3 Keys of ManifestationsteemCreated with Sketch.

I speak often about manifesting the future, but what do I mean and how exactly does one do this. First, let us look at the word manifest and its definition. It is derived from the Latin word manifestare which means to make public. The Merriam-Webster dictionary offers the following definitions:

  1. readily perceived by the senses and especially by the sense of sight.
  2. easily understood or recognized by the mind; obvious

The uninformed believe manifestation to be the art of creating, but as we can see from the definitions presented it is actually the art of showing. I find the second definition most revealing in that it invokes the mind. For the first Hermetic principle is the principle of mentalism. It is stated,

THE ALL IS MIND; The Universe is Mental. -- The Kybalion

I shall expand on this topic in a future post, but for the present let it suffice to say that our reality is but a dream in the mind of God who/which is THE ALL. For the true nature of God as THE ALL is unknowable and unfathomable. But using the Law of Correspondence - as above, so below - we can equivocate the process by which God brings the material universe into being. If the material universe is solely a dream in the mind of God, than why can we not use our dreams and other mental processes to reveal our inner realities to the outside reality, in a way, to make public our dreams?

Learning to manifest our dreams is a process that can take a lifetime or two to truly master, but that does not mean that the process itself is complicated. As with most things, it is unfathomablely deep, yet so simple we do it unconsciously every moment of our existence. And we do it with only three key actions. So with that I give you

The 3 Keys of Manifestation

*To Centre
*To Focus
*To Release


To Centre

Centering is the first and by far the easiest of the the three keys to master. It is as simple as relaxing or meditating. In essence all you must do is BE. The best part is that you can achieve this state anywhere at anytime. While you are out shopping for groceries, while standing in line at the coffee house, while driving your 3 arguing children to school. It may take a bit of practice to handle the last example, but once you grasp the simplisity of this process, you will be able to attain it.

All you must do to centre is to detach your mind from your physical reality. You do not have to stop and sit quietly. This helps, especially, if you are new to the concept. Allow life to continue happening however it is happening in the present moment, but only obverse it without judgment. In this action you are finding the essence of your being. You realise that YOU are bigger than your body. That what makes you you is the spark of the divine consciousness that dwells within. This is your centre.

In a future post I will expand on this process. It can be used as a jumping off point for so much more than manifestation alone. But for now just begin to practice this meditation and centering daily. Soon you will be an expert at just being.

How revolutionary is this simply understanding. However, we must remain vigilant to the perspective of the ego. For this realization has led some to the conclusion that they are God. But in fact that statement is backward, and we must shift our perspective to see that God is you, you are not God. Continue to exercise this key in all areas of your live. It is the foundation on which we build our personality and our interactions with other because you must remember that God is also everything outside yourself.


To Focus

This step is the most technical. It is where the magic happens. It is where we actually build what it is we want to manifest.

There are a multitude of systems that only teach this key. They may hint at the other two or incorporate them in some small way, but the FOCUS is their main focus. The reason for this is that there is no hard and fast rule for how this key is implemented. It is completely individual to you and your connection to Source.

That does not mean that there are not some fundamental basics that can be applied. Once we have centred, we can connect to the Infinite Void of Chaos. This is the primordial potential for all possibilities. It is from this Void of Chaos that we find the materials with which we can fashion our vision on the mental plane. Remember, "The Universe is Mental." This is the core concept behind things such as vision-boards and affirmations. Those are some of the tools we can use to shape what we pull from the Void.

This is the science expressed in many magical and spiritual systems. We will focus on this in the future. For now begin to make a conscious connection to what exactly you want to build. Make a blueprint of the life you want to live. Use a vision-board or some other tool at your disposal to focus your desire. But remember to do it when you have gone to your Centre and have connected with the divine creator within you.


To Release

This for most including myself is the hardest of the 3 Keys to master. Once you have centred and connected to your inner divine; and once you have blueprinted and built the mansion of your life on the mental plane; you must now project it into the Universe and Let It Go. As long as we continue building on the mental plane, our goal is stuck there. It cannot be transmuted into the material unless we first release it. Once the work is finished we must take our day of rest.

This is where the manifestation comes about. It is on the mental plane that we create. But for that creation to be perceived by the senses, it must be made manifest on the material. This means that we must release it completely. Do not dwell on it. Do not keep calling it back to the mental. Allow it to find its way to you.

As I said this is the hardest process to follow. That is why so many fail because they are unable to detach themselves from the goal. But we already have that key. To detach we simply follow the spiral of time back to the beginning and the first key: To Centre. For every ending is a new beginning. And we ourselves have been transmuted to a higher vibration in the process.

And so we part ways once again. If this post has brought value to your life please upvote and resteem. Comments are always welcome.

I love you and keep dreaming!


Thank you for this post!! I have been trying to manifest for a while now and researched online, but you have explained it more simple...
"You have the power to create the life you always dreamed of"

I have been absent for a long while. I am happy that I was able to help. My goal is to teach people who they are and simplicity is the key. :-) Thank you for your feed back.

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