faith or quantum physics?
These days...
I think about a month or so ago, to be more exact. I was talking to a friend, Paulo:
He was thrilled with quantum physics and its spiritual and material applications.
He did not stop talking about quantum physics ... it was kind of boring. Imagine; quantum physics, quantum vibration, quantum prayer, and Isaiah's manuscripts ... I think he spoke 20 comics at the same time, but everything related to these cosmic energy access mechanisms.
For a moment I thought he had become an atheist! I do not believe much in the disbelief of the people, but I respect all lines of thought.
I learned from Mormonism, the trinity, simple thing and practice: God the Father almighty, Jesus Christ mega power, the incarnate God, well say the saint of saints and in the Holy Spirit.
The first rule of faith of the Church declares: "We believe in God the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit." These three beings make up the Trinity. They preside over this world and all other creations of our Heavenly Father.
Look, it is simple and practical: Alpha and Omega, beginning and end. Three in one. One for all and all for him. The Man (Jesus) Walked on the water, have you thought about it? Break the laws of physics, right?
Look ... I'll tell you, the subject fascinates me. Is that you? Has he walked on the water?
I confess I've been ... calm down! Man of little faith! kkkkkk
Regardless of the energy of the universe that holds us right and is within us, times hidden abilities that we stop using throughout our evolution as humans. haaaa .... are you talking about telepathy, levitation or pyrotechnics?
It is all within the mind, we have access to these powers, when we exercise the desire of a pure heart.
It sounds complicated, does not it?
Not even!
Think! Everything is vibration! The external environment and the internal environment. Everything is spiritual! When you create an energetic matrix, it first manifests itself in the etheric field, ie: SPIRITUALLY, after spiritual, comes the physical!
This is a chain of events, until it manifests itself in its reality, which for many is physical.
Scripture References:
Matthew 3: 13-17 // John 14: 6-10; 17: 6-23 // Acts 7: 55-56
2 Nephi 31:18 // Mormon 7: 5-7
During my mission, this was in 1987, there was no doctrine of quantum physics, everything was simpler: FAITH!
It has a detail in all this! Already guessed? One simple thing too: Law of Attraction!
Stop and think to me: We are polarized ... you will attract what you think!
you think, you have! That simple!