5 Ways to Get Facebook Followers for Your Small Business Fast For Get More Follow Or Up-votesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #facebook6 years ago

Hey, Guys This wenamebooster Here.
if you'd like to know how to get more Facebook followers so that you can generate more leads you can grow your business faster especially in 2018 with all of the changes that Facebook is making to their algorithm and to their platform over the course of the next year make sure you pay close attention in today's Post pay attention let me take a minute to introduce myself while you're saying hello if you've never attended one of my Posts before my name is wenamebooster We Are boost Yourself as I give you little business to help you grow your business to generate more leads and more sales Or More Upvotes in your business as I finish up my workout and come home from the fitness gym for the day which explains my gym appearance with my crazy hair and my Cardinals hat this is what I workout in so I see Renee just said hey I say I see Omar said hello so it's good to see you guys so we're gonna dive right in I'm gonna make today's Post fairly quick and I'd love your Upvote as we go so feel free to give me some Upvoet depending on what platform you're working on if you're on Facebook give me some hearts if you're on YouTube give me some comments over there and the First tip
I'll give you in terms of how to attract more followers on Facebook is as follows become someone worth following so what do I mean by that ask yourself would you follow you if you went to your Facebook page are you putting out the kind of stuff on your page whether it's your business page or your personal page are you putting out the kind of content that would make people want to follow you or are you just constantly pitching your product are you constantly talking about your thing and why your your product is amazing or why you're you know your business opportunity is awesome or whatever your thing is because if you're not putting out valuable content that genuinely helps people nobody is going to follow you so become someone worth following now that might beg the question some of you might be thinking well Tyson how what what do I put out that makes me worth following well I don't have a ton of time to go into that in today's Post but if you want to attend my free upcoming web class inside of that web class I will show you a very simple three-step formula that top earners know and use to attract people to them and that they use to become someone worth following I actually just I was actually just interviewed as a part of an attraction marketing summit that had like thirty of the biggest leaders inside of the industry interviewed I was put on by by the guys over it by an attraction marketing company and anyway guys every single one of those people utilized this three-step formula that I share on my free web class so if you want to register and discover that three-step formula click the link that you see either in the post description somewhere around this video and put in your name and email address on the next page and I'll be happy to show you that so you can in fact become someone worth following what it really comes down to is putting out valuable content that genuinely helps people alright the second tip I would give you know are all of these tips required for you to create success no but I'm gonna give you what I think are the five best and the second one is Facebook live broadcasts so Facebook is really trying to become a a video platform right they're really trying to compete with Facebook and their algorithm has been tweaked more and more and more over the past several years and I see it going even further this direction in 2018 to where they're really going to be rewarding people who are doing video particularly people who are doing live video like the one I'm doing right now interacting with you and saying hello right so like I can log in give me some shout outs this is helpful so far give me some thumbs up if you're on youtube or if you're on Facebook tap that heart button a couple of times give me a few comments and you'll see that I can look right at my comments over here and I can say hi to Paula I can say hi to Omar I get to hi to Amy and to Renae right so I could interact with my audience and Facebook really likes this live interaction feature and they're rewarding people and showing live videos more than they're showing other types of content so it can definitely give you a huge leg up if you will commit yourself to doing live broadcast now I know that a lot of people are like man I'm totally scared to go live believe me I was as well in fact even before I I mean I'm unfairly I've done a lot of live video but every time before I get on and go live I get butterfly in my stomach I get a little bit nervous it's totally okay that's totally normal anytime you do something new you're probably gonna stink at it if you haven't done it before I just suck I just I sucked but you can't get better unless you do it and you fail a few times so don't be afraid to go out and do it even if it's not perfect on your first go-round and for those of you who are wondering well what in the world would I talk about on my facebook lives feel free to once again register for my free web class that you can click the link that you see somewhere on or around this video and I will show you my simple three-step formula that will not only show you the right kind of people to put your content in front of so that those people will be most likely to want to these are the people who are most likely to buy your product or your service or join your opportunity but I'll also be talking to you about what kind of content you should create and I'm gonna show you for everyone who attends that free web class I have a bonus called the Facebook lead generation template that I will give you for free as a bonus just for attending the web class it's only for attendees though you can't just register and get it you actually after register and attend and that will show you not only what to talk about but a really powerful way to structure your posts that will that has worked really well for me to grab attention in the newsfeed and get people interested in listening to me the third tip I would like to give you is run Facebook ads so let's talk a minute about running Facebook ads to grow your business in 2018 Facebook over the past years has become more and more of a pay-to-play platform yes it used to be you could simply post something you know four years ago you could post something on Facebook and it would get a lot of organic reach it's not really the case so much anymore unless you create something that is shareable which I'm gonna actually is one of our five tips I'll give you that one here in a minute we'll talk about how to create how to make sure about content but honestly guys the fastest way for you to grow your business is to run ads now first of all if you're wondering well I don't know you're like how would I structure an ad that would grab people's attention that's what that Facebook lead generation templates for so for everybody who registers you'll get that for free but also a lot of a lot of pee think you know what I don't know i don't i don't know if i want to run facebook ads because i'm a skier i'm afraid to lose money or I'm afraid it's expensive it might cost a lot of money there's ways around that the nice thing about Facebook advertising is that you don't have to pump out you know thousands of dollars to start running ads you can literally get started for five to ten dollars a day and test it for three days so for twenty to thirty dollars you can test out an ad see how it works and if it doesn't work you shut it off and the only you're only out thirty bucks and then you go back to the drawing board and try again so not only is it the fastest way for you to get results it's also the fastest way for you to learn what works and what doesn't work what your audience resonates with and what they don't resonate with and for everybody who registers for and attends my free web class you'll get that free facebook lead generation template which will show you exactly how to set up your ads so that was number three tip number four to grow your Facebook following in 2018 is this give people a reason to follow you so do things on your page from time to time where you bribe them now ethically bribe them right don't make it a non ethical bribe give them an ethical bribe as a reason to follow you and I'll give you an example I did this not too long ago I started a new page and I wanted to build up a lot of followers really really quickly quick quick quick e I did quickie really quickly on that page so what I did was I went on to that page and I said hey guys I'm gonna be releasing a free giveaway on this page it was like a free training or something that I put together a lead magnet I bribed them and I said but I'm only gonna leave that post up for 48 hours and I'm not gonna tell you when I'm gonna post it so the only people who are gonna see that that post is available that this free giveaway is available to you are people who have liked this page and people who have signed up for notifications so I showed them how to like the page I showed them how to sign up for notifications and then I sent out that announcement to my email list I told my followers on other platforms about it if you don't have a following you could run you know an engagement campaign on like a likes campaign on Facebook to run Facebook ads and that's the way you can get in front of your target audience really quickly you can go out into groups you know there's there's people to congregate in Facebook groups you can go out into those groups and say hey I've got this new thing is it something you all would be interested in if they say yes you said great I'm gonna be announcing it on my Facebook page you here's the link to my page you can head over here like it sign up for notifications and when I when I post that free giveaway you'll get notified so make sure you give people a reason to follow you and from time to time create some sort of small promotion that only your followers are going to be likely to see and take advantage of all right and the final tip the fifth one is make sure that your comment that you're content that you're creating is shareable and what do I mean by shareable so there's two things number one just ask for shares like I might say to you in this Post hey guys are you getting value out of this content first of all if you are do me a favor and this is actually me actually actually asking you if you're watching this on YouTube give it some thumbs up if you're watching on Facebook tap that heart button a couple of times so let me know this has been helpful and valuable and useful to you I'd love to hear from you but also if you know somebody that would get value out of this if you know someone that would love this information be sure to share it with them and they're absolutely gonna thank you and say wow that was so incredible I'm so glad you shared that with me and this is a little bit of psychology I want to share with you about how to make your content shareable a lot of people think that the reason why people share content is because they think oh my friend John would really like this and yes that's part of it but here's the thing at the heart of the matter we are all human beings we are all selfish I'm selfish I'm selfish really we do things for selfish reasons and here we are we're going I'm recording this on December the 15th today is that what today's date is so we're going into the holiday season right we're going into into the gift-giving season especially for those of you who celebrate Christmas and it's interesting the more and more the older I get and the more and more I talk to people I realized that even gift-giving is not a selfless act in fact it's a very selfish act I know people in my life that have actually said out loud I like we've got grandparents in our lives that want to give our grandkids gifts simply because of the action that they're going to get back right but what one of our grandparents said I don't want to give them like a gift card because the look on their faces they don't you know they don't give me the the reaction that I really want from that does that make sense so even when we're giving to others we're doing it because we want something in return why don't we whether we recognize that or not and most people out there on Facebook the reason they're going to share your content is not just because they think their friend would like it it's because they think I will look good for sharing this right either it makes me look great because I associate with this kind of content or I'm going to share it because this person is gonna thank me so immensely and they're gonna appreciate me so much so create the kind of content that would make the sharer look good for sharing it that's the way that you create viral content that's a little bit of psychology that a lot of people don't know and think about I never thought of it that way so guys if you've gotten value out of today's Post if these five tips to help you grow your Facebook following in the next year so that you can generate more leads and sales for your business has been helpful once again if you're on YouTube tap that heart that thumbs up button if you're on Facebook tap the heart button a couple of times to let me know this has been helpful give me some comments in the comment box below and for those of you who have not ever registered to attend my totally free web class click the link that you see either in the post on the next page pick a time that you'd like to attend to that free web class that's about 60 minutes long it's totally free and I will show you the simple three-step formula that I have used to attract tens of thousands of leads online this is the same formula that's allowed me to become a three-time top earner in one of my companies and I've taught it to hundreds of students thousands of students in fact that have gone on to create amazing success with this simple three-step formula the class is totally free and if you actually register and attend you'll get that Facebook lead generation template as well that will show you a very simple formula to create posts that actually stand out in the newsfeed and get people's attention so alright guys I'm seeing a bunch of hearts I've seen a bunch of comments I appreciate you being here go ahead and register for that free web class I look forward to seeing you there and until the next Posts from the wenamebooster and have an amazing amazing day take care bye you Upvote If Like This Post & Commnets Me how You grow Your Followers On Steemit

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