Why, eugenics is a must

in #eugenics6 years ago

Why, Eugenics is a must

We all want pleasure, and to avoid and relieve pain, and to secure access to that pleasure and relief / avoidance / security of possession of good, and avoidance of bad

The attractive can work on their attractiveness, to secure access to sex, security, money etc

The smart, talented, etc who are not attractive can work with these other genetic resources if they are not attractive, and still attract an attractive mate, sex partner/s, money, security etc

It takes work to take full advantage of these genetic potentials received as windfalls, and which 'leverage' any effort, sacrifice, and risk the possessor takes, to yield results that motivate such effort, sacrifice, and risk.

The average person with none of the above is at a disadvantage Vis a Vis the above, who enjoy what economists call 'rents'. A rent is a return to effort, sacrifice, and risk, which results from the LEVERAGE / amplifying effects of physical attraction, talent, and intellect.

The unattractive, with no particular talents or intelligences or physical attractiveness (sex appeal, beauty, charm), are born at an UNEARNED and therefore UNFAIR disadvantage Vis a Vis the above. And they are bound to resent this disadvantage. And feel at minimum frustration and irritation, and more likely malicious envy and resentment of this unfair, unjust, inequality.

The fortunate have their efforts, sacrifices, and risks, magnified, amplified, leveraged, multiplied, boosted, expanded, extended, stretched, inflated, and so on, so that 1 unit of effort-sacrifice-risk yields, for THEM, multiple rewards above and beyond what their input of effort-sacrifice-risk. This is the real MULTIPLIER EFFECT of real RENTS. Gratuitous returns to effort-sacrifice-risk. These are the original WINDFALL profits of existing.

This leaves the less fortunate with the option of accepting this misfortune, and ignoring their feelings of resentment, and malicious envy, at the injustice they were born into. Or of deciding to take NON legitimate forms of action as means to 'compensate' for the unfair genetic distribution of talent, intelligence, and attractiveness.

Of course everyone imagines themselves the victim of an unjust distribution. Even the most talented, intelligent, and attractive feel malicious envy for those MORE intelligent, talented, and attractive than themselves. So there will never be a perfect world, as long as we value variety. But there is an OPTIMAL balance of variety within a relatively narrow range of genetic inheritances.

We could ensure that most people were born with a high enough BALANCE of intelligence, talent, and attractiveness, that they could ALL earn a similar access to pleasure, and avoidance and relief from pain, and the secure possession of these resources, and thus ALL be similarly MOTIVATED to contribute the effort, sacrifice, and risk, required to REALISE the potential of their genetic inheritances, in terms of pleasure and avoidance and relief from pain.

If something designed this world, then it was either not very intelligent / competent, or actually malicious, or at least not conscientious enough if its intentions had originally been beneficent. This world is like a Hollywood film. Based on CONFLICT. Drama. At best a tragic comedy. At worst a horrific, 'theatre of the absurd' piece.

Conflict IS the key to producing experience engines, as I explain in my last TROONATNOOR guide '(Re) Writing the script of your life'. But there is productive conflict and there is unproductive conflict. Even destruction of existing forms is required to be productive of 'new' forms. But you CAN make an omelet without breaking a single egg, IF you care enough about the egg being broken, to apply yourself to the challenge. And my EDEN PROTOCOLS are all about inputting some intelligences INTO the design of our world. And if it turns out this world was designed with MALICIOUS intent, then we can RE-design it, and IMPROVE it. Though there is NO need to assume any designer. Certainly NOT an intelligent one, given the consistent errors and flaws in this world. It is NOT a result of failure to adhere to some arbitrary dogmas about which direction to face when defecating, or by trying to appeal to its supposed creator's 'good side', when clearly IF this world WAS deliberately designed by a capable designer, then their intentions were NOT good, and WE were NOT the intended beneficiary OF it.

If you allow people to reproduce inequality, then YOU are reproducing INJUSTICE. YOU are behaving UN-justly. UN-fairly. Stubbornly refusing to give up the BENEFITS you imagine you will gain by protecting the right to reproduce, and forcing future persons to be born, unequal, and face the same dilemma YOU face, of deciding to be selfish, and reproducing, and enforcing the right for anyone to reproduce themselves, or of acting in the INTERESTS of future persons, by doing your best to ensure they ALL receive an adequate genetic inheritance.

When all people benefit from their own effort-sacrifice-risk more or less equally, then they are all equally motivated to invest that effort-sacrifice-risk and we have a very productive, creative, innovative society with healthy competition, fairly equal and fair outcomes, and thus justice for all. Earned inequality is just, so long as the 'rents' are more or less equal.

Right now the only way most people can gain access to the pleasures this world has to offer, in terms of attractive mates/partners, and an interesting and rewarding lifestyle, is to interact DESTRUCTIVELY. To attempt to deceive others. To lie, cheat, and misrepresent. The only way the unattractive person can attract an attractive mate is to be able to offer them financial and social and OTHER material benefits to compensate for the lack of the more authentic physical benefits of sex appeal, beauty, and charm. And unless they are born with some particular talent or intelligence, they will have to attempt to redistribute resources FROM those who DO produce value, to themselves. So we have politics, finance, warfare, deception, fraud, and appropriation/theft being the underlying 'business' of this world. Rather than honest work. Honest effort-sacrifice-risk. PRODUCTIVE work. That produces value. Rather than merely finds creative ways to APPROPRIATE value from the work of OTHERS.

The need to write this overcame me just after waking up. I don't want to be writing intellectual stuff anymore. I've suffered too many migraines, nausea, inflamed sinuses, cluster headaches, and all that. And it seems I've had about zero impact. You will NOT listen to reason, no matter how clearly it is presented to you. It is NOT your fault you were designed so badly. And not my fault that I do not have the resources of the cult of Judah, to 'correct' that faulty design, and compensate for it, FOR you.

If you want to avoid worlds like this, experience engines like this, and experiences like this world, then read all my TROONATNOOR books for free, by downloading them as PDF, ePub, or Mobi e-book formats, from my TROONATNOOR Patreon and WordPress etc pages. And if you want me to have the resources necessary to improve YOUR world, then provide me with them. Otherwise I have no magic super powers to do any good in this world. Other than write. And hope someone reads, and understands, and benefits.

Go Vegan, for as you do unto other sentient beings, so shall be done unto you

Oh, and support my application for political asylum in Norway. I am under no obligation to continue to try to save anyone. To continue suffering for other's benefit. I've done all I can do. And it seems I was not destined to do anything but save myself. Which might be all anyone is required to do. I just thought maybe I could help others, as others have helped me, who have written, and published, and suffered, so that I could benefit from THEIR insights. And their suffering. So maybe it was NOT all in vain.

Justice is indivisible. Stop being a hypocrite. Defining ONLY yourself as victim. When in reality we are ALL perpetrators of monstrous crimes against other sentient beings. Against all those beings we have MORE power than. And can thus use as mere means to our own ends. Whether a Chinese factory worker or a battery hen.

And come on people. It is time to reject the pathetic, destructive, fatuous cult of Judah religions, and start down the path of philosophy. Seeking truth. If any of the fucks who claim to 'know' anything, really did, then we would NOT be living in this shit-hole we accept as 'the best of all possible worlds'. Maybe YOU live on the top of this pile of shit and suffering, and don't even have to smell it, let alone live IN it. But that is just temporary. You will certainly get your FAIR share of it, in future lives, if not during the rest of your present one.

So happy next lives. See those of you who reject worlds like this, 'on the other side'. Philosophy is the true 'course in miracle's and 'living resurrection'. The Cult of Judah religions are all your ENEMY, your FALSE friends, not your true friends. And so your TRUE friend, the authentic philosopher, the seeker, will always be defined, by the dominant hegemonic Cult of Judah institutions, including their education and legal systems, and their mass media, as an adversary, and thus evil / criminal.

Markus Rehbach in Exile in Estonia, this day 30 August, 2019, and now back to my music (actually learning 'Here I go again' for guitar and vocals, and then getting back to my own original music, living on a few dollars a day, not very well, but most importantly remaining free to write what I just did, and do what I do, until I can't do it any more...well until I no longer feel I HAVE to / should ... if I'm lucky I'll just fall down dead and be free of all this fatuous theatre of the absurd, with more horror and violence and misery than any Hollywood script writer could ever get away with!)

Just to give you an idea of how much pain I’ve endured, and how little pleasure I’ve enjoyed, consider this. A day WITHOUT pain, or the clear and present threat of it (being on the verge of a migraine or similar), is the EXCEPTION to my life. It has been for at least the last 15 years or so. Even if I manage to ‘still’ my thoughts and NOT think and plan and strategize and anticipate, in an attempt to counter and prevent as much of the crap people do, and try to do, to me, and each other, and other sentient beings, and remain calm, and relaxed, and maintain the correct posture, and breathing, and TMJ exercises, stretching, and general ‘migraine symptom alertness’, successfully, during the night I have no control of my mind. I’ve often woken up with terrible muscle tension, migraines, cluster headaches, sinus inflammation, and nausea, simply from the thoughts my mind produced while I was asleep.

Every morning before I get up, I have to remove all pillows, and stretch to my full length, in every direction. Then massage my neck and shoulder muscles. Carry out my TMJ exercises (see my Vocal Training Guide for details). Do my best to relax. The curl up in a ball on my side as the reflex of that stretching. Then get out of bed a special way, rolling onto my side with my hand supporting my head and neck, moving my legs over the side of my bed, then pushing myself up from the bed with my free hand. All to avoid placing strain on my neck muscles.

I need to focus on standing to my full height, using the Alexander method and similar visualisations and posture cues also outlined in my Vocal Training Guide. Stretching and pulling my head upwards, and lifting my chest up, and my shoulders down. Which for someone self-conscious like me is hard when I think people are watching, with critical eyes. See all my TROONATNOOR books if this doesn’t resonate with you.

I do my vocal training exercises as much to improve my singing as to prevent and managed migraines. Which is why I’ve made my ‘Vocal Training Guide’ available to everyone free of cost to them. I’ve already paid the cost. Go to TROONATNOOR Patreon for free downloads of all my books in PDF, e-Pub, and Mobi formats. I want people who need the information to have access to it, so THEY can profit from it, more than I desire to profit, monetarily, myself, from my effort, sacrifice, and risk.

I’m leveraging off innate genetic potentials I don’t find that widely distributed among the human population. Or if they exist, few people are employing them for the good of ALL sentient beings, rather than just for their own selfish, materialistic, pleasure, and relief of and avoidance of pain. I’ve been pushing myself hard, to relieve the suffering of ALL sentient beings, and to avoid ALL sentient beings having to suffer unproductive and unnecessary pain. And to offer pleasure for ALL sentient beings. Let’s see if my novels or music manage that last one. Because clearly I have ZERO power to manage to earlier. Other than in my personal daily interactions with other sentient beings. Which are extremely limited, given my economic, romantic, and general SOCIAL poverty.

Today is a typical day. I’m on the verge of my neck solidifying into a solid mass that no level of massage or posture control or breathing and relaxation and stretching exercises can ‘relax’. So I am, like most days, living on the edge of a migraine. And ONLY people who actually suffer them can understand how nasty they are. Jesus on a cross? As the Monty Python comedian repeatedly comments ‘that’s a doddle’, compared to being, like Freud, a ‘migraine martyr’. A day and a bit on a cross, with some nice Roman narcotic to smooth the path to the other side, sounds like a picnic compared to a 3 day migraine attack. Not just because of the 3 days. But because of the past history of continual such attacks. And the ‘confidence’ that this will NOT be the last one. Unlike Jesus’ ‘tribulations’. And he had a glorious future to look forward to. And HE knew that HIS suffering was NOT ‘in vain’. That it would be productive. But WAS it? How many children, women, and men, and animals, have been butchered in HIS name, in honor of HIS sacrifice? How many injustices have been committed in honor of HIS suffering?

Yep, so better stop thinking and writing for now. Try to focus on all my exercises. Get that coffee into me. And get back to my music. Hoping my LIVING sacrifice might achieve something that Jesus’ death on a cross couldn’t.

Please get a free copy of my ‘Vocal Training Guide’ and make videos of the exercises, and start classes at your local schools and halls, for children and adults. Even in the nation of the ‘Singing Revolution’ I can’t find anyone to work with me. Remember my own mother, father, and family want nothing to do with me. So I probably will only ever manage things that I can do on my own. Which is write. And think. And research. And publish. And offer at no cost to YOU, because I have already paid the price. And will pay an even higher price when called upon to. Because there is no living as a free man among slaves. There is no living as an honest man among liars. There is no living as a philosopher, among the ignorant. There is no living in Ma’at, among people motivated by malice, and SELFISH greed.

Sure I want pleasure and relief from pain, and to avoid pain, at least as much as the next person. But I understand I have to work THROUGH a lot of discomfort and even pain, to GET to that pleasure. A pleasure I can then be SECURE in. A relief I can SECURE. A security FROM pain that allows me to ENJOY that pleasure.

And no-one can enjoy a SELFISH pleasure. Unless EVERYONE is free to enjoy THEIRS. ‘If you don’t get yours, I won’t get mine as well’, to quote a wise old Englishman, who built HIS own ‘Oasis’.

Walls won’t keep the unhappy out, leaving you to enjoy your selfish happiness. You will NOT be able to protect your family from the natural, malicious, envy and jealousy of others, if you work at making GOOD and PLEASURE and COMFORT and SUCCESS and HAPPINESS a scarce resource and experience.

I can only live free among the free, who are NOT trying to en-slave ME!
I want ONLY what EVERYONE who is willing to invest the effort, do the hard work, take the risks, and make the sacrifices, to have, CAN HAVE. THAT is the ‘benchmark’ I would use as ‘Philosopher King’.

Oh, and yes, I realise no Philosopher King would EVER be elected. Not just under the current Cult of Judah Hegemonic Domination of our political process. But under ANY ‘natural’ condition. Because ONLY the person who has gained the wisdom required to attempt to meet the obligations and responsibilities of that position would vote FOR themselves. Most other people will ALWAYS be so FAR from wise, that they would HATE the potential philosopher King, and do all in their power to HARM them, rather than support them, and provide them with the resources required to MEET their obligations and responsibilities. To become RESPONSE-ABLE.

So I guess nothing will change on THIS plane-et. And all I can hope for is to gain relief FROM it, and to have gained access to plane-ets more appropriate for a person like myself. With aspirations like myself. With ethics like myself. With understandings like myself. With motivations like myself. With intentions like myself.

Nothing IS better than THIS. But I expect there are infinite options out there. And entry to them is gained by changing your attitude. Your way of thinking and being. Thus ‘raising’ your TONE. Your ‘resonant frequency’. See my other TROONATNOOR publications for details.

I hope I get to escape this prison planet. And the monsters on it. Which I was one of.

I hope something I did, the sacrifices I made, the efforts I invested, the risks I took, and the suffering I endured, not only help ME, but also help YOU. And as many other sentient beings as possible.

I’m still in this experience engine called Markus. If anyone wants to help me try to ‘optimalise’ this plane-et, and at very least raise their own resonant frequency / TONE, then you can find me easy enough. Maybe I’ll be in prison. Compared to the OTHER Cult of Judah punishments, metered out at ‘black sites’ around the world, THAT would ‘be a doddle’, to quote that Monty Python character in ‘Life of Brian’. At least I’d probably get my teeth fixed. Would eat MUCH better. And have a MUCH better social life. I am MORE likely to get laid by a female guard or other prison worker, than I am out here, based on the last 15 years or so track record I’ve had with women. Many swings but ZERO hits! Yep, it’s not much fun being me. I will NOT miss much about this experience engine called ‘Markus’.

Pretending we are all ‘equal’ doesn’t make it so. And will NOT prevent the suffering genetic inequality produces. Without a rational Eugenics program, a POSITIVE Eugenics program, based on RATIONAL factors (not race-based for example), and designed to offer ALL people the BEST of genetic inheritances (rather than to construct a ‘brave new world’ and even ‘Republic’ type programmed IN-equality), there can be NO ‘optimal’ society or ‘optimal’ experience. The experience engine you inherit LIMITS your positive potential. And no later ‘tinkering’ on the level of ‘society’ can compensate for it. The society is another level of ‘experience engine’, just like the ‘laws of physics’ of this ‘plane-et’ itself. But unless the experience engine you call your ‘self’ is optimal, and has the potentials required to facilitate a positive life experience, a rewarding and satisfying life experience is simply not possible. And the resentment, envy, jealousy, and frustration will lead people with sub-optimal genetic inheritances to destructive, malicious, harmful, behaviors. Behaviors which will become institutionalised AS institutions. As laws. As social systems. As cults. As religions. As economic systems. As monetary systems. As dogmas. And produce the world we currently ENDURE, rather than truly LIVE in.

And WILL continue to endure, UNTIL you decide you are no longer going to play THAT game. Until you realise there IS a ‘better way to be’, and a ‘better game to play’.

The sort of game I offer. The sort of way I have set out in my TROONATNOOR guides.

Happy NEXT lives. I can’t see how THIS life has any real hope of coming close to what I, and people LIKE me, could offer, if you let me. I am HOPING there ARE more people like me on this plane-et. But maybe they all LEFT already. Or are in the process of leaving. And maybe only YOU can save YOU. If so, I’ve offered you all the tools I have discovered, in my painstaking search. Through my dogged labors. At much great PERSONAL cost. I hope YOU get some benefit from them.

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