Can you recognise the rotten smell brewing in the country?
This country smells rotten. What perplexes me is that half the population seems not to notice. They think we're just fine. The other half feels like I do. The difference between us and them, liberals and conservatives, is rooted in the concept of evil. Conservatives know evil for what it is and liberals deny its very existence. The explanation for that is simple.
Conservatives are theists and therefore believe evil is the corruption of goodness, goodness being rooted in God. Liberals are progressive social democrats and harbor our country’s new agers, naturalists, atheists and secular humanists. They deny a theistic God, necessarily making man supreme, and then make their own rules. Rule #1 is anything goes which certainly eliminates the concept of evil. Rule #2 is marginalize or eliminate theism thus eliminating the concept of righteousness, thus eliminating the concept of the corruption of righteousness, thus eliminating evil.
Once a society can't unite on what it considers evil, its lights out. At one time we thought communism, homosexual perversion, promiscuity, abortion, illegal immigration, drug abuse, pornography and political cronyism were wrong. Not anymore.