Psychiatry is not a science
Being a woman, being homosexual, or being black, have all been labelled “mental disorders” by the pseudo-science Psychiatry. To wrap your head around why, Psychiatry observes when human will is disturbed, human executive function as Pribram called it in 1973. A secondary effect when will is disturbed, from lack of voting rights for females before universal suffrage, or, the threat of chemical castration for homosexuals in 1950s if they were publicly exposed as being gay, is that the ability to organize and filter memes within the mind - or the “memome” - is disturbed, a so called “mental disorder”. Psychiatry is spontaneous generation theory for “mental disorder”, pretending like it develops out of nowhere, possibly with a “genetic component”. It is absolute nonsense. Yes, black slaves who wanted to flee their masters in the colonial USA did have disturbed will affecting their ability to organize ideas, and yes, women in the 1800s did have “executive disorder” that you could call Hysteria, and yes, homosexuals in the 1950s did have disturbed executive function as well. And the way to “cure” those issues, was to reform the social consensus, to introduce female suffrage, to allow homosexuals to exist within society, and to give equal legal rights to black people or people of any race or color.
Where we go from Psychiatry, as "generatio spontanea" for disturbed meme function, is into what I call "executive health", a subject that centers around the pathogens that impair executive function in humans, that disturbs human will: coercive government.
Psychiatry is not a science.