Creating & Selling Automated Websites #8 - Fajasy

in #fajasy7 years ago

Creating a Flippa Account & Listing

Signing up on Flippa

Skip this chapter if you are already familiar with this process! The first thing you should do before selling your website is to create an account on Flippa. Go to and click on the “Sign Up” button on the top right of the homepage. Enter in an appropriate username, email address, and password and register for an account. Confirm your account through your email address and then head to your Dashboard by selecting the drop-down menu beside your name. Find the “About Me” section and click on “Contact Details.” Personally, I hide my name. Here, you should enter your real address and save the changes. Make sure to submit your PayPal account email address as well! Now go back to the “About Me” tab and click on “Identity Verification.” Verify your phone and “Buyer Certification” so that you are more trusted to the public eye. Now go to the “Public Profile” under the “About Me” section again and set a relevant or appropriate profile picture. Set your date of birth and gender and check on your “Public Profile URL” as well. After completing these steps, Flippa and bidders will see you as a more legitimate seller.

Listing the Website

Now after becoming verified, it is time to start listing your automated website so that buyers can start bidding on it! Click on the “Start Selling” link in the top right corner of Flippa and then select “Websites.” Under “What are you selling” input your domain name into the box and select “Get Started.” State when the website went live, what type of website you are selling, and select the appropriate sub-type(s). If you are selling a news website, select “Content” and “Blog” for sub-type. Under “What is the industry of your website”, I select “General Knowledge” and “News and Current Affairs” under “Refine your industry.” Leave the two “Is your content unique” and “Is your design unique” boxes blank. Under “How would you like to sell it” I always select “Auction” and set the duration to seven days. You will want to set it to auction so that you get the most profit out of the site. I also set the reserve to $100. All other prices including “Starter Price” and “Buy It Now” price is your personal preference. If you’re just starting, set your starter price as low as possible and keep your “Buy It Now” price to $300.
Next, go back to my previous post and paste the sales page template I provided you with and fill in, write, and re-write the appropriate areas. You can always edit this later but pay attention to detail and make sure it looks attractive to buyers. After this, pay for the basic listing which costs $19. The price may be higher if your website is older. Pay for this with your PayPal or Credit Card. Under “How would you like to get paid” I would recommend Flippa Escrow as it is a safer option, but you can receive payments in PayPal as well.

You will also need to verify that you own the website. There are several ways of doing this. Personally, I download the text file that Flippa has available and then upload it to the root folder of the domain I am selling with File Manager in Cpanel. To do this, go back to your Cpanel and select “File Manager” under “Files.” Select “Upload” and select the text file you just downloaded. After this is completed, head back to Flippa and click on “Verify Upload.” You should see a success message. Your listing should now be live! If for whatever reason your listing does not get any bids within 5 days, you can extend the auction by a few days by selecting “Change End Time” under the “Listing Settings” gear icon you can see on your live listing. After doing this entire process a few times already, I usually see bids coming in within the first or second days. In the next post, I will provide you with tips and strategies on how to avoid failing and how to increase the chances of your website selling!

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