50th St Paul's Carnival Bristol U.K
Carnivals in England are usually the sort of thing best left to families for a cheap evening out. They only tend to happen once a year per town but you can get a year's supply of gaudy neon plastic for less than £20. Have to say here I had not been to a city carnival before...
My misinformed opinion was soon to be enlightened.
St.Pauls Carnival in Bristol was an absolute explosion of colour, music, food and dance. The wellspring from which the likes of Banksy and Massive attack bubbled up, put on a damn good show!
As mentioned earlier, this was the 50th event and it did not disappoint.
For a full history of the carnival I have included the wiki
The sun was baking us vigorously, we crammed ourselves into a comfortable sweat hole and the procession began:
The one that got away, sorry for the blur, had to be quick!
Thank you for reading. I shall try to throw together a video of all the random footage if any wishes to see it!