when I hear yet another story about Donald Trump is no not again, but look what we got here, I just spent 20 minutes blogging about him- crazy!
Donald Trump To Walk Away From His Company!
Donald Trump knows how good Fake News works so he is trying to bamboozle the public yet again with his latest fake news today when he announced he is walking away from TRUMP ENTERPRISES! I’ll tell you one thing, I don’t buy it. He sure does make it seem like real news. The only real fabric of truth to this decision may be the tax deductions he will make walking away. The president has high capital gains rate on near 39% and Trump does not want to pay that, thus he is walking away and making it look like he is doing the rigt thing, when the whole time I think it is the law he has to walk! So the news that Trump decided is FAKE! The only real news would be if he sold and transferred his company ownership to an entity outside his family, that would be news!
Latest Breaking Fakest News Ever!
Just in, Trump wants to set up a system where if you have a Telephone Trump wants to have the ability to push you a call! Sounds crazy to me, heres my reaction.
The lines between fake news, real news, and reality are blurring more and more with each passing day. Who knows what fake news Trump will manufacture next! Stay Tuned for more blog posts like this. Please follow me @coininstant
Is it Trump that's manufacturing these stories or the publishers of said stories... Not sure the blame is in the right place here. Just my $.02.