Facebook took down my post on John Magufuli and the verified plan of hydrogel and how it will enable monitoring of government tracking and monitoring of recipients.

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Facebook Frames DARPA's (a gov agency) injectable solution Hydrogel allows tracking and monitoring of Health. The electronic component that attaches to the skin and detects fluorescent signals to send to a doctor, website, etc. Who exactly are the etc? This agency has been known to experiment on military and people in Africa. Just ask the people living there!.

Update, after posting this and getting most of the evidence and verified source links. . .including government, military and mainstream media sites, Facebook make the false claim that the poster (me removed it). Obviously I didn't. Next up, they removed it claiming it could cause Physical Harm.

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Yes it's a long title. ..well worth the flip through the frames as this affects All of us and as always, Fully Sourced and Documented evidence! You want the Science of it all? Here it is. Guess who actually Refuses to use the proper Science Methods set forth in testing and controls? Fast Tracked. Vaccines? What do you think that means for YOU? Do you have confidence that are putting You above their profits? Follow The Money Trail!

Stick with me on this and I'll break it down in laymen's terms or just flip through the Frame Photos to get an idea and go look up the sources yourself. Get your Eyes on it. That is why I do what I do every day. ..Your eyes and ears make the Final decision through disCERNment! You should check out Everyone's info and vet it. Our responsibility together!
One source is a medical doctor and I will drop her video in comments and throughout frame photos. A huge thank you to Trish Anderson who sent me the link to Dr. Carrie Madej. I went and found all sources to back up what she was saying including the tech side of information as many of us have been researching and warning people for Years about what she is telling everyone! I have included her medical/professional expertise, that of what is documented and my own research which coincides including that of what DARPA states on their military site.

It may seem like science fiction yet. . .here it is right on the horizon and within reach.
You are created in the image of God.
Now ask yourself who would want access to such a miracle of creation?
Who opposed and took on the very God that created you?
What do people who are against God have to gain from Your DNA?
DNA similar to a computer code or binary, so it only takes a Small change in the Pattern or Code and it will have a grand effect on the entire system.
In other words, you can insert a gene into the genome
Meaning you can
put something extra in or take something out so it’s missing one

Translocate. . .take one part of the genome and put it into another area
A synthetic from another organism and cut out part of the genome of the human and insert that other genome in there.
When these things are done your genetic code is being rewritten just as software code can be rewritten.
Now ask yourself. . .how much change to your DNA code would it take to no longer be considered human?
Is it ethical and legal?

How are they going to roll out this new technology? Through the vaccine which is considered to be an engineered cell line or a genetic cell line. If not familiar you can review the video reports and research on how vaccines are done and what has been verified to be in them.

So these are GMO or Genetically Modified Cell Lines. Who has been big on GMO? Think Bill Gates! Dr. Vandina Shiva of India and people in Africa have been trying to warn people all around the world what he has been doing to vaccines and food sources. Clearly there is evidence he funds and experiments with vaccines as even on the WHO’s own page it states Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates have been involved together in vaccines for at least a decade.

If you’re asking WHY would they do this. . .remember, they cannot patent Anything natural or from nature, but what Can be patented is something created, modified or engineered. This is what Monsanto has done in order to make money on their own modified creation which IS synthetic and doctors like Vandina Shiva have tried to warn people how GMO foods are harmful and change the lands and our genetic makeup!

So with food, just think how those GMO foods are not natural, Look the same, but on the inside we Know they are Not as they were grown with pesticides and you must remember from our prior reports. ..Monsanto produced it’s Own Seed they claimed was resistant to their very own poison! Conflict of Interest much? Then they were absorbed by a pharmaceutical company. ..Bayer. Are you good with that? Guess where many people's investments go when there are a series of "diversified" funds to help it Grow? That's right. ..companies like this hidden under other names which include biotech. Many people unwittingly have been funding the Great Deception, the Beast System which will be furthered by these industries.

As they Own or control those seeds of their genetically modified crops, the Only way they can own a part of humans is if we give them access to Genetically Modify Us!
Who all will be willing to give them access to a Vaccine they have been Told they Need by the Globalists and MSM? How many will allow themselves to be Played? How many are masked under the controls? Who all falls for their game? Pandemic Exercises? Really? What a Play right?

I ask because That is what he indicated what they were doing in Bill Gates in conjunction with the World Economic Forum. They called that event Pandemic Exercises! Why? They called all the globalists who would stand to profit on vaccines and other measures for a world wide pandemic “Players!” These were Gate’s words, Not mine!
Now who all are they playing? Who will allow themselves to Continue being played?

So if a human cell line is genetically modified can you be patented? Who will Own That patent?

It may seem like science fiction yet. . .here it is right on the horizon and within reach. Don’t believe me? Stick with me and I’ll show you the evidence that is Already out there!
What if we are modified with genes from another species? Are we still human? Is this trans humanism? Have the genes been trans mutated? Can they patent Us now too as they did their Monsanto poisons, pharmakia and vaccines? What a Free Pass they get right?

What is Recombinant DNA and Recombinant RNA?

Recombinant DNA molecules are DNA molecules formed by laboratory methods of genetic recombination to bring together genetic material from multiple sources, creating sequences that would not otherwise be found in the genome. Recombinant DNA is the general name for a piece of DNA that has been created by combining at least two strands.
This is what the vaccine for Covid-19 uses. By definition of what they are combining. . . the vaccine will be turning humans into Genetically Modified Organisms.
Producers of this vaccine. . .

Inovio Pharmaceuticals funded by Bill and Melinda Gate’s Foundation

Inovio Pharmaceuticals is an American biotechnology company focused on the discovery, development, and commercialization of synthetic DNA products for treating cancers and infectious diseases.
Moderna Gate’s backed
Moderna is an American biotechnology company focused on drug discovery, drug development, and vaccine technologies based exclusively on messenger RNA.
Sanofi S.A. is a French multinational pharmaceutical company headquartered in Paris, France, as of 2013 the world's fifth-largest by prescription sales. Originally, the company was formed in 1973 and the current incarnation was formed as Sanofi-Aventis in 2004, by the merger of Aventis and Sanofi-Synthélabo, which were each the product of several previous mergers.
Glaxo-Smith Kline
GlaxoSmithKline plc is a British multinational pharmaceutical company headquartered in Brentford, England. Established in 2000, by a merger of Glaxo Wellcome and SmithKline Beecham, GSK was the world's sixth largest pharmaceutical company according to Forbes as of 2019, after Pfizer, Novartis, Roche, Sanofi, and Merck & Co.
Why are they after your DNA? Why do they want to modify it?

The DNA in our bodies for each of us could stretch up to 10 billion miles when uncoiled
35,000 Terabytes of Data.
Blue print for life,
how our body grows
How it functions
How it reproduces
Our thoughts and memories

This type of DNA vaccine has never been used on humans before.

They are now proposing to take something we have Never used and to inject it into everyone.

  • Vaccine trials are being fast tracked at a level most of us have never seen before.
  • They are skipping over the animal trials and going Directly to human trials.
  • They are Not using good Scientific Methodology at all.
  • They have no randomized placebo controlled trials for any of these vaccines which is the gold standard for any FDA approved vaccine.

No sound Scientific Protocol to make sure this is safe for us, yet they want to inject it into everyone.
Did you know the vaccine manufacturers are exempt from product liability. . .so if it causes seizures, paralysis, etc. . .they are Not Culpable. Is that a good idea? Children of Thalidomide much?

  • They are also exempt from randomized, controlled trials, so not only with the Covid-19, but other vaccines. If they tweak it at all, they just say the MMR for instance is still the same thing.
  • They are exempt from needing evidence that these vaccines will do what they say they will do.
    For example they just have to prove that the vaccine is producing antibodies.

Now you know, just because you have antibodies. ..that does Not make you immune to something! How many times have you been told you might get sick from a vaccine so your body can build it antibodies to it?

So no one will know for fact that it will work out in the population among people.A real study would show this, but they are not doing that, of course they attempt to justify by claiming they don’t have time, even though it has been proven they have skewed the numbers and called Flu deaths Covid-19 deaths to ramp up the fear. They also don’t follow their own guidelines given to them by the CDC as there were at least 4 Democrat governors who went ahead and put at risk patients back into the population of their nursing homes inevitably infecting others. Should we trust our leaders to do what is best for We the People? Have they not proven over and over they will cave to corporate power and that of an elitist’s recommendation, Bill Gates (a Computer Virus elite put in place by his mother) who worked with the doctor MSM trusts so much?

So what IS the purpose of the Vaccine?

All of them are using an MRC5 boarded fetal cell lines from the 1960’s.
This is an immortalized cell line (it doesn’t die). So it has lost the ability to go through apoptosis.

Apoptosis A natural process of self-destruction by degradative enzymes in certain cells, such as epithelial cells and erythrocytes, that are genetically programmed to have a limited lifespan or are damaged, as by irradiation or toxic drugs.
a type of cell death in which the cell uses specialized cellular machinery to kill itself; a cell suicide mechanism that enables metazoans to control cell number and eliminate cells that threaten the animal's survival.
This Fits the Definition of cancer if a cell cannot go through this death process!
They try to distract by their word usage so people don’t realize they are using a cancerous cell.
The cells they use were originally from aborted babies and another term for these cells is diploid cells.
Diploid cells reproduce using mitosis, which creates a completely identical copy of the cell. In humans, the somatic cells (or non-sex cells) are all diploid cells. These include the cells that make up the organs, muscles, bones, skin, hair, and any other part of the body other than the eggs or sperm cells.

They use other terms for these cells but those are the most commonly used when you look at the list of ingredients in these vaccines.

Some of these vaccines using these cancer cells are the

  • MMR
  • Chickenpox, shingles
  • Hepatitis AB
  • Polio Vax
    And others

For those who trust their government and Bill Gates as you were told to do from birth and don’t think they would try to harm us. . .just remember, many Physicians and science professionals have tried to get this information out to the public, guess who suppresses it? You know who!

There is a great deal of money behind it, and as you know the mainstream media is controlled by 6 corporations. Who makes the money? What did they tell you was the case in these 3 songs. ..
We Built this City
It’s the End of the World as we Know It
We Didn’t Start the Fire

This is why you don’t see other medical professionals and researchers speak up more. You see some, but not the entire group because they are Not given Freedom of Speech to say anything that goes against the Narrative being pushed. This is Why you must always be Testing The Narrative!
In a Diploid cells reproduce using mitosis, which creates a completely identical copy of the cell. In humans, the somatic cells (or non-sex cells) are all diploid cells. These include the cells that make up the organs, muscles, bones, skin, hair, and any other part of the body other than the eggs or sperm cells.
In a report backed by the Government of Italy, Corvelva, an advocacy group of independent researchers that has been demanding freedom to choose vaccines since 1993 gave their conclusion about some of these vaccines.

They reached conclusions that many of these vaccines have the potential to increase

  • oncogenesis (so increase risk of cancers).
  • Mutagenesis or muted genes here is the definition of what that could entail. A process by which the genetic information of an organism is changed, resulting in a mutation.It may occur spontaneously in nature, or as a result of exposure to mutagens.It can also be achieved experimentally using laboratory procedures.
  • Increase risk of transmitting live infections.

This has been well known and documented. For example, they will have a bacteria that is a contaminate, or mycoplasma pneumoniaeas a contaminate. The persistence of M. pneumoniae infections even after treatment is associated with its ability to mimic host cell surface composition.

On October 26, 2018, the Italian National Order of Biologists (known as ONB), a 50,000-member association, announced a grant of US$11,350 to Corvelva to undertake the study, which gave credibility to the protests and the study. Though the results have not been published by any peer-reviewed journal so far, the findings, if true, are quite alarming.

The tests found that Infanrix Hexa, manufactured by England-based Gla xo Smith Kline (GSK), and used for protection against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), polio, hepatitis B and Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) did not have antigens in the right form. “The antigens are not present as soluble proteins as they are supposed to be, but as insoluble macromolecules. Due to the insolubility, they will not be recognised by the immune system of the body. Hence the efficacy is doubtful. Also, its stay in the body can cause unknown toxicity,” says Loretta Bolgan, a consultant of the Italian parliamentary commission on army personnel and an expert on vaccination damage. She is also associated with Corvelva (see ‘The results should trigger rigorous research’ on p18) and says that the organization is calling the episode “vaccinegate”.

Jacob Puliyel, a paediatrician at St Stephen’s hospital, New Delhi, published a paper in the Indian Journal of Medical Ethics in September 2017 on post-vaccination deaths in Italy on the basis of Periodic Safety Update Report (PSUR)15 pertaining to data for 2009-11 that GSK submits to Italian courts every year. “As per PSUR-15, 42 deaths took place in the first three days after vaccination, and only 8 in the next 3 days. Among those below one year of age, 54 deaths (93%) occurred in the first 10 days, and 4 (7%) in the next 10 days...The fact that the rate of death decreases rapidly with the passage of time following immunization suggests that the deaths could be related to vaccination,” states the paper.
There is more, see source provided.
These components can be placed in there. Would you consider this to have the potential to be used as a bioweapon? So they are injecting cancers in your body along with different toxic substances like an aluminum derivatives, mercury derivatives (you know this if you’ve read the paperwork they hand you when they pressure and coerce people into vaccinating their children.

In addition to the unknown affect of the Combination and Accumulation of these vaccines together and a synergistic effect that happens.

In other words the power can be multiplied as far as side effects and harm done to the organism (you or the person’s body receiving these vaccines).
Children are the most susceptible do to their immune systems not being fully developed yet.
If the current research and evidence we are using verifies there has been damaging side effects and even families paid off. . .

For example, on a site called Kelly Brogan MD. there is an article titled, CDC: You’re Fired. Autism Coverup Exposed.
When asking Why would the nefarious in government scam the people. ..just remember how the Nazis controlled the population through health.
Just go look at the document titled, In the Name of Public Health — Nazi Racial Hygiene

So who are the Nazi followers exactly? They always try to blame a certain group, yet time and time again they have more fingers pointing back at their own leadership. Not to mention they all subscribe to a Karl Marx tactic of Whatever You are Doing. ..blame it on the other side.

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If you Follow the Money, it reveals Much!

  • In 2011 CureVac was given $33 million for their research and development of RNA Vaccines.
    2013 Moderna Therapeutics was given $25 million for their research and development of RNA Vaccines.
    2015 Inovio was given $45 million for their DNA Vaccines. They also admitted to using DNA nanotechnology (microscopic robotic organisms).

All have been associated or backed by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

So far these companies have been unable to get these products licensed for human use because they have failed to prove they provide sufficient immunity in human trials.

Now Sufficient Immunity Only states you have a Certain amount of Antibodies. Once again, it doesn’t show that the person is completely immune out in public.

It is only measuring in vitro or in a test tube how many antibodies. Does not give conclusive evidence at all. Will you be comfortable with that kind of a vaccine?

This is not good science to prove the efficacy of these vaccines. Once again, many people Claiming they are all about the science, you find out, don’t know anything about the science. Just catch phrases they use thinking they have won their argument.

In 2010 DARPA (remember stands for Defense Advance Research Projects Agency) so the one where Regina Dugan 19 director of DARPA also worked for FB and Google. . .started focusing on DNA and RNA vaccines.

They had a synthetic DNA vaccine they could be delivered via non invasive Electrophoresia using a sticker type application with micro needles on your skin so you can barely feel it go in. . .in their words, “It is to enhance and subvert” humans at a genetic level.

Now 2010 would have been around the same year Bill Gates started to heavily fund the DNA and RNA vaccines with the companies previously mentioned. For verification just look at the WHO website mentioned in one of my research articles titled, Is Bill Gates trying to help you or harm you? Where it gives the WHO’s information that he has worked with Dr. Fauci on vaccines for a decade.
In 2012 DARPA acknowledged a Brain Machine Interface. I am providing the link from their military site.

So basically AI and the Human Brain will form a neural network. ..before you laugh remind yourself. ..Of course this is plausible. . .what is Bill Gate’s background? What division of Monsanto did he work on for his GMO food, plant hybrids and poison? The AI side. Makes sense right? He did after all use to deal with faulty software and come up with (though not always viable or long lasting) patches and “solutions” for his software problems with Microsoft. Interesting. ..still hear a Lot of complaining on how unreliable it is many times. Here he is trying to solve human viruses through GMO vaccines. Full Circle?

So this neural network formed with AI and the brain. ..they will have the ability to communicate by thought alone, or being influenced/controlled remotely. Any takers? How about those enhancements for your children? No more arguments? Just “influenced” suggestions to “help” them along in making the decisions You want them to make with very little work?

So thought becomes Action almost instantaneously? Yes, many will think this is too good to pass up, what about the down sides? Is the programming only for the AI? Can you now be programmed. After all what did the song Hotel California tell us? “We are programmed to Receive?” The question becomes, what messaging will you not just receive, but now Do immediately? Not just suggested, but meant to be carried out right away?
DARPA’s program called

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. Next-Generation Nonsurgical Neurotechnology - Darpa. DARPA N3 project. Scholarly articles for DARPA - Brain-Machine Interfaces (BMIs) DARPA Brain Stimulation can accelerate learning by 40%.
The Markula center asks straight up The Ethics of Nanotechnology. Source link provided.
In a Live Science article it covers this titled, The Government Is Serious About Creating Mind-Controlled Weapons

This technology provides interfaces to directly read or write onto your brain. Those who think it is not feasible. ..who is involved? What do software developers do? Who and what become the hardware? Is this headed towards trans humanism? How much is required to be removed or added before you are no longer human?

No doubt people will be enticed in order to learn more, have more abilities quicker than ever before. ..but what about their access to your memories and functions? Can all of this that seems good be turned and used against you?
How will you even know what is reality anymore? Will you be headed towards the New Virtual World? How about a Multiplex-Universe which has been encouraged on many games including those for children? Have they prepped and primed for their “Prime Time Reveal?”
DARPA funded a company that produces soft, flexible hydrogels. Injected beneath the skin to perform Health Monitoring.

So a military funded Biosensor.

March 2020 Defense One did an article titled,

A Military-Funded Biosensor Could Be the Future of Pandemic Detection

These hydrogels sync to a smart phone app to give the user immediate health information and insight. This hydrogel nanotechnology grows and spreads in the body when implanted and no one knows How this affects the DNA.
We Do Know that it can send information directly and indirectly to Artificial Intelligence. How many will Link Up?
You can disable the health app, but it is Impossible to erase. That should be a Tell right?

They are getting people set up with the Covid-19 app and they are led to believe they are doing a “Good thing.” Once you have the Hydrogel in place everything can be monitored forever!

Everything is perpetually logged and tracked. ..Big Brother on Steroids! This would include your feelings and emotions, not just your actions. Quite the link up!

Do you see them Fast Tracking this?

Are you willing to see them Change what it means to be human. Do you think evidence supports that these vaccines are
Not safe or should at the very least be researched and tested prior to human injection or interface?
Is it okay to introduce toxic substances and known cancerous cell lines into the human body?
Have they given undeniable proof that these vaccines will keep you immune? Are they even required to provide proof or do they get a pass because of a perceived “pandemic” which Bill Gates himself held an event called Event 201 on the Very Same day the 7th World Military Games took place in Wuhan, China Right before the “Pandemic” breakout? Both represented the UN, Gate’s called globalists who stood to profit “Players,” his words Not mine. . .on Oct. 18, 2019. Coincidence or by design? What are they Designing?

What do you think about the recombinant DNA and RNA technology (so artificially formed DNA by their definition) causing unknown and permanent genetic changes in every person’s body. Is this okay with you?
Are you okay with the fact that Once their DNA is changed, people will live with this for the Rest of their lives here on earth?

What about the ripple effect? Will ever see All of the negatives?

There is no Anti-Vaccine once people take it. You are then in a do or die situation.

So it doesn’t look like Humans will win from this. . .so Who Does Stand to profit? What agenda’s goals will be furthered? Have you read the United Nations documented Agenda 21 and 30? If you haven’t just go skim them. A real Eye opener.

Are they trying to create a New Species? Whose image were you created in? Why would they want to get rid of that image? Between who was the fight? Good vs. evil?

Are you For being hooked up and linked to an Artificial Intelligence Interface? Do you see any downsides to that? Will this be the Matrix in Full Force?

What does our government know? Do you remember a target being carried out in those "Military Exercises" in Long Beach (the port Rachel Chandler's family built up) right next to the law offices of Girardi (attorney to Allison Mack of NEXIVM) who has a direct connection to Epstein and Richard Branson (island neighbor to Epstein as Branson owned Necker). The target was carried out by special forces in hazmat suits from the Guatemalan House of Culture and the industry that can be traced from the owners of the building I tracked all the way to a Pediatrician in Florida, who specializes in Infectious Diseases. Interesting.

#Hydrogel, #BrainAIinterface, #DownloadableVaccines?, #MilitaryExercisesLongBeach, #Epstein, #RachelChandler, #MicrosoftPatent

Sources and connecting Articles, Reports
Here is the video of Dr. Carrie Madej's warning on covid vaccine 2020 - MIND BLOWING

I see the took this down.
UPDATE 2021 of May
Dr Carrie Madej - Covid mRNA Vaccines altering our DNA - and what is &#x27Luciferase&#x27








A new Paradigm of Brain Computer Systems

Direct Neural Interface Tech


Military Exercises in Los Angeles, California or a raid? Thomas Girardi, NEXIVM and Miami, FL

Attorney for Allison Mack, Erin Brockovich married to Erika Jayne of RHBH. Girardi & Nexivm, GHC

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