Exquisite Corpse 2019-1: The Discussion (Part 5) The REAL End
Image by @EdibleCthulhu
Welcome to part 6 of the Exquisite Corpse 2019-1. The Parts 1-5 are:
“No kid I just have to go see about girl”
The camera focus shifts to the VR unit environ screen which lights up a bright white- filling the whole visual space and then black out. Pugnacia pops into view, giving a wonderfull wink speaks "See you Soon." Then the DreemDock goes on standby.
I disengage the hand and feet slots and blink my eyes to hurry the return to normal vision even as I remove the DreemDock helmet from my head. Holding the helmet to my chest with my right hand I check the numbers on the pad on the phone strapped my wrist. - 33.64 minutes; all real time; data saved to back up- ExquisiteCorpse 2019-1. This was a really fantastic demo and I managed a smile as I turned to face the audience.
There were twelve people in the lab, besides me. Seven were my "partners in crime." my team, they were on their feet cheering . The other five were the "big wigs" we had manged to invite for the first ever demo of DreemDock. Of the invitees the two software guys were right there cheering with my team. The Magazine Lady was whispering into her watch and the two really wealthy E-Commerce Venture Capitalists were conferring and nodding- ignoring all else.
Wait! The cell phones were turned off. I, in fact my team, had been very insistent about this. What was the Magazine Lady, - I could not remember her name - doing. I gestured to one of my team, miming out "Are the cell phone off?" He checked and nodded yes, pointing to the tray where a dozen cell phones lay. Intrigued I walked towards Ms. Magazine. I started to speak as I walked. " What you saw on the screen as a film was a real time "V-Dreem"; my V-dreem. No actors or producers or Fx people or the hundreds of other components were required. As you saw the output was first class even for.... " The Magazine lady spoke, raising a hand for attention. "Please don't panic and keep Calm!"
Bang!! The doors burst open and black helmeted and black suited guards started to pour in. This was very wrong. I started punching code in my cell phone- PRIVATE CLOUD BACKUP INTIATED....4% Thank god for the ultra- performance net connection- ** ..19%** Still I would need time. "What the F**** is gong on?" Magazine Lady responded with a cold glare. "This is NSA National Security. All of you are hereby detained for questioning." "What have we done?" I shouted looking around for support. ..39% Then I noticed Penny speaking to a black suited intruder and pointing to her wrist- my cell phone strapped to my wrist. PA- Penny Araben or my lovely Penny; the "inspiration" for the AI which was my tribute to her- Pugnacia Arabesque. ..54%. I accessed the Database menu and brought up "Format Drive", the backup count was ..76%
I stepped closer to the Magazine Lady and shouted at her. "You can't do this. I am an honest citizen." I had to do something to stall them from getting my cell. I saw from the corner of my eyes two guards from each side closing in. I jumped at the Lady and we fell in a tangle among the bunch of black cables running to the DreemDock ..89%. From the jumble of arms and legs which the guards would unravel in seconds I saw PA punching away at the keyboard ..99%. I caught hold of a power cable- I don't know which one and pulled. The guards pulling me away actually helped and to my satisfaction the computers and DreemDock became dark. Before I could punch the format command I was pushed and tazed twice. For a few seconds I writhed on the ground spittle foaming my lips, thrashing amid the cables while Magazine Lady sneered at me, then I blacked out.
"Wake UP! Come on open your eyes Dammit!"
I tried but nothing was working, I felt the jolts and felt my head move but reaction was still out of reach. "You have to wake up. Nothing's working!!"
Yeah Yeah ! And Why was Pug in such a hurry, it takes time to wake up from Dreems.
Glad you got back in. Nice twist here. Welcome back.
Thank You! I was not sure how you would take the REAL End
Awesome @sarez. Glad you got your account back. You'll have to tell me how you did it. In the Speculative Fiction Writers of Steemit server. I'm amazed at where this story went.
Hey, @sarez!
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