a Well Balanced Economy - Nothing to worry about! - Everything is fine with Steemit!

in #evil8 years ago

First they gamed the liquidity-reward system, then someone found an exploit and stole hundreds of accounts and now they are uploading shit-posts to their own sock-puppet accounts that they vote for themselves. Is this a joke? No!

"The Shark-Whale" & his "criminal friends" hate #steemit and wants all the reward-money for himself, on behalf of real writers, musicians, artists, photographs & more.

The Sock-puppet content would NEVER make it on a real blog-platform.

Why can´t I vote for @ned and @dan as witnesses? Seems like they, and of course @dantheman has the best interest in mind for the platform. Steemit Inc. Has my support. This platform will thrive when the fat evil whales are gone.


LMAO @ the tags, hilarious:

evil whales drain reward-pool

Simple message. None of them seem to get it, they keep defending their actions but never address the fundamental crux of the issue... they vote for the same people and funnel/siphon the rewards to these accounts, their "friends", for the most part, and everyone else gets the left overs... This is a calling-out of their behavior. They need to engage in more personal responsibility as power-players and curate more responsibility all of the content on Steemit, not just their 60+ rep lists for their bots to auto upvote, or whatever. If they don't correct and fix this themselves by facing the mirror and listening to the community, they will end up losing in the long term. No amount of flagging to silence the issue will work. Voices will continue to speak and be heard.

I would stop using the "sock puppet" terminology though, it seems to imply these other accounts and people don't exist, which I think they do.

Take care. Peace.

The system was designed for the whales to drain ALL the reward pools. Every single thing in this ecosystem is exponentially tilted towards 50 people. It's about as deliberate and honorable as mugging a random person on the street.

I'm a new steemer, but I catch the drift. Just remember; the fat guy can't sink the boat.

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