Why is there a no-fly-zone above and around the North Pole? If only people understood how hospitals are generally full of Super Germs, imagine turning the entire world into a live hospital. Some of the secrets of the Skull & Bulls secret society, which many U.S. Presidents were members of, were leaked on the 29th of October of 1975 during the Frank Church Committee. Welfare Socialism accelerated in America in the 1930s through FDR. Some of the goals of Skull & Bones includes destroying the church and especially the family, it started back in 1830 in America but has connections to especially Germany in particular. The Illuminati and other secret societies and groups hated George Washington who wrote dozens of letters regarding them, you can still find those letters if you want to read them.
Skull & Bones
Back in the 1800s, royalty was a term meaning not just government as some of the nations had kings but also religious, for a long time, government had those two attributes of having kings who were there on behalf of God or gods or deities of some sort or another. Skull & Bones were seeking to end family and royalty. People have heart attacks, Covid did it says the fake news. People take Covid Vaccines and then die of a heart attack, fake news will then say those deaths have nothing to do with the vaccines but when a person is hit by a car and then dies, the same fake news will say Covid totally took the wheel of the car to drive run those people to their demise.
2021, March
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2021-03-27 - Saturday
Oatmeal Daily - 2021-03-27 - Saturday
Published in March of 2021
Red Sea has a rabbit hat?
By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
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If only people understood how hospitals are generally full of Super Germs, imagine turning the entire world into a live hospital.
Some of the goals of Skull & Bones includes destroying the church and especially the family, it started back in 1830 in America but has connections to especially Germany in particular.
Did you know there is a lot stuff online which you cannot find via Google Search?
All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.
Breaking News
Telling The Truth in a World of Lies
12:36 PM
Welfare Socialism accelerated in America in the 1930s through FDR.
The American Badass
10:00 PM - Killing Uber Eats Drivers, But My Phone
Mayor Bowser's D.C. They murdered an Uber Eats driver in DC.
Remember who the real victims are: the two black girls who were driven by White supremacy and capitalism to steal a man’s car and murder him.
Thank god the National Guard and the police, disempowered from actually enforcing the law, were on scene to do absolutely nothing but take a statement from the two murderers and then inform the man’s family of his passing.
I like the part at the end where one of them is complaining about how her phone is still in the car of the man she and her pal murdered.
Covid News
For more info, please visit Banned Video
03:32 PM
People have heart attacks, Covid did it says the fake news. People take Covid Vaccines and then die of a heart attack, fake news will then say those deaths have nothing to do with the vaccines but when a person is hit by a car and then dies, the same fake news will say Covid totally took the wheel of the car to drive run those people to their demise.
10:50 PM
The more you submit, the worse it gets. It started with 15 days.
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Oatmeal Health
Red Audio Cable Broke
2021-03-27 - Saturday - 02:40 PM - Tech Log
I noticed my red audio cable broke, the end, the cable was disconnecting from the end piece which was plugged into my speaker which is connected to my laptop. It was audio cord which was connected to my spare headphones set. My original headphone is slightly broken and I'm thinking of trying to buy a better kind of headphones. The problem with these 2 headphones is in how the ears can flip around too much. It's a good feature but was done probably cheaply. I don't need that neat feature for the ear parts of the headphones. It is good that the headphones have an audio jack for connecting audio cables. It was good I had spare audio cables. The kind I was using, the red ones, were not as strong and the inside wires were exposed. It probably broke as I sometimes crash onto my computer couch chair recliner which is near the speaker which is on the brown mother desk. The speakers have a jack for audio cables to plug into. I was able to plug in my spare audio cable and that is working now. I will try to be more careful around these things so I don't break the audio cables or the headphones which can be broken if you sleep on them. Earphone may be better in some ways for sleeping on or in some settings. Better yet, I may also consider having wireless headphones or hybrid headphones that can do detachable audio cables and wireless. And I want to make sure the parts are stronger so the ear parts don't break. I've bought many headphones and earphones for years, I was born in 1985 in Oregon USA and have used earphones and headphones going back to the 1990s, the pasty thirty years, I've experienced and seen all kinds of things. I bought my first detachable headphones around the summer of 2020 and I wrote about some of that. Bought a second set around December of 2020. When there is a problem with the audio cable, buy a new cable as opposed to buying a new headphone altogether. Now, I am using one headphone and the other one is broken. I am using one audio cable and have a few spares, maybe three or four at the most is my guess. I should count them. I have other older audio cables and at least one broken audio cable. I also have other headphones and earphones and some of those may be pretty old and some may be broken or in bad condition at least.
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12:55 PM
Who really won the Myanmar election in 2021?
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Regarding Sydney Powells
Scott Adams wrote
Challenge: Be Sydney Powell’s defense attorney and win the Dominion case with your opening sentence. I’ll go first. “I’m a lawyer advocating for my client, Ms. Powell, and I’m wondering how many of you think everything I say about Dominion today should be assumed to be a fact.”
I replied
Problem is people lie all the time both knowingly and unknowingly regarding a wide variety of topics in life. The penalty for the crime of stealing an election should be bigger than the crimes of potentially or allegedly going against the leftist-based fact-checkers.
Chat with me on YouTube
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The Thinking Shoe
There once lived a woman who lived in a shoe, she had so many women, I mean kids, she didn't know what to do. So she started thinking thinking like Winnie The Pooh thinks really hard.
And henceforth and forevermore, the shoe became known as the thinking shoe ahaha, that is what came to my mind when I saw your title to this post, I thought about that woman with all of her children.
The one thing that helps when I'm overthinking like a Harry Potter on a train of libraries is routine. Chores helps free the mind. So, I make sure to give myself some time to watch something fun and to relax.
Some people should think more and other people should put to action what they're thinking or find a distraction to disrupt the rage of proton and electrons inside their nuggets of a skull. Finding that right balance between thinking and not thinking is music to my ears. Oh, that reminds me, comedy, music, dance, art, sports, can all help a person find some balance for the human computer.
Super Germs in Hospitals
If only people understood how hospitals are generally full of Super Germs, imagine turning the entire world into a live hospital.
Mirrorless Magic
My favorite of these three is the middle one, the spark in the eyes, the purple hair, the posture is stunning, and the thing that I particularly like which stood out was the rose tattoo.
I don't know much about Minnesota but it must be interesting. Another thing that caught my eye was the tattoo of a girl in a dress, looks like she is holding an umbrella, she reminds me of Alice in Wonderland.
Watch Commentary
Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc
The Umbrella Academy
2021-03-27 - Saturday - 01:26 AM - 02:14 AM - The Umbrella Academy 210
2006 was the funeral for Ben, the father gave a great speech about good vs evil but then said they failed. I don't like how the boy doesn't talk. That is not normal but vaccines have made many kids unable to talk. But it is not good. It is not normal. They go to the future and find things to be different. End of season 2. Stay tune for season 3 coming in like a year or so.
Euphoria 103
2021-03-27 - Saturday - 02:53 AM - 03:50 AM - Euphoria 103
Do people really gain weight that quickly? I don't know. I would say sometimes faster and sometimes slower depending on the person. But eating a lot food may not make you fast. You can be fat even if you eat a little. You don't like swords. You don't like real men. You don't like men with lotion but it is ok when you do it. Bitcoin is not anonymous but that is what they say on the show.
Banned Video
Skull & Bones in 1830 or around 150 years ago or longer it was founded.
On the 23rd of April of 2001, ABC recorded what they called the first ever filmed Skull & Bones ritual which they showed on ABC 20 years ago, you can hear people screaming and yelling, it sounds like, "We have a boy, we have a boy," and you see a man simulating stabbing, the reporter said this was a ceremony as 15 new members were being initiated.
Some of the secrets of the Skull & Bulls secret society, which many U.S. Presidents were members of, were leaked on the 29th of October of 1975 during the Frank Church Committee.
Skull & Bones funded the nacho cheese, that man with the mustache during the second world war in Germany.
12:36 PM
Welfare Socialism accelerated in America in the 1930s through FDR.
She said it started in 1830.
Some of the goals of Skull & Bones includes destroying the church and especially the family, it started back in 1830 in America but has connections to especially Germany in particular.
Down with the family and royalty.
01:08 PM
Back in the 1800s, royalty was a term meaning not just government as some of the nations had kings but also religious, for a long time, government had those two attributes of having kings who were there on behalf of God or gods or deities of some sort or another. Skull & Bones were seeking to end family and royalty.
End nationalism.
End borders.
Some people say the people and/or whatever they are have arrived on earth around 400,000 years ago.
They also say that they took the dinosaurs to a bigger planet to be protected.
They say the oldest parts of all the oceans are all around 400K old at the oldest, that is the oldest parts according to some.
They say there was a previous world flood millions of years ago before even the Noah's Flood as seen in the Bible.
I don't know if these things are true or not.
Do some people have lizard eyes? Maybe.
T-Rex dinosaurs are hybrids they say.
People have heart attacks, Covid did it says the fake news. People take Covid Vaccines and then die of a heart attack, fake news will then say those deaths have nothing to do with the vaccines but when a person is hit by a car and then dies, the same fake news will say Covid totally took the wheel of the car to drive run those people to their demise.
Alien mummies it looks like, they say the DNA looks different.
They say there are aliens from Orion who eat babies.
They say the Orion Aliens are the Reptilian Creatures who live underground and who came before the ana-nocky, that they cannot live on the surface kind of like vampires well unless if they are drinking the blood of people. Shape shifters.
Why is there a no-fly-zone above and around the North Pole?
Nicholas Veniamin
Did America actually lose World War 2 secretly?
Does only 80% of electricity go to ground?
If there are other planets with beings, they would most likely have to terraform earth to make like their planets.
Narobi planet?
Sulkra, like fiber optics to different organs in our body.
Like Tron. Hawaii Early 1990s apx. She told him he is a clone, this man with a straw hat, that is why he smells so bad. A rover on the backside of the moon near a lake he says. And then he saw a man with a hand or hands who then told him why. He said he was telepathic. And that may be true or maybe not. Our spirit may be like an internal shadow.
Is there a central sun which all stars orbit?
Random Yoko 2
09:15 PM - [LIVE] Let's Talk About #Biden Press Conference, #GenderEquality, #Japan, and #Gaming
The algorithm is fine with politics as long as you say what they want you to say.
Trying to thrive on YouTube is like trying to dance in a mine field.
One problem is when YouTube does not recommend your videos to people. They kind of do that sometimes.
Multilingual hubs do very well online.
My first chat room was via Yahoo Chat back in like 1998.
I was locked out of some of my Yahoo Email accounts over the years.
I was locked out of some of my Yahoo Email accounts over the years.
I like the five stars system.
YouTube had YouTube Video Responses.
I miss the YouTube Video Responses.
YouTube Video-Comments were fun to make.
Facebook had not a family tree but a Friends-Tree where it showed how you were connected to your friends and your friend's friends and so on.
The problem was when you got onto dial-up Internet via AOL, it went through your landline phone and that meant you could not use your phone to call because the Internet was going through the telephone..
I prefer MySpace over Facebook.
MySpace, Bebo, etc.
I miss Xanga.com
I used Lime Wire, Bit Torrent, etc.
Time Keeper 777
10:27 PM - THE ALEX JONES SHOW (FEB 27, 2021)
Tucker played.
Yale is a club and they assume and presume if you are there then you are in the evil club.
Poistergeist, they actually rape and possibly murdered a little girl on a Hollywood set in real life for that movie, maybe in that movie.
Watch Log
Here is a list of what I'm watching
The Umbrella Academy
2021-03-27 - Saturday - 01:26 AM - 02:14 AM - The Umbrella Academy 210
Euphoria 103
2021-03-27 - Saturday - 02:53 AM - 03:50 AM - Euphoria 103
Banned Video
Banned Video
Nicholas Veniamin
Random Yoko 2
09:15 PM - [LIVE] Let's Talk About #Biden Press Conference, #GenderEquality, #Japan, and #Gaming
Time Keeper 777
10:27 PM - THE ALEX JONES SHOW (FEB 27, 2021)
The Illuminati and other secret societies and groups hated George Washington who wrote dozens of letters regarding them, you can still find those letters if you want to read them.
Chores Log
2021-03-27 - Saturday - Chores Log
Dear diary, got up at 10:55 AM. Around 11:15 AM to 12:05 PM, screw on 3 extra metal laces to the bean shaft behind the book shed for support, used one set of screws but later used the more suitable silver colored screws. No magnet in the yard shed I don't think, I just looked. Recycling. I ate while watching a 2004 Harry Potter movie, the prisoner of Aslan or whatever, the part where Harry thinks he saw his dad but it might be him. He figured out how to do something as he did it before he said. Big birds to fly on. Outside of that one garden project, I went through things in the front garage and living room. I gathered up random things including DVDs, CDs, to review. Also, a few photos to scan.
Food Log
2021-03-27 - Saturday - Food Log
Here is what I'm eating, drinking, consuming, digesting, my diet. Breakfast: coffee, banana, apple, 11:07 AM. Lunch: orange, 3:21 PM. Soup, 3:35 PM. Dinner: soup on potato, 8 PM. And then there was some cherry chocolate ice-cream, I had a spoon full and liked it and then there was a bit of pecan ice-cream which was almost as good while watching Harry Potter. A bagel today.