Crazy-Daily Facts- Day 1 = Hippo Facts
Being fearlessly protective of their turf , hippos have killed more than 400 people in Africa – more than any other wild animal.bold (Oeps)
The hippo is the third biggest land animal, slightly smaller but heavier than a white rhino, however the elephant is the biggist land animal. (boldShoutout to my 🐘 borthers and sisters)
Recent DNA evidence suggests that the hippopotamus(hippppppoooooo) is more closely related to cetaceans (whales and dolphins) than it is to any other artiodactyl (even-toed hoofed mammal)
Hippos are very social and hang out in groups called schools, bloats, pods or sieges. Schools of hippos usually consist of 10 to 30 members of both females and males. Some documented groups of hippos have had as many as 200 members. No matter the size, usually the school is led by a dominant male(the boooaaas).
A hippo eats about 80 lbs. (35 kg) of grass each night, according to National Geographic. They travel up to 6 miles (10 kilometers) in a night to get their fill. They also eat fruit that they find during their nightly scavenging.(🍐🍏🍉🍎🍐 hmmmmm so HEALTHY)
Last but not least , DONT F... WITH THEM 🔥🔥🔥
Thanks for reading, plz let me know in the comments, the subject of tommorows FACTS. Peace and One Love!😘.
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