Polarization. What is it, and how it's effecting you.


You may have noticed that many people today are angry about everything. And it is directed at anyone with a differing opinion. The most recent example being the issue of gun regulation in the aftermath of the mass shooting at a Florida high school. It is seen in the backlash directed at the Black Lives Matter movement, and it is most obviously seen in the realm of politics.

The result of all of these squabbles is an us-versus-them mentality. We stop seeing the other side as human with valid arguments and concerns. Instead, we see them as savages trying to oppress our valid arguments and concerns. In its most mild form the other side is seen as weak, insidious cowards, but it can escalate until they become demonic monsters determined to eat our very souls. Unfortunately, this is not hyperbole. Take a look at some of what is said by Alex Jones. This is polarization.

Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.
--The Kybalion.

According to The Kybalion there is a mutable law of polarity. Everything exist as a set of opposites with varying degrees of intensity between them. Such as temperature with hot and cold as the polar extremes and the amount of heat present falling on a degree somewhere in the middle. Everything falls on a spectrum.

Our own views on life are usually found somewhere in the middle of the extremes presented to us. Sometimes we will lean more to one side than the other, but we are not usually found identifying all the way with one pole and none of the other. Black and white exist, but so do shades of grey and the rest of the colour spectrum for that matter.

There is also an immutable law of vibration. It states, “Nothing rest; everything moves; everything vibrates.” So when we view the mutable law of polarity through the lens of the law of vibration we see that the spectrum of the opposite extremes vibrate at different levels of intensity. One end being of a higher vibration than the other; as can be seen by the spectrum of temperature with cold having a lower vibration than hot. By nature we tend to see higher vibration as positive and lower as negative.

So, what does this have to do with me?

The fact that the law of polarity is mutable means that where we sit on a spectrum can be changed from one end to the other. Problems arise when we are pushed to take a side to the exclusion of the other. It is when we deny the validity, or even the existence of the opposite, that we fracture our vision of reality. Regardless of whether it is acknowledged, the opposite exist. It is our responsibility to be aware of both sides of the issue and place ourselves firmly on the spectrum at the place we choose to reside.

“Well, that's good. I have control over my placement on a spectrum,” you may be saying to yourself. And that is true, but unfortunately many in modern society have relinquished their responsibility and have given this control to another agency, be it the media, a political party, or some other person or group. They blindly follow wherever they put their trust without taking stock of the vibration they are absorbing and projecting back into consensus reality.

The media is one of the biggest offenders of this vagrant disregard for our material welfare. Their main goal is to attract viewers, so they will use whatever stories will move traffic to their outlets. Polarizing issues are the easiest to do this. And because so many have given them power to define one's own vibration, the media outlets monopolize our reality.

So where is the good news?

The good news is that we can voluntarily take back control by re-asserting our responsibility. We can choose to transmute the low vibrations being fed to us by those we have let dominate our mental faculties, and we can project those higher vibrations into our manifesting reality. But wait there is more. We can also help pull those around us out of the muck so that they too can resonate a higher vibration. This is how we build a better tomorrow for ourselves and those who shall come after us.

Thank you for coming on yet another journey with me. This is an issue that if left unchecked will destroy everything we have built. Let us continue to create in love as was done by those who came before so that we may leave something of value for those who come after.

If you have received value from this post please Upvote and Resteem. Your comments are always welcome for we are here to build community after all.

I love you, and keep dreaming!


So smart! It will be interesting to see what 5G holds for us. Are you familiar with Manly P Halls work? I nominated you for Steem basic income. Keep speaking the truth, I will absolutely always have your back. Bonus lecture because...Why not?

I love Manly P. Hall! There was a 6 month period in 2012, when I discovered him on YouTube, that he was the only thing I listened to. Thank you for the nomination. I'm working on speeding up my deliberate-ness to actually put out more content. And there is still so much to this platform that I just haven't had the time recently to research and learn. I am greatful for the encouragement.

You are going to do great on here. It's kind of a grind, but you always put out good content.

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