Breaching The Public Trust - Facebook Is The Beginning

in #facebook7 years ago

Content adapted from this article : Source

Facebook is just the tip of the iceberg of the Orwellian state.

Google, Twitter, and Facebook are all in cahoots with the government. The surveillance extends beyond the intelligence agencies. The social media apparatus is just another arm of the CIA/NSA.

We accept this. They mine our data in return for free communication. Now that the cat is out of the bag, will people change. Some are getting outraged.

Authored by Tom Luongo,

Last night I was chatting with a friend while waiting for my daughter. She told me her phone now informs her when her bills are due. Now, that may not seem like a big deal, but it is when you realize that she never told her phone to do that. Her phone is scanning her emails and letting her know her when her electric bill is due.

I told her Google likely pushed down an update which she agreed to without realizing it (or getting the opportunity to opt-out of) which authorized them to not only scan her inbox but set up alerts for her.

She was angry about it, and rightfully so.

This is why I don't use any of the Google apps on my Android phone. Outlook for email, Opera for my browser. Office for my productivity apps. It was a conscious choice.

I moved to Android under protest because Microsoft willfully destroyed Windows Phone. I know it's not much better, but at least Microsoft appreciates my business, now, for the first time in their miserable existence.

And I wasn't willing to shell out $600+ for a comparable iPhone. Pennywise and pound-foolish, I know, but no one's perfect.

As a hardware-savvy guy I know when software is over-burdening hardware and why.

And I can tell you the data harvesting on my phone was so out of control by Facebook and Google that it became nigh unusable on wake-up. Upwards of a minute or two would go by before the phone was usable because so much data was being harvested off it before it would deign to allow me to use it.

I will switch to the iPhone when I can justify the money.

Once I deleted Facebook and all its crap from my phone, it miraculously became almost functional again.

I could answer calls as they came in. I could reply to texts and approve blog comments/pingbacks. I will never reinstall Facebook on any device I own

Harvest This!

I am mostly post-Facebook anyway. And once I get phone numbers for the few people I contact via Messenger, I'll likely only log in to get the schedule at my local game shop.

I talked about this phenomenon back in October, presaging the backlash to their current brand-killing troubles.

So, watching people who have made the decision to simply end their relationship with Facebook is fascinating. Some do so because they are rightfully fearful of Mr. Creepyberg's weird need to vacuum up all the data about everyone..

The biggest problem with Facebook is it's all fake intimacy; a pale simulacra of real life interactions with people you are supposed to care about…

The people I truly value mostly feel about Facebook the way I do.

That's what makes them people I value.

They value the value of their closely-held opinions and don't dilute it by publicly sharing their banality. They realize that being friends is more than dropping political stink bombs in someone's digital living room and saying, "I dare you to not breathe."

So, here you are on a platform that is supposed to be all about you and the last thing anyone really wants to be on Facebook is … themselves.

Because who has time for that anymore? Especially when this technology we're all so addicted to is rendered unusable and the simplest of interactions takes ten times longer than it used to.

And this inconvenience was acceptable when it wasn't obvious that your soul was being sucked up into the Facebook data vacuum and sold to any John with a fiver hanging out of his zipper. But it is.

"Hey Mark, there's an extra ten in it for you if you include their porn preferences."

But now that that cat is out of the bag, Facebook's advertisers and competitors can virtue signal and piggy-back on the #DeleteFacebook bandwagon. Competition and all that. As a free-marketeer I'm both horrified and vindicated by this.

So, take toxic interactions, politically-biased feed population to heighten anxiety and rapacious data harvesting, shake and stir and the resultant explosion of anger was predictable.

Post-Peak Facebook

Facebook will not recover from this. In fact, we've likely reached peak 'free' social media in general. The blockchain, like Steemit, is our way forward. This has been brewing for months as the Left and the power-broker class go through the various stages of Post-Election Stress Disorder.

They have increasingly outed themselves as the insectoid monsters we've always known them to be. But, again, we put up with it because we thought their being private companies would give us some control over their worst impulses.

Boy, were we wrong.

What started as a great thing to bring people together to communicate in an increasingly fragmented society has turned into an evil, Orwellian monstrosity feeding the power fantasies of the worst people on Wall St. and K Street.

Facebook, Google and Twitter are the epicenter for The Culture War being foisted on us by the psychotic and the powerful. And their products have to be rejected for us to have any chance regaining control of the narratives that circumscribe our lives.

Use them for your own purposes, but not one inch further. If Facebook is still good for your business, stay with it. I'll use YouTube for as long as they'll let me. But, I have no illusions about making money off the platform directly.

To me YouTube is nothing more than a repository of my screeds against it and everything the people who own and operate it stand for.

In this month's issue of the Gold Goats n' Guns Investment Newsletter I explained why we've reached this tipping point in a piece entitled, Slouching Towards Oceania:

In the open market of ideas, they have lost. As long as this didn't have profound political consequences they were okay with making money off of our discontent.

So, while they [social media companies] weren't built with the intention of shutting out those who weren't down with the plan of frogmarching us towards global oligarchic control, they have that power now.

And they are using it, revealing the ugly, authoritarian mindset that was always there, masked by a thin veneer of civility, safe in the knowledge that the power rested with them. And then Trump won.


That's the real reason for the outrage at Facebook's casual attitude towards our data. We knew this was being used against us. But, it was a Faustian bargain. We get 'free' communications, they get our data.

But, to then silence us because that data didn't help elect Hillary and complete the circle of salt to trap us demons within, the gloves came off and we were to be punished for our sins against their ideas of decency.

Creepyberg's mea culpa on CNN didn't see him taking any true responsibility for this. He never cared about his customers.

Facebook was always a propaganda platform and government intelligence agency masquerading as a social network. So is Twitter. So is Google. Why do you think the Chinese and Russians banned them from their countries and fostered their own analogues?

It's powerful stuff this big data in the global game of Control the Narrative.

They also represent the worst kind of real Fascism — the merging of corporate and state power — because it's personal. It uses your personal faults and kinks, your moments of weakness and short-comings as weapons to bind you down, keep you from making a living, marginalize you and, ultimately, un-person you.

And if Creepyberg and the vampires on Madison Avenue think they can recover their business after such a sincere violation of the public's trust they are in for one hell of a rude awakening.

And that's the real irony here. For while Antifa and the left scream about how Trump is destroying the media and with it our democracy, the truth is the legacy and social media companies are destroying themselves by thinking they are immune to the anger of their users.

The Clinton Ouroborous

But the big question is why this scandal? And why this scandal now? The outing of Cambridge Analytica may be payback for them helping elect Trump. Creepyberg and Facebook are past their peak with those Democrats need to win elections — younger voters — so turning on them makes a certain kind of sense.

The Clintonistas/Obama-babies, under pressure from failing to destroy Trump, regain control of the narrative and preserve the status quo, are turning on each other now.

Like sharks in a feeding frenzy markers are being called in left and right, silences are breaking, confidences betrayed (Oh, the delicious irony of that!).

Nikolas Sarkozy was indicted for profiting off of destroying Libya? Cambridge Analytica going down? Now Facebook? All in a span of a few days since Andrew McCabe was fired on Friday?

People like this don't get outed unless there are major changes happening behind the scenes. Hillary's statements last week while she was stumbling around India may have finally been the last straw for those she failed so completely in November 2016. And it's time to cut her loose.

And in order to do that, the people complicit in her crimes are being thrown to the wolves to satisfy our anger and soothe the restless natives pre-mid terms.

I've been saying for months that Hillary's popularity would have to drop below a certain critical threshold for her to be indicted. That she would have to become a true liability to the cause of globalism for the sharks to finally feed in the grandest breakdown of the Prisoner's Dilemma the world has ever seen.

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Non-adapted content found at Source


i agree

This is a clear picture of the garbage facebook has become. You took a far much better measure to stop this irritating monitoring than I thought was best. I was opting for updating the profile on the accounts, but deleting is the only way to completely get rid of this disagreeable crap. It's indeed the same reason the Chinese and Russians had to ban the platform from their countries. A smart move which some people were seeing as oppression, but now everything is clear. I'll try to pass on this message to as many people as I can to create a much safer use of gadgets. With the angry feed back from all corners of the globe, facebook might be going down as the activity on the platform continues to reduce every day that goes by.

Most people assume that the bad decisions leading to Facebook’s social catastrophes are being made by the company’s senior management, or some committee. Not true. The vast majority of such decisions are made automatically by artificial intelligent computers and algorithms that operate according to a set of rules. This is the basis of Facebook’s efficient business model that allows it to offer a low-cost alternative to its clients.

That’s not an excuse. For there is that old adage which seems to apply here too; “You get what you pay for.” AI systems are inherently vulnerable to antagonists who figure out their operating rules and how to game them. They’re also limited to a one-size-fits-all approach to a solution for every set of circumstances they encounter.

Ultimately, there’s a fundamental question that every user and client of social media needs to answer for themselves:

Is all this efficiency and positive outcomes that social media claims worth the price of a social hierarchy where 99.9% of the people are subordinate to artificial intelligence, which is developed and controlled by a privileged 0.1% of the people?

your data is collected and given to the CIA to form profiles on every single person which is collected in fusion centers all over the U.S. They use this data to monitor citizen habits.....where your at throughout your day...friends...religion etc If you think for one second that this is done innocently or for your benefit your a fool. The truth is your looked at as cattle receiving dopamine hits from likes ...shares etc Throw in the mix mass surveillance ...facial recognition software being rolled out...promotion of chipping employees at jobs which is just beginning...Cell phones listening in on you and now Alexa..list goes on. Use your brains people...imagine if Hitler had this kind of technology back in the day and what would have happened. You have No have no rights only have a number just like a person in prison or ww2 had a number live in a artificial habitat .....they even have projects in the works thanks to our U.N. such as "habitat 3". They do everything with fear mongering with the same old pitch "it's for your safety". Lol 😁

Facebook, Google and Twitter are the epicenter for The Culture War being foisted on us by the psychotic and the powerful

I just flat out stopped using it all. Deleted Facebook, insta, YouTube, LinkedIn. All of it, absolute waste of time. Human interaction is the next form of social networking. That's the world we live in. There's an expression that "there's no ethical consumption in capitalism", because living in this world requires giving in to systems of control that exploit people. In order to protest social media, we have to use social media. I criticize Google all of the time, but I know that Google is making money off of me using YouTube. And if I gave up YouTube, I wouldn't have access to the media that informs me about how the company behind YouTube is hurting people. Even with trying to move on to better platforms like DTube, it doesn't work if everyone else is still locked in. It's a catch22, but giving up these exploitative systems altogether would just make me a hermit living out in the woods by myself.

well information keep it up thanks for shareing

not only with the government, they also provide us with information to the transnational so that they can adapt their advertising campaigns and know everything about the consumer, I have even amazon provides information that alexa listens to the CIA

Was reading the news that Facebook sold people's privacy. Is it real? This is crazy from them. is the ultimate solution.

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Thank you for bringing up this,
I think me and you we're on the same page..i nolonger waste my time on facebook posting staff

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