How long can you use an AMOLED screen before it starts hurting your eyes?

in #eyeslast year

There is definitely not a particular time that can be generally applied to everybody with regards to utilizing an AMOLED screen or some other kind of screen before it begins harming your eyes. The length shifts from one individual to another and relies upon elements, for example, individual awareness, screen splendor, utilization propensities, and review distance.

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To diminish eye strain and try not to hurt your eyes, you can adhere to a few basic rules:

  1. The 20-20-20 rule: For like clockwork of screen time, require a 20-second break and take a gander at something 20 feet away. This will permit your eye muscles to unwind.

  2. Adjust screen brightness: Ensure your screen brilliance is changed appropriately. Assuming it's excessively brilliant or excessively faint, it can cause eye strain.

  3. Maintain legitimate survey distance: Stay away from the screen. A decent guideline is to sit a safe distance away.


  1. Reduce glare: Position your screen to limit glare from windows or other light sources.

  2. Blink frequently: Squinting assists with dampening your eyes and forestall dryness.

  3. Use blue light filters: Blue light produced from screens can add to eye strain. Numerous gadgets have an underlying blue light channel or you can utilize outsider applications or screen defenders to lessen blue light openness.

Recollect that it's consistently smart to counsel an eye care proficient assuming you have worries about your vision or experience diligent eye distress.

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