Word for Today
If you don’t let the wrong people go, you’ll never meet the right ones. Find people that feed you and not just need you.
You can’t feed on negativity and discouragement and expect to stay positive.
Feed your inner person encouraging things that build you up and cause you to be positive, hopeful and, inspired.
Critics are always going to be there. Don’t waste your time trying to convince the wrong people; just keep running your race.
Have a purposeful day fellow Steemites......
Great formulations. I think it is a vibrant exchange of give and take. :)
Let's connect. I follow you
I have followed back bro....
Absolutely true, evil communication and association corrupts good manners... Know were you're heading...and chose the right association.
That's why the saying "show me your friend and I will tell you who you are"
I concur
I agree. Good post. I follow you)
I have followed back!!!👍👍
Well said
Awesome word!
Thank you
Welcome sir
Negativity and positivity cannot stay together under the same roof of the heart, you either embrace one and forsake the order and vice versa
Correct bro