Facebook Releases Unfollow Friends for 30 Days
There are times when you are bored to see photos of friends' friends flooded Facebook's timeline. You do not want to see the content, but not the heart to unfollow or unfriend friends permanently.
You are not alone, because many Facebook users who feel the same. As a result, Facebook also released a special feature titled "Snooze" as a solution.
You can unfollow someone, Page, or group, for 30 days alias non-permanent. The person will not realize you are doing Snooze on his account.
How to? You simply press the menu listed on the top right side of each post. There you will see some options, one of them Snooze.
With Snooze, you have more control over the timeline view. If you're annoyed with a particular person, you can stop posting from that person in the timeline within 30 days.
When the period is close to the end, Facebook will provide a special notification. You are free to choose to do Snooze again or not. Facebook is constantly working to improve the user experience in viewing timeline. Before Snooze, there are some features to control the look of linimasa present on Facebook like Unfollow, Hide, Report, and See First.
Snooze itself was released gradually. Make sure you update the Facebook app on iOS and Android, and wait until you get it.
great content! and thanks again for following!
If you learn to let Facebook leave your life you will be happier..........
I am glad I did.