“Safer Sex is for everyone of all ages”: Students ‘Accidentally’ Exposed to Explicit Sex Guide
Hello dear friends. Oh my goodness, this one is very frustrating. It’s just such an obvious staged event for the purpose of social manipulation. Then again, that’s everything that comes out of the Canadian Brainwashing Corporation (CBC). They really want to sexulize your young children. It’s fucking disgusting! Read on as I tear their propaganda apart!
Oh yes, an ‘accident’ love how they toss in “sex education” in the title. Like as if this smut were educational in any way. Nah, it’s degenerate sex crap. Like seriously? Anal beads in a birds nest? What is that a baby bird that has the beads? Oh, and a dildo and what looks like one of those egg vibrators... in the nest... with the baby bird. Like you honestly have to be incredibly naive or just plain stupid not to see how this is manufactured propaganda for the purpose of corrupting youth, and the moral compass of society.
Ask yourself this, wtf is it done in cartoon format with animal characters in these sex acts? It has the elements to capture a child’s attention yet geared towards adults? So what are they doing here? Luring kids to their sexual degenerative material, or are they trying to infantize adults? Well, probably both, because at the end of the day, it’s about closing in the goal posts. It’s about destroying that clear line between adults and children.
Take the trend of adult colouring books for example of a way of infantizing adults.
Hypersexual children’s clothing, cartoons, toys, the infiltration of lgbt into sex education for younger and younger ages. They have been targeting the youth for a long time now.
Anal Sex: What You Need to Know
Teen Vogue Tells Kids To Add Sex Toys, Condoms & Lube To Their Back To School List
“Personal massagers are one of the best ways to let off steam with zero risk of STIs,” Teen Vogue’s description for the item reads.
Sorry, what? Kids go to school to learn, no? “Let off steam?” What’s that about?
Things only go downhill from there, with Teen Vogue recommending another “personal massager” and proudly declaring, “this clitoral vibrator is so good there’s a wait list for it.”
"In the description for one of them, the sick outlet even goes as far as to state, “great for use with or without condoms.”
Sorry, what?
Not only does Teen Vogue want kids to be having sex, they’re encouraging them to do it without condoms?"
Sick right?
It’s not normal sex, it’s kinks, fetishies, and other stuff that are gateways to further degeneracy. That’s the intended purpose of this material. It’s not about sex education. Real purpose of sex education is to teach you that sex is about what? Sexual reproduction. Yes, it’s pleasurable and fun. It is also a way to express yourself with another person who you (ideally) love and care about.
“The Birds and The Bees” by Dean Martin
“Well, from population control, the natural next step then was sex. He said sex must be separated from reproduction. Sex is too pleasurable, and the urges are too strong, to expect people to give it up. Chemicals in food and in the water supply to reduce the sex drive are not practical. The strategy then would be not to diminish sex activity, but to increase sex activity, but in such a way that people won't be having babies.” - The New Order of Babarians
Okay, why the hell would you have an adult sex education class at a elementary school? Why? Like seriously why? Friggin genius! Oh course the nurse mistaken it material to be child appropriate what with the child-like cartoons right? Well, even if they were cartoons, they are very striking and creepy cartoons. I’m afraid to look further and see what other things are in this ‘safer sex’ guide.
Mmmhmm they love their HIV drugs don’t they? Like honestly, if you are at that point where your sex life is literally giving you life threatening diseases. Maybe it’s time to stop having sex. Maybe pursuit something else. Go out into nature and get some fresh air.
Come on, and get positive with HIV!

Oh my holy hell! “Safer sex is for everyone - no matter your age”
Well there ya go! This is the agenda folks! Right there in the guide!
Oh and scatophilia, really? Shit play! Honestly, these people are sick and they want your kids to be just as sick. If you can stomach it, here’s the full guide. safersexguide

Not the first time the CBC pushed for sexualizing young kids. Here’s a before and after of a kids guide to going to pride. They went back and edited their article, only after it was discovered and reported on by independent media.
Sounds like it wasn’t even fit for adults let alone children. Well no shit they should have gone through it. That’s obvious, there’s many things obvious here. Like this whole thing was centered around publishing this story. Sound crazy? Not really, the msm has been caught creating fake news on multiple occasions. Quite honestly it doesn’t even matter if it was real though, it’s how the media will use the story to push certain narratives.
Speaking of narratives, here we go.
“Oh, this smut got into the hands of children, but is it such a bad thing?”
Umm well, yes some kids might get pregnant or an std. However, WTF DO LITTLE BDSM CARTOON ANIMALS HAVE TO DO WITH GETTING PREGNANT OR STD PROTECTION? Huh? What’s that? “A step was missed”? Oh like the step between childhood and sexual deviancy? Yeah that’s a big step!
“Resilient” aww they love that word. Why do they need to about different kinds of sex? Exactly why do pre-teens need to learn about fetishes? Of course they won’t have an answer for that.
“in a perfect world” Oh, how I really can’t stand these bastards. It doesn’t require a perfect world, you could just be responsible and teach how to practise healthy sexual reproduction. You could not expose them to information that’s intended for adults. Just saying...
Parents can stop watching their media mind control, and pay attention to what their kids are doing online. That’s an idea. Certainly a better idea than school opening up the floodgates and bombarded young minds with filth.
Britain to Ban Porn for Children Under 18
The CBC is cancer for the mind, they will push every degenerative lifestyle you can think of. No one should believe anything they and instead examine what agendas they are trying to push on the reader.
Or better yet, you can just follow me and I’ll break it down for you. I’ll chew your food for ya friends lol Many thanks to all who read this and until next time.
Reporting from the BRAVE NEW WORLD, I am...
Related Reads:
2015 Vs 1998 Wynn's Sex Ed Curriculum Goes Back To The Future
"The End of Natural Motherhood?"
Gay/Trans Sex Lessons for 5-YEAR-OLDS In UK
Brave New University: UCSB Pushes for Sex play and Pornography for Kids
Why 'propaganda hub' Netflix, continues to push child pornography.
Sarah Paulson in 2011 short film, Normalizing Pedophilia
Honourable Mention:
“WOW! Canada's Insane Sex Guide Given to Preteens in BC!” By: @fakenewsreport
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Great article @venomnymous as always. Your creations always lure me in. Shit play weet mutherofgawd --- holly hell fuck. The future will be very interesting. Seems to me they're getting awfully desperate. Jeepers man how can ppl watch tv 😵 keep up the good work! And, add palnet tag bro! Have you claimed yours? Great rewards!! More than Steem on most posts. Why not earn both cryptos. It's clear you put a lot of effort into your creations.
Thanks! Yeah the future is fucked IMO lol. Palnet? Sounds familiar, but I don’t remember what that is.
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