BE UNAPOLOGETICALLY YOURSELF --- contributed by @elizabethscarlet

in #fact6 years ago

be yourself

These days people are alive to make sure that others are happy with them, people are alive today to make sure that they get as many people to love them as possible, these days people live to impress others and they completely forget about themselves.

Nobody is asking you to be disrespectful, wicked, arrogant, saucy, or ill cultured, just be yourself, you are supposed to improve on the person you are and not change because the world needs you to become a certain person, so you fake your live till the extent that you get used to be fake and you call it “being down to earth”, for what is bad is bad no matter how society has tried to cover it up.

Some people give remarks like “she's proud and arrogant” most times you're only proud to them cause they can't get you to do what they want, they can't get you to loose yourself for their comfort, they can't get you to be the person they want you to be, so they call you proud but just like shame, pride is a very good virture, if used reasonably,a person who acknowledges that no matter how little you are, there are still people who look up to you, you have a reputation, and you have dignity will never find his/herself doing anything unworthy of respect, because there’s pride, a kind of pride that has the most unused virture mankind has ever had SHAME.

Lack of shame is one of the major reasons the world is turning into a hellhole, because a lot of people have no shame of any kind, they justify whatever ill things they do with stupid excuses, no shame no pride only cowardice, because its only a coward that would do something he/she knows is wrong and still justify it instead of accepting responsibility and these days we have more cowards than real people who are trying to make their lives better everyday and more cowards are coming up day in day out, it’s a pity.

So I guess we should all try to be ourselves and take responsibility for our actions and be unapologetically ourselves, we should try to improve instead of killing ourselves more and more by justifying our actions, we should live up to them and make it right, its not wwrong to be down to earth, but let those who are be, and if your not ,do not try to change , everyone is his own species, imitation only brings stagnation.

Blog contributor: @elizabethscarlet
Blog editor: @klynic is a community innovative account created to promote and provide rewards for the creative commons seeking to get rewarded for their works on the Steem Blockchain. If you like this article, please do well to follow the writer above.

Thanks for the read

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