Errors help to understand and move forward faster: "Because failure in something doesn't mean failure insomething", word of business coach. These are the "tricks" to distribute Failure as an opportunity. The culture in which we grew up, however, tends to generalize and trace back, likea salmon in the current, the failure toachieve a result, with the inability of theperson to achieve it. To fail in somethingdoes not mean not being able, butsimply not having been able to achievethat result in that circumstance. Convictions and prejudices. Confuciussays that "the experience is like alantern hanging on your back, itilluminates the past, but not the future". Accused and accused: the courtroomthat is in us. We have two possibilitieswhen faced with mistakes: judgingthem (judging ourselves), or learning. Inthe first case, we are creating âjudicialroomsâ where there is an accusedperson and an accuser. In fact, it is a fairy tale that wellrepresents the way many of us act. The"circuit of the mouse" that the authordescribes well represents the labyrinthin which we often move, made of habits, beliefs, prejudices. As soon as theymove the cheese from the usual place tothe mouse protagonists of the story, they go crazy to repeat the same path inthe hope of finding their final prize, thecheese. Everyone, except one, isstruggling to "think outside the box", and with their heads low they repeatendlessly how accustomed they are todoing, even if it is a bankruptcy solution, because it has already proved not tolead to the result. They quarrel amongthemselves, if they take them with theoutside, but they do not stop to try tounderstand how to do differently. Albert Einstein said that "the real madness inman is to demand new results, alwaysdoing the same things". Progress follows crises. If from theindividual point of view failurestrengthens, error increases experienceand allows new potentialities to bedeveloped, also from the social point ofview crises and difficult moments allowhumanity to make a leap, to progress. Each of us, and society itself, as long asthings go well is not led to intervene and tends to create zones of comfort. It is discomfort and the desire to progressthat make real leaps forward. Potentialis being squandered by passion and difficulties. Let us not demonise themistake, therefore, and let us insteadtry to make it our partner for improvement. ~
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