ChangeNOW - Cryptocurrency Exchange
Trusted Quality Cryptocurrency Coin Exchange

ChangeNow is one of the popular exchange services that provide simple cryptocurrency swaps. This changeNow has launched Token NOW. And is the first token created by instant exchange platform. This NOW Token will serve as an internal currency on the service to make payments for coin and promotional lists. Token Now offers exclusive features and powerful benefits like ChangeNOW's fixed rate, accelerated support, and more!
ChangeNOW is a cryptocurrency exchange platform where everyone can exchange cryptocurrencies anonymously. Instead of having to trade cryptocurrency with other users, you'd better pay ChangeNOW to buy cryptocurrency on your behalf (or you buy ChangeNOW from their collection). You will be charged for this service, but you can still enjoy the advantage of swapping the unlimited number of cryptocurrencies anonymously.
Here is the primary step-by-step process used by ChangeNOW:
#Select your cryptocurrency:
You can choose to exchange bitcoin for Ethereum, for example, or fiat for crypto in any amount. You select the cryptocurrency you want from the drop-down menu.
#Enter your wallet address:
Type in your wallet address, then click "next." If you do not have a wallet, then ChangeNOW will link you to the wallet making platform.
Confirmation: Check all information, then click Confirm.
ChangeNOW will generate a deposit address for you, and you send your deposit to that address.
Accepting Coins: ChangeNOW promises to find the best level of one in ten integrated exchanges.
Your transaction is processed, and you will receive your coin in your goal purse.
ChangeNOW states all of the following functions:
ChangeNOW does not store any personal information at all, so you do not need to create accounts on platforms if you want to exchange cryptocurrency.
#Easy to Use:
You can easily deposit your cryptocurrency into an exchange, or buy crypto using your Visa or Mastercard.
ChangeNOW has claimed always to choose the best exchange rate for you, and all costs will be clearly stated before you start trading.
ChangeNOW claims to charge a fee of 0.5% on the transaction. And they do not include any other expenses. It appears that the tax is automatically added to the exchange rate you are willing to pay. Based on the cost information, it seems that ChangeNOW is very competitive on price.
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Author: AaXray