People Complaining About Facebook Privacy Are Delusional Softies

in #facebook6 years ago


Facebook is a social media company. It provides a service where people are free to exchange whatever the fuck they want. In order for that service to be maintained some of those users pay for advertisements. Mark Zuckerberg is not responsible when some people advertise some things other people disagree with. He is not responsible is you are stupid enough to take a selfie with every single fucking object and person in your disposal because you luck any kind of confidence or actual social life. If the terms of service are too complicated for you and you don't understand them then you are too stupid to use facebook. By all means, this is not the responsibility of Facebook.

Facebook might have indeed turned into a circle-jerking, politically correct shithole with all that bullshit about democracy, diversity and the like but this shitshow is something that the users created. Facebook merely adopts to what users input. It is a company providing a service and it will continue doing so as long as it serves people's interests and generates profits. No government and no policy is going to make things better. You cannot possibly expect to just throw all the information you like in one open free social media space and then complain if various actors use that information for their own benefit. If you expected anything different then you are an idiot. Nothing in this life comes for free despite what your spoiled generation shows you.

The millennial generation has probably produced the single largest bunch of human pussies ever recorded in human history. A generation that wants everything laid upon them without having to take responsibility for anything. A generation that keeps complaining about their own individual freedom but only if they reap it off by force using the democratic mean and imposing it upon one another. Groupies left and right wanting more and more and more while others who provide literally free shit have to pay everything for them.

And then we wonder why nationalism is on the rise. Why politicians restrict freedoms more and more for the sake of security. This is also why I believe the blockchain will face similar criticism in the future. A free, open source technology that can empower every single human being, also threatens the same people because they can't stand a decentralized free world. They feel too vulnerable and exposed since once in the blockchain, always in the blockchain.

We fasten the chains onto our feet without realizing it. Facebook is such an example. If we were to back in time and tell to 1800's century people that we were able to connect with anyone on this planet for free by using a gadget that costs about 1/10 of a month's salary and that we would still complain about oppression and insecurity with that service they would have laughed at us. The biggest enemy for humanity right now is not Trump, Putin, nuclear war, AI, a super-virus or a super bug. It is millions of spoiled pussies ready to use their numbers to destroy everything in their path for the sake of superficial security.


I agree with you on this one but at the same time, you don't forget about who raised those millennials. Parents and teachers are the big part of the problem. At least that's my experience. Keep good work here, my friend.

Also very true.

The millennial generation has probably produced the single largest bunch of human pussies ever recorded in human history.

Rather than say pussies more like silly people. As a millennial myself school brainwashed me into thinking that answers can be found through study and reading. That is not the case. There is a lot in life a book can never teach us.

I try to apply my knowledge when in fact sometime I just need to think with common sense. Why on earth spend countless hours on a platform that will give me more insecurity such as Facebook? To keep comparing myself to others just through pictures on FB is plan silly. Yet I still have an account on their and use it once in awhile. I must be crazy.

There seems to be this idea because we are one of the most educated generation, ton of us went to college, that we should represent mankind better than the rest. The bar is high but we are all human. We F' Up as much as past generations.

We are no better than the people before us. Still not all of us do what you say. There are those that you will never hear complaining because they work their butts off to ensure they make an impact in life.

We are a generation that is filled with massive amount of debt and shrinking opportunities. It is very misleading to say baby boomers work harder than us because they are still working right now. If they have spend their time figuring out their finance when they were younger then maybe they could have retired at 65 and give their opportunity to the younger generation.

I lost my first job two years out of college so I know how difficult it is to earn a buck. So when I buy something I tend to go with the cheaper prices. Why else has brick and mortar retailers closed and internet sales booming. It is not as much of being lazy in getting stuff as in what is more cost effective. Every penny I can save ordering stuff online I will do so. No need to own a car and insurance to drive to the mall. Heck why not reallocate the sqft in the mall into more housing? Not many of us can offer our own homes right now.

I end it by saying millennial are unfairly portrayed from the very beginning. Just because we were hand held and taught right from wrong makes us no better than others. We still have our flaws, but not all of us sit around waiting for the next paycheck.

Totally off the topic, I know.

The biggest enemy for humanity right now is not Trump, Putin, nuclear war, AI, a super-virus or a super bug. It is millions of spoiled pussies ready to use their numbers to destroy everything in their path for the sake of superficial security.

I agree

The millennial generation has probably produced the single largest bunch of human pussies ever recorded in human history.


Excellent writing. People need to learn that nothing is free or as Robert A. Heinlein elegantly put it: TANSTAAFL

FB, Google, Twatter etc have the right to enforce any policy that doesn't breach the NAP in their platforms. Nobody is entitled for these services no matter what the idiots say

Let the free markets decide what is better through fair competition. Zucker's free services will be easily competed away by proper privacy respecting service which people would be willing to pay a few bucks for. I mean millions pay for their Netflix.

Good points. Resteemed.

If you set out to build a public forum, you set out to obey the law to respect the public's right to speak their minds in public fora. All these platforms censoring now are, and always have been intended to be, public fora.

Consequently, they do not have the right to censor people.

My living room is not a conference hall, and my ability to censor speech in my living room is also not absolute. Since it isn't a public forum, I can demand you leave it if I don't like what you say. I do not have that right in a conference hall I own.

If I don't like that I can't censor you in my conference hall, I am free to spend my capital on some other business than public fora.

Furthermore, Fakebook, Twatter, Goolag and the rest aren't actually private businesses. They're funded, developed, and maintained by and for covert government surveillance agencies, which is illegal as well. This is a massive fraud being perpetrated on Americans, and all the people of the world.

These companies investors should be stripped of their assets, and the fora made public services--without surveillance, data sales, or the ability of government covert censorship. Investors should follow ZuckerBorg's lead and divest Fakebook stock quickly, before the law catches up with them.

There is a legal principle that ignorance of the law is no excuse for violating it. This is a great example of where that principle should be applied.

These companies investors should be stripped of their assets, and the fora made public services--without surveillance, data sales, or the ability of government covert censorship. Investors should follow ZuckerBorg's lead and divest Fakebook stock quickly, before the law catches up with them.

These companies are on bed with the law and related institutes(NSA, CIA etc.) When law is corrupt, don't expect it to do anything good.

The way I see it is that a business is a private entity. Banning someone from a social media is the equivalent of you evicting someone from your property because you don't like their behavior. They are free to exercise their free speech anywhere outside of your property. My only problem with FB is that they are not fully transparent about what kind of data they collect. Individuals have the right to sell their privacy and dignity for free stuff and as long as the kinds of data collections are public FB, Twatter etc. should be left alone. Let the intellectual Darwinism play out and the idiots will ruin their lives.

I do not have that right in a conference hall I own.

You don't have the right to obstruct free speech. If you do own the conference hall, then they can only be present under your consent which you can revoke (unless you already have a specific contractual obligation) So in most cases you do have that right in a conference hall you own.

Furthermore, Fakebook, Twatter, Goolag and the rest aren't actually private businesses.

This is a a different topic altogether. I'd say they are privately owned and on bed with malicious private entities. A cop in the pocket of a gang is still technically a cop. But that kind of cops should be removed. In the case of Fakebook, Twatter, Goolag etc. they should be shut downed and fined for NAP violations. But banning account is not a NAP violation as users opt-in for the service of a private company that is colluding with a malicious entity.

"The way I see it is that a business is a private entity."

Except when it's not. These companies were funded by covert government agencies, deeply entwined in the dark pools of funds sloshing and slushing across the financial world. Their talent was provided, like Eric Schmidt, and their products created in government labs.

They're only private companies by way of cover. They are in actuality covert ops.

Regarding public fora, the law is specific that such participants in public conferences--which Fakebook, Youtool, and Twatter all are--may not be lawfully censored, or their free exercise of their right to speak freely interefered with, however you prefer to word it.

It doesn't matter that the business holding the conference is privately owned. They intended to create a public forum, they invited people to speak on it, and they are bound by the law regarding the freedom of speech thereafter.

The NAP isn't a party. It's immaterial in this case. We're not talking about a world in which the NAP is the standard to which governments, companies, and individuals are held. We're discussing the actual entities and legal standards in effect presently.

Ideally, things would be different legally, I agree. That doesn't affect the crimes these companies/agencies have committed under extant law. Semantics regarding crooked cops notwithstanding, the fact that these entities purposefully created public fora and invited people to speak there restricts their rights to censor those people.

Just as the crooked cop couldn't off the competition for his gangs drugs legally.

Pretty much the entire silicon valley is pretty much absorbed into the government operations. But compared to the criminality of the government, these companies actually look like saints. I mean when is the last time FB issued a drone strike? MSM and Tech companies are merely private companies assimilated to become semi-autonomous branches of the government. Law is enforced by government. Any legal act against these companies are going to be very much superficial. It'd be merely a big thug punishing the little thug.

People should simply cut off the revenue steams for these companies. I download my YouTube videos so that I won't see ads. I don't use social media to any significant extent. I don't buy smartphones each year and I also use Brave Browser and

I've added some additional points in this post:

Thanks for the reply.


I am posting this with Brave.

I do almost all of those things, except download videos. I don't see many ads anyway.

The companies in question are not private companies except by way of cover. They were funded by the Military. They ARE the military. Google for example is providing the AI used by US military drones to target people, to decide who to target, and probably deciding when to murder them thereby.

There's a ruse and rhetoric claiming they're private. That's all it is: a ruse.

They're no more private than Evergreen Airlines was.


What a funny article!
The same people famously acknowledged the "human rights" of a gorilla.

I was laughting through this hearing. A bunch of politics who approve massive spaying that violate human rights, let special services kidnap and torture people interogate a social network...

Kids nowdays are told that they are specicial, that they must be respected, that their opinion means something. This is the problem. You must earn respect, you must do something so that people start to value your opinion.

If we told this to the people of the 1800s, we would be killed for violating business plans.

millions of spoiled pussies...

We can relate to that.
They make us want to scratch out our third eye,...

I've been saying it for days only you've said it ten times better. I haven't seen any mad rush out of FB doors....only heard such coming from the crybaby generation.

ps....This was so excellently written...can I share it on another blog site I blog on?

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