Creating & Selling Automated Websites #10 - Fajasy
Transferring the Website
Congrats! You’ve finally sold your website for $100 or more! Now it is time to congratulate the buyer. I use the following nearly identical templates for Godaddy and Namecheap. You will need to send this to them and wait for their reply before continuing.
Godaddy: “Congratulations! You won the auction. Please send me your Godaddy email address and customer number so that I can push the domain. Please create a Godaddy account if you don’t have one, it’s free. Lastly, please send me your Skype username so that you can easily reach me if you have any questions. My Skype is [username]. Feel free to add me.
Namecheap: “Congratulations! You won the auction. Please send me your Namecheap username or email address so that I can push the domain. Please create a Namecheap account if you don’t have one, it’s free. Lastly, please send me your Skype username so that you can easily reach me if you have any questions. My Skype is [username]. Feel free to add me.
Pushing the Domain
For Godaddy – Login to your account and select “Manage” beside the domain you just sold. Scroll down to “Additional Settings” and select “Transfer Domain to Another Godaddy Account.” Check the “I have the recipient’s customer account or username” box and enter in the customer # your buyer should have sent you. Do not change the domain’s contact information. Keep the current nameservers so that the buyer will have enough time to export the website. Click on the “Next” button and you should receive an email once the domain has been successfully transferred.
For Namecheap – Login to and go to the domain you just sold. Click on the “Manage” button next to this domain and go to the “Sharing and Transfer” tab. Beside the “New Owner” text, enter in the username or email address the buyer should have sent you.
As stated before, most buyers prefer Godaddy, so stick with Godaddy if you’re a beginner to this entire system. Once you have transferred your domain, contact the buyer with Skype to inform them that the transfer is on its way. I usually say something along the lines of: “Hello, the domain [domain name] has been successfully transferred. Please check. Thanks.”
Exporting the Website
Now you will need to export the website to your buyer. You will have to go back to your WordPress dashboard and install a WordPress plugin to do this. Go to the “Plugins” tab and select “Add New.” Search for “All-in-One Migration” in the search box, by “ServMask” or just click on the previous link. Install and activate the plugin. Next, you should send the following message to your buyer.
“Do you want to host your site? If you do, you can download the site at Here is the username and password for the site: Username: [Admin], Password: [Password]. Once you’re in the WordPress Dashboard look for the “All-in-One Migration” tab on the left-hand side and select “Export.” Then, simply download the file. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks.”
If possible, send this through Skype for a faster response time. They should inform you after they have downloaded the export file. Finally, instruct them to install the same “All-in-One Migration” plugin you downloaded on your site and import the file that they just downloaded. You may need to instruct them more if they’re new to WordPress but most of my buyers are fairly used to the software because of its popularity.
Now I can finally truly congratulate you! You’re pretty much all done and can begin creating more sites to sell. But first, I would recommend asking your buyer for feedback through Skype. I usually ask for feedback 10 days after the sale.
“Hello, I would like to know about your experience with my service. Kindly leave me some valuable feedback on Flippa here: [link to sales completion area on Flippa]. I would greatly appreciate it! Thanks.”
That’s is all you have to do. If they don’t respond, that is fine as well, as they are probably too busy. For the next year (as listed on the Flippa listing), if they have any questions they will ask you over Skype of which you should try your best to respond to in a professional manner.
My next post will have a short conclusion as you're now done!