Kambria AI
The usage of robots in day to day activities at one stage is dreamed of by many people because the stress incurred from sweeping, cooking, ironing and general house chores including also selling of products at stores will be limited greatly thereby maximizing time for them, and limiting human labour payments and inefficiencies whivh in turn generates funds for the robotics lab industry.
However this has only remained a dream as the most robots are not affordable for the masses and is only limited to research labs and companies that can afford them thereby reducing the commercial viability of robots production and wasted knowledge.
To help realize the dream of the masses and also that of software developers and hardware manufacturers, it became paramount that an avenue be created where these issues can be solved and this gave rise to Kambria platform which is powered by blockchain technology and artificial intelligence.

Kambria is a platform with the aid of blockchain technology that intends to create an open platform avenue where developers and manufacturers in the robotics industry can comes together and derive mutually beneficial services from each other. The platform intends to be the one stop shop for robotics j.e. a place where thousands of materials regarding both software and hardware robotics can be gotten from. All these contributions will be through the use of KATT Token.
Features of Kambria
✔️Code base
This is a programming language base implemented by this platform to bring in all necessary materials needed to build a robot as developers can work on different sections, return the solutions to the base and get rewarded with tokens for their contribution towards the development of the platform.

✔️Kambria manufacturing alliance
This is created as a joint venture of blockchain and ohmi labs for the production of hardware parts of robots for developers interested in getting these parts to complement their software programs and payment is made through the usage of Kambria Token.
✔️Kambria innovation marketplace
This feature was created to improve the ability of developers by posting several different competitions and challenges, with rewards given to developers that solve these challenges properly in form of tokens and this in turn increase the well being and standing of the platform as these solutions provided will eliminate various that might be encountered after on.
✔️Companion App
The use of this app by users of the platform provide opportunities for them to use the platform on the go and virtually anywhere in the world while also creating an avenue for developers to earn profitable income.
Token Feature
The KATT Token is a utility token with the ERC-20 specifications and will be used in the payment of all purchases made on the platform either software or hardware and also as an incentive to reward users that contribute their quota to the development of the ecosystem,all of which occurs as a result of the implementation of smart contracts.
In conclusion, the Kambria platform intends to successfully integrate both virtual and real-life aspects of the robotic industry with blockchain technology to bring the robotics industry to the lime light and their applications into the day to day activities of man.
Token Details
Ticker: KAT
Token type: ERC20
Fundraising Goal: 19,900,000 USD
Total Tokens: 5,000,000,000
Available for Token Sale: 50%


For More insights, visit;
Website: https://kambria.io
Whitepaper: https://kambria.io/Kambria_White_Paper_v1.1.pdf
Bounty: https://beta.bounty0x.io/bounties/385733
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/KambriaIO/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KambriaNetwork
Medium: https://medium.com/@teamkambria
Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/F_f24g8Tl7xc9KbGGNfmHw