Pedo-fashion, nothing NuNuNu.
Sorry celinununu, but Caroline Bosmans has been designing creepy kids clothes and putting them in bizarre photo shoots for years too.
To catch you up if you don’t what I’m talking about. Celiné Dion teamed up with a kids fashion line “NuNuNu”. A clothing line created by two ‘mothers’ from Tel Aviv. There’s clothing is quite disturbing as well. I’ve linked two steemit posts I made about Celiné and NuNuNu. So you can go and check those out too when you’re done here. That’s if you can stomach to look at more f’d up photos.

Celine Dion frees the gender enslaved children

It’s a Brave NuNuNu World: Célinununu’s Instagram
Alright before we go through this who is CAROLINE BOSMANS? Honestly I can find out a whole lot about the line aside from a few interviews. I’ve copied and pasted one interview from a few years back.
Posh Kids Magazine: Who is Caroline Bosmans and who is your brand aimed towards?
Caroline Bosmans: Behind the brand is Caroline Bosmans, mother of 4 kids and psychotherapist in a former life. The label focuses on parents who have taste for fashion and want to express the personality of their children. For fashionable kids with parents with guts.
Posh Kids Magazine: what makes ( C R L N B S M N S ) so unique? Caroline Bosmans: ( C R L N B S M N S ) is a high-end label, made in Belgium, so quite expensive. I am constantly looking for new, refreshing high-end materials.
Posh Kids Magazine: What does Caroline Bosmans bring to Kids fashion.
Caroline Bosmans: I am not a fan of stereotyping. I like to push the boundaries. I want a part of my collection to be gender neutral (because I hate the word unisex), pieces with a certain character. I try to transform things that cross my way, or the 'more adult themes', into kidswear. Kids are living on this earth and are part of our society. I don’t think it is necessary to expose them to everything, but we do not need to overprotect them. I try to make sure that they can fit in the current fashion scene without being offending. I think that a lot is possible, but it depends on the way you present it. I’m not a fan of birds and bees and childish drawings or colors on children's clothing. I want to be sure that I keep my own identity. I want to design what I like and I don’t want to go for the easy money… And kids deserve clothes to express their personality. Another important thing is making a collection, not just clothes. Every piece is a part of a complete story, picture. Every piece matches each other piece from the collection. I want every detail to be right. That’s why I work with a limited number of colors and design my own prints. I start every season all over again. Same signature, but totally different work. Humor is the most important thing I take into account.
Posh Kids Magazine: Where Do the motivations and inspirations for Caroline Bosmans brand come from? I try to transform things that cross my way or the 'more adult themes' into kidswear. My 4 kids are my biggest inspiration.
Posh Kids Magazine: When did Caroline Bosmans make a debut in to the fashion world. Caroline Bosmans ( C R L N B S M N S ) made an entrance in to the fashion world just in time for AW13|14 season.
Posh Kids Magazine: Is Caroline Bosmans Children's Fashion brand available worldwide? Yes! We have retailers all over the world.
Posh Kids Magazine: What is your favorite piece from your latest collection?My favorite pieces from our latest collections are all the printed pieces on the mesh fabric - source
A mother of 4 (who she uses in most of her photos) and a former psychotherapist but to drop the therapist part. Crazy Belgium woman! Belgium is a a weird place, first country to legally euthanize a 9 yr old, a 11 year old and a 17 year old, all in 2017. Unfortunately, it won’t be much longer before places like here in Canada putting down sick kids.
Below are photos I gathered from Facebook, Instagram and a website called vigilant citizen (who I think sourced from the clothing site/Instagram). Matter of fact it was VC’s coverage that brought this to my attention. So a big thanks so how’s to that guy.
It’s important to draw attention to these scumbags because they are exploiting small children in these photo shoots. Aside from being in really bizarre clothing ripe in symbolism. There’s also a lot of sexual fetish stuff. Bondage, entrapment, drugging, injury, you name it, it’s probably there. Just very un-kid friendly stuff. Anyways, there’s a a lot of photos to go through.

Basically explains the mentality of this ‘designer’. Her idea of fun is not really fun at all. She has all sorts of little messages like this throughout her Instagram.

looks like a drugging via cup of tea. Notice the human in the tea on the kids shirt. Cannibalism?

Sigh, there’s a lot of these photos, children with their bottom’s pointed up. All from the perspective of the viewer. So I mean you can imagine how this might be material for sickos to use. I mean I could understand if there was just one photo like this, that’s innocent enough (though, I wouldn’t put it on social media for just anybody to view). Because as a parent myself, I’m aware that little kids fall asleep like sometimes and it’s cute when they do. Seriously though... well you’ll see what I mean as you progress through this post.

An army of gender-neutral clones.

Covered in hands, just like how they are always trying to get their hands on the youth right?

Drugged again. There’s a few photos with white chickens. Which has relevance in pedo code.
”A chickenhawk or chicken hawk is slang used in American and British gay culture to denote older males who prefer younger males for partners, who may less often be called "chickens", i.e., the prey of the chickenhawk.” urban dictionary
There’s another photo down the line that will add some more context to the white chickens theme.

Okay like why? I think it says “Alergic” on her clothes? Can’t quite make out what the symbol is on her trim. Just a weird photo with outfits I wouldn’t put on my little girl. No friggin way!

Oh and here we have drag man and what presumably is a boy in drag. “Like father, like son” This photo makes me of the whole ‘drag kid’ phenomenon. Which, btw is heavily connected to the tv show “RuPuals drag race”. That has served to bring the fringe subculture of drag into the hearts and homes of sheep everywhere.

So happy. These kids just look like they are having a great time being exploited.

Creepy face swap.

Sick disabled children.

I don’t even know.

Dead kid and the other looking at them with a shirt that says “Ear People”. Take a guess what this is about.

The comments here are just creepy.

“ I’m pretty confused” Yeah, no kidding. Nice one eye symbolism there.


On the kid’s scarf reads the word “cloaca” in the Coca Cola font. Now remember the white chickens? Well a cloaca as define is “The common cavity into which the intestinal, genital, and urinary tracts open in vertebrates such as fish, reptiles, birds, and some primitive mammals.” - wordnik
“Mating by cloaca is known as cloacal copulation, mostly referred to as cloacal kiss.” - Wikipedia
Well you can imagine the potential sexual coding in this. However, Cloaca also means sewer and the child has rats on their jacket. Sewer Rat? And of course there’s more one eye symbolism.

Kids is grabbing their own crotch. Why?

The one eye again.

Takes guts to wear something like that. Sorry, but we can’t all wear our hearts on our sleeve. No seriously, we can’t. No but for real, I make lame jokes in order for deal with this creepy shit.

Another drugged child on a mattress and the white ‘Cloaca’ chickens around the bed. Shudders

Bruised up legs deliberately displayed. Why the focus on sick and injured kids?

Why? Just why?

What can you say about a photo like this. It’s a small child all whored up with a disturbing posed with their mouth open. To save sanity let’s imagine the child had just ran a 100-meter sprint and is simply catching their breath when the photo was taken.
More of the same.

Drugged again?

Always “Cloaca Cola” 🤮
Caged children.

See nothing, hear nothing.

Interesting photo here. We have the bull representing masculinity on a prepubescent boy who has yet to grow into his masculinity. Then we have the gun pointing down at his privates suggesting the destruction of his manhood thus the destruction of his masculinity.

Bleeding hearts and more one eye symbolism.

Just a very eerie photo.

What’s going on here?
Happy kids again

Think it was intentional that the dog is biting down on the sexual reproductive area?

Another clone army.

“Love Spray” with a gun for the handle. They are killing us with love. One love, love is love. It’s all about depopulation. They promote more sex, just up to the point before reproduction. Should that happen well... what about your careers ladies? What about your health? Having a child is dangerous to your health these days. Anyways I’ll stop myself before I go on a diatribe. Got more photos to get through.

What does that red thing look like to you? Please let me know in the comments.

Here is the Fashion Designer Caroline Bosmans. I search all over the web last night and this is the only photo I can find of her. She sure doesn’t want to show her face. I mean I’ve been on her personal and business social media and nothing.
Seems to me that perhaps she doesn’t want to be identified with her child exploiting fashion line.

What’s with the dead bunny skulls?

Who’s being stressed and who’s desserts?

More creepy doll stuff.

“Like Drag Father like Drag Son.”

This is quite an unsettling photo.

The panda is representative of the sexual abuse of a child.
That was an excruciating and mental fatiguing process. I appreciate anyone who took the time to go through these photos with me. Please share your thoughts below.
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The same people that praise this stuff
are the same that thing lolicon anime needs to be banned.
All of these photos took a lot of work, and are truly disgusting.
So... who's paying for it?
Good question. It’s hard to find a whole lot of information on this person and her ‘business’.
Curated for #informationwar (by @wakeupnd)
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I wonder who the fuck buys this stuff? Horrible...
Celebrities, apparently p.diddy’s daughter was wearing one of her jumpsuits