Faery Friday November 15, 2019

in #faeryfriday5 years ago

It's Faery Friday. This weekend looks like it will be a bit chilly here in Denver, CO. I'm hoping to have some fun with my kids, my mom (who is visiting) and my husband. I feel like I have a lot on my to-do list, but having fun is definitely up there as number one.

For today’s card pull I am using the Faeries’ Oracle by Brian Froud with text by Jessica Macbeth. This is a single card pull since it is an oracle deck. If you like this deck you can get it for yourself. Just click on the picture below.

What do the Fae want me to share?


Today’s card is number 23 The Green Woman
Wildness. Natural magic. Expectant gratitude. Untrammeled creativity

The Green woman dances naked in the moonlight - and in the sunlight and the shadows as well. She doesn’t care what you think of her, she knows her own worth from her experience of life. She is the feminine vital vegetative force that enables a root to crack stone, the reed to bend in the wind, and the oak to stand against the storm.

The graceful, slow-motion dance of the Green Woman shows us how to release the constraints of artificial rules and limitations and find our true pattern of growth. Each of us, rooted or not, has an inborn pattern of perfection to guide our growth. Earthmother nurtures us, Sunfather energizes us. Storms batter us and sometimes we must bend before them. Other life preys upon us on the one hand and nourishes and supports us on the other. Within the framework of the real world, we seek our path to realizing our own potential and finding our own fulfillment.

The Green Woman reminds us that where the ground is fertile, something will grow. It may be nettles or thistles or roses or carrots or sand burrs or peaches, but it will be something because fertile earth never remains empty. She tells us to stay earthed, to attend to our own growing ground, keeping it fertile, aerated, and well watered - and to pay attention to what grows there. It is up to us to root out what we don’t want within ourselves and to nurture what we do.

She also reminds us to count our blessings and deal with our difficulties. A tree grows where the seed falls, as do all of our rooted brothers and sisters. They teach us of the importance of making the best of what comes to us, showing patience and perseverance in adversity. When a plant is thirsty, it can only do limited things to assuage its thirst, like slowly driving its roots deeper in search of water, but mostly it must wait for water to come to it. Although we have legs and can often take action to get what we want (or at least try to), there are some things beyond our reach. These are the things we can learn from the Green Woman’s example, waiting patiently and with expectant gratitude.

Yet, at the same time, she counsels us to take risks, to let new and unfamiliar wild seeds grow and see what they may become. Watch them closely - some of them may be miracles waiting to happen in our lives.

As we develop our own free and untrammeled creativity, the Green Woman grows within us.

The Green Woman speaks to us of caring for our growing ground and of the physical satisfaction of being our natural selves and practicing our own innate magic. This is a time for enhancing the growth of our talents and abilities, a time of blossoming that will bear fruit.

It may also be a time of growing maturity and self-confidence. Experience trusting yourself and trusting the process of growth.

She also reminds us of material reward ahead, the harvest of the seeds we have planted and nurtured. She counsels boldness and perseverance in the face of adversity, yet she also reminds us that sometimes the only action we can take is to wait patiently and keep growing.

With pulling this card I feel that it is speaking toward the creativity in all of us. That we are to being making sure that we are nurturing the seeds that we plant for ourselves. Creativity is something that we all need in our lives. If it’s food that you like to make or art, writing maybe today is the day to work on something new or adding to something you have already begun.

For me I feel that this is about a pet project that I have been working on. As well as finishing up some other projects that I have to get done around my home. These are all things to help bring about more creativity in my life.

Is there anything that you have planted seeds for? Or are you needing to be patient about something that needs time to gestate?

I hope that this reading has been helpful to you all. Please let me know if it has impacted you in any way. I’d love to hear from you. And check out my website here. I am doing personal Astrology, Divination, Card and Astro Dice Readings. If you would like to have one please go to my website. Thanks so much for joining me on this Faery Friday.

May your stars shine brightly upon you.

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