Good morning
★Only one of the seven wonders of the world still survives::: THE GREAT PYRAMID OF GIZA.
★In the west the most popular male names are James and Jhon.The most popular female name is Marry.
★The first credit card issued by American express in 1951.
★Tourism is the world's biggest industry affecting 240 million jobs .
★Leonardo the Vinci never built the inventions he designed.
★The Vatican city is the world's smallest country at 0.44 square km.
★It is not true that the Great wall of China is only man-made structure that can be viewed from space-many man-made objects.
★Neil Armstrong steeped in the moon with his left foot first.
★Eskimos use refrigerators to keep food warm from freezing.
★The electric chair was invented by a dentist.
★The order if the plannets,starting closing to the sun.
★The Sahara Deserts expands at about 1km in one month.
★The meaning of the plannet is wonderer.
★The sun is 330times larger than the Earth.
★The Ozone layer average about 3millimeteres thick.
★There is zero gravity at the centre of the Earth.
How's my information don't forget to tell me.
Thank you.