I currently like NordVPN better on Ubuntu than ExpressVPN
I have been testing and using both NordVPN and ExpressVPN on my Ubuntu computer for a while, but after doing some testing, I have got to say that I like NordVPN much more. Do you know why? Because somehow ExpressVPN has been bugging my system seriously, making all network connections drop, even when I disconnect from the VPN server on purpose.
In other words, I have had to restart my computer several times per working session because of some error here and there. I have also frequently had trouble uploading images to articles, simply because it has somehow been blocked whenever I use the VPN. So, I can disconnect and upload, but then comes the error that the entire WiFi connection drops as I disconnect from the VPN, so I have to restart my computer.
No, I do not have an active kill switch that is causing this trouble.
NordVPN, however, seems to run without causing such bugs, meaning that I can enjoy life, write, upload images, and do all my favorite activities, while still feeling secure because of my active VPN connection.
You can also use the NordVPN extension for Firefox and Chrome on Ubuntu, but I find it better to maximize the security by using the VPN on the entire operating system activities, and not only on my browser activities.
For example, right now I wanted to make a screenshot of my browser window for this article. By an accident, I instead turned on the flight mode on the computer. This would have caused major trouble for me using ExpressVPN, but with NordVPN, I could simply disable flight mode, make my screenshot and keep on working. I am still connected to the VPN server and I do not have to mess around for the Internet connection to keep on working!
This might not have been the most interesting article, but to me, it is interesting, and it shares my personal experience about NordVPN and ExpressVPN and using one or both of these services on Ubuntu systems.
What is your experience? Do you have a favorite?