How to Control Things with Your Brain: A Scientific Guide
To anybody uninitiated in the world of neurocontrol, it sounds like the kind of cutting-edge technology that could only possibly exist in the future.
The fact is, however, that neurocontrol has been in use for a number of years now and is proving to be a fast-growing industry encompassing many areas of life. It’s spreading across every industry, showing up everywhere from mind-controlled drones that fly via the power of thought, to human extensions that can be moved as easily as you move the arm you were born with.
As with any fledgling form of technology, it has yet to be entirety perfected – but each day scientific breakthroughs bring us one step closer to achieving perfect harmony.
How Neurocontrol Came into Existence
In the early 18th century scientists began to turn their attention to the brain. It had already been known for centuries that the brain played a significant role in how the human body operated, but it was not clear to what extent.
Experimentation started using in-vitro test subjects such as rabbits, but quickly progressed into barbaric practices carried out on humans to assess the level of control the brain gives to the body.
During the 19th century, tools were created to perform more precise surgical operations, and even primitive methods were explored - such as trepanning (essentially boring holes into the skull). Through academics such as Freud, research started to be conducted into the psychological aspects of human life and all the while this was related directly back to how the brain functioned - and how it related to psychological disorders.
Notable instances where we glimpsed an insight into the brain include the case of Phineas Gage, who was impaled through the eye with a metal rod which destroyed much of his frontal lobe. Friends and family noticed a change of behavior in him which the new breed of psychologist rushed to study.
From cases such as these, the human interest in psychology - and as an extension how the brain functions - grew rapidly and has now found an established place in our society through psychologists and therapists adorning just about every hospital.
Problems Faced by Neurocontrol
Of course, in order to fully embrace neurocontrol, we will also need to place complete faith in technology - something that a substantial number of the population is unwilling to do. This may improve as more and more young people grow up surrounded by machinery, but there is still work to be done in winning over the hearts and minds of the current generation.
According to a 2016 study, over 50% of Americans do not trust or feel comfortable with Artificial Intelligence tech, and given that neurocontrol relies upon a complete bond between its subject's mind and appendages, this is something that will need to be changed. If neurocontrol is to become the undisputed breakthrough in science and medicine that we all know it can be, we will need to ensure that everyday citizens are educated and assured about the many and varied benefits that it can provide - and alleviate any potential associated risks.
Future Applications of Neurocontrol
Despite the skepticism, many people (and many companies) face when it comes to AI, we’re already seeing the incredible positive impacts this kind of technology can have on our lives. AI is rapidly growing and taking over many fields, allowing for advantages that ten years ago we could never have dreamed about.
Neurogress, working with both AI and neurotechnology, is already proving that the same will hold true for neuro-controlled devices. Even while the debates rage about how we can implement neurotech into society, the possibilities are exponentially multiplying. Every industry - from construction to the medical field - could be positively affected by Neurogress’ technological advancements.
We are facing more than a technological revolution; Neurogress is creatingneuro-controlled devices that could lead us to our next human revolution - our next evolution as a species. With the power of neurocontrol, jobs that once drained our time and resources could be accomplished by someone lying in bed imagining the job finished.
Thanks to companies like Neurogress, Neurocontrol technology has made huge leaps and bounds over the last two decades. Sooner than we can even imagine, neurocontrol will be ready to be rolled out as a mainstream treatment option throughout the world.
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