HUNGER PATRIA! 14.4 million Venezuelans eat 2 times a day (they go to bed without eating!)
The "blow" to which the government refers so much seems to be the one that Venezuelans get in their stomach day after day, who barely manage to make one or two meals a day although many times, without proteins or without the necessary nutrients, something like that as to cheat the stomach. Hunger is the problem that overwhelms citizens today because food is not achieved or is unattainable.
In a survey conducted between August 8 and 12, the company More Consulting found that only 7.4 million Venezuelans eat 3 times a day, while 14.4 million do it twice, many of which go to bed without eat.
The firm, contracted by Primero Justicia deputy, Miguel Pizarro, interviewed 2,000 people and concluded that there are 3 types of diets, determined by the amount of proteins:
Optimum: Represents 28.4% of the respondents and, when making the projection, means that 7.4 million Venezuelans eat 3 times a day and in a balanced way "first level" proteins (breasts and thighs of chickens, steak , chops, pork legs, pork shoulder, white fish or tuna), with carbohydrates and vegetables.
Average: 47.9% of those consulted, which would represent 14.4 million Venezuelans according to the projection, divided into 4 groups, which are fed twice a day with first level proteins, carbohydrates and vegetables; a second and third group that eat 2 or 3 times second level proteins, with carbohydrates and vegetables; and a quarter, composed of those who eat 3 times a day, without protein.
Serious: In this category is 24.2% of respondents, which according to the firm would be located in 7.3 million inhabitants, who replied that he eats twice a day without proteins of any kind and those who eat only one time regardless of the quality of the products.
When asked about how they obtain food, 37.8% said that in the networks of private supermarkets; 27.5% with bachaqueros or hawkers. Through "relatives or exchanges" 36.7%; in the public market network, 30.1%; in business waste 15.7%; with CLAP bags 13.6% and own crops or trees on the street 5.8%.
"It's a small x-ray of the harsh reality. Let's join efforts so that these data do not become only statistics, that hunger is not normal, "said Pizarro, who was alarmed because 88.9% said they" felt afraid of running out of food in their home "; 53.9% went to bed hungry due to lack of food; 48.8% did not work because they did not have food and 58.5% left their jobs to look for products.
57.8% of parents surveyed said they had to eat to give it to their children; 38.1% indicated that their representatives stopped going to school because there was not enough food at home; 11.9% indicated that their children ate in schools.
More Consulting's measurements, from April of this year to date, show that only 20% rate Chavismo as positive, while Nicolás Maduro's management ranges between 21.8% and 18.4%. In that universe would be those who declare themselves "extreme or moderate chavistas".